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Trusting The Universe - Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy & Compassion (15 May 2019).

Beloved brothers and sisters,

This is, Kwan Yin, your Sister in Love.

Adele is channeling for & communicating with me for the very first time in this particular lifetime and we are in the middle of getting wonderfully reconnected once more.

For those of you here who do not know who I am, I am known by many in the spiritual circle as an Ascended Master who represents the Divine Feminine; a soul who represents the following benevolent, loving, God-virtues of: Mercy and Compassion.

With the last powerful message from Sananda (titled: ‘How to create miracles - Part 1’), there is a need to balance His Divine Masculine energies, with my own - so that Harmony is achieved once more.

Members of Adele's previous groups had learnt that I am a member of the Karmic Board; in charge of overseeing the evolutionary developments of ALL embodied souls currently on Earth. And as such, there are many things that I would like to share with all of you here today.

Now that Earth has recently crossed the threshold of the 5th Dimension, it is important for all of you to learn, right now, how to operate in the new 'operating system' your planet has adopted. Complete adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws is therefore a must, for chelas who are serious and committed to successfully Ascending in this lifetime.

Much of what is currently happening on planet Earth right now, is caused by a greater movement that we, your higher-dimensional friends, would classify as the 'Re-balancing of Karma'. The world is in for many big surprises, loved ones.

Shocking revelations will soon be the norm, and, there will be many breakdowns of long-established organizations, groups, beliefs/programmings, power structures, that may potentially create chaos, confusion, fear or unease.

It is time for all of you to 'hold on to your seats' and prepare yourselves even more thoroughly, as things are going to get ‘interesting’.

You need to look at these future events, never from the perspective of fear, instead, simply adopt the naturally Harmonious/Calm/Peaceful attitude that is your Higher Self.

There is a magnificent, God-Spark within your Higher Heart chakra, that is (secretly perhaps, *laughed) completely enjoying & loving every single minute of this thrilling journey you are on!

Your I AM Presence perfectly knows, that you are in for a very fun roller-coaster ride!

Is there anyone here who has never been on a real roller-coaster ride before?

When you have chosen to go on this ride (perhaps to tag along with your friends/loved ones) to experience how it feels, how the ride will go, will completely depend on your attitude going into it.

If you go into it filled with excitement and anticipation - fully knowing the course that lies ahead will be full of ups and downs, sometimes you will be veering to the left, sometimes the right; all done in frighteningly high speed - the ride will truly become a very thrilling, amazing ride of your life! You will know without a doubt, although at times it can be a bit scary, it is also a completely safe experience that will be over soon enough, and there is nothing left to do except for you to focus on simply: enjoying the experience!

However loved ones, if you were to go into the ride, filled with overwhelming fear or dread - trust me when I say that every single moment of that ride will feel excruciating to you. Whilst you are riding the roller coaster, the entire journey will feel as though it is never-ending.

Your senses will be giving you all sorts of alarms (physical, mental and emotional), coming from the adrenaline rush secreted by your stress hormones - when you are in the middle of this nerve-racking ride. The people around you who had chosen to go on the same ride will often be screaming loudly; adding to your stress and elevating your blood pressure to potentially dangerous levels.

During the ride, you may even question your sanity, for having chosen to go on this ride in the first place, and you may even come to regret having made this decision.

And when the ride is over, we often observed that this second group of people would usually feel extremely ill from the entire experience. They would usually suffer from adverse physical side effects that no one ever wished to have. These people were not ready to have a roller-coaster life experience, and yet, they had forced themselves to do so, completely ignoring their initial instincts.

You have to realize dear friends, that people do not (normally) choose to go on a roller coaster ride all the time, every day, 365 days a year. Most adults may go on it, on average, just once in their lifetime (from our observation coming from the entire human collective). They would go on a roller coaster ride just for the thrill; the rush, and once it was experienced, most would choose not to go on it again.

And in much the same way, living on an Ascending planet will soon feel similar to going on this roller coaster ride.

You are already here. That means pre-birth you had chosen to be here, precisely because you wished to go on this amazing ride.

Your attitude and perspective when the ride is about to start, will determine whether this adventure will be a thrilling, enjoyable ride that you will always treasure the memory of, or, a scary, completely terrifying ride that will leave you feeling so misaligned with your Higher Self, during the entire experience.

Younger souls now embodied on planet, who are ascending (from lower to higher dimensions) for the very first time, make up approximately 50% of the ascending Human Collective. The other 50% are highly-evolved souls who have gone through the process of descending and ascending for too many times to count, as part of their loving service to Source; to ALL in existence.

However, in general, once a soul has successfully experienced Ascension, this soul will usually proceed to choose higher dimensional existences, more often than not - evolving even higher up the dimensional ladder.

This means loved ones, the majority of members of higher dimensional civilizations out there in this Universe, had gone through the thrill; the rush of Ascension process (from lower to higher dimensions) only once. And once they did, most would not choose to do it again, as once was challenging enough.

All of you here reading this message today, came from the group of souls who had felt highly excited and completely ready about participating in this thrilling Ascension ride.

You came into your physical body, with great anticipation of everything that you are about to experience from this rare opportunity that had been granted to you! You are all here to bring about greater soul expansion and growth for Self, and many came equipped with individual missions to help a great number of embodied souls so they can successfully ascend.

This means beloved friends, whenever things are getting too challenging and the world may even feel like it is going completely out of control, you need to simply tune in to the ever-peaceful, ever-serene, all confident, all powerful God-Self that lives within you to successfully 'tune out' all the fears; all the stress and anxiety engulfing the entire planet.

This is a simple matter of energetic frequency, beloved hearts.

Tuning in to the energy of Peace vs. tuning in to the energy of Fear/Chaos, is as simple as grabbing a remote control, and changing the channel on your TV, or on your radio.

Do you wish to tune in to the super-loud, broadcast of Fear on the 3D 'TV' channel, or, the super peaceful, amazing, enjoyable, fun, memorable broadcast of Love, Magic, Miracles and Mastery on the 5D 'TV' channel?

For when you are watching the Fear-based TV channel, you cannot be simultaneously watching the Love-based TV channel as well, in your ways of Be-ing.

In much the same way, when you choose to adopt a higher consciousness of Love, Light, Harmony, Mastery, Magic & Miracles, you are perfectly blocking out your 'TV channel' to everything else that is of the polar opposite vibration.

All that is lower vibrational will be naturally, automatically repelled off of you as you only attract people, circumstances, events, that mirror your attained, higher vibrational nature.

Adele and many members of her previous groups had done very fun exercises together.

Back then, she was teaching her members how to channel.

Adele provided them with 10 exercises where they needed to access their intuition and open up their communication channels with their Higher Selves/spirit teams. As most of her members were, at that moment, still in the process of mastering their natural channeling abilities, all of them got most of their answers wrong.

However, there was a powerful realization to be had, from this very much successful experience!

The members had personally felt and experienced (remember, that true learning can only come about through firsthand, real-life experiences) how powerful the thoughts, emotions, and actions were, coming from the groups’ collective!

Within the small setting of Adele's groups, everyone observed that most of the time, the answers they got were wrong, however, the key to remember here is: the majority actually got the same wrong answers. This means that everyone in the groups participating in these exercises, was energetically tuning into each other's vibrations, subconsciously influencing each other's choices, that then resulted in them choosing mostly the same wrong answers.

Everyone learned through direct experience how powerful the vibrations coming from the Collective truly are, in influencing their own decision-making processes.

If a group of approximately only 10 people could powerfully affect each other that much, imagine how a massive group of approximately 7 bilions people on Planet Earth are constantly influencing your vibrations, every day.

And if the entire Human Collective were to undergo massive, even shocking, life-changing experiences that will change the life of ALL in existence, (such as the current pandemic), how are you going to successfully handle that with grace and ease?

What are your plans, so that you don't get swept up in the fear craze; in the possible chaos, panic or disorder, that the Ascension process may potentially bring?

We are not trying to scare you here, loved ones.

We (your higher dimensional friends) will of course be doing our very best to ensure that the future timeline the Human Collective will end up choosing will be the safest, the least rocky, the most peaceful, and the brightest path filled with ease and grace.

However, our well-meaning and caring intentions alone are definitely not enough.

We need your active collaboration, since we are not the ones in physicality, going through this ascension process right now. We need you to choose this most favorable future timeline, by actively and consistently acting as our powerful Light-Love, Love-Light agents on the ground. 

Thus effectively creating and manifesting this most favorable timeline for yourselves!

We need you, our Light-workers - leaders of the Ascension movement - to powerfully, and continuously broadcast Love, Peace, Light, Miracles, Magic, Mastery & Oneness on your own individual 5D Channel, 24/7!

So that more and more ascending souls, within the Human Collective, can easily tune in to your powerful 5D Channel broadcasts, instead of the other one!

For there is nothing more powerful than the energies of Love, Peace, Harmony & Oneness combined.

Beloved Adele had just created and manifested her first two miracles today. She had successfully gone over from just thinking and believing with all her heart that she is God, to actually: be-ing the God I AM. This breakthrough came after walking past a certain invisible threshold where all the hard work she had done thus far, had borne a set of two fruits, in her Cornucopia basket! And with this proof of real-life success, her confidence levels in being able to easily create miracles had now shot through the roof!

She had come to a profound realization that everything Sananda had taught all of you here, in that last message about creating miracles, was nothing but the highest Truth - perfect, golden information; Light-coded only for those who are ready to devotedly apply the 5 Fundamental Rules consistently in their lives!

Nothing will hold her back now. Just like nothing will be holding you back after you have also arrived at the same state of realisation/higher consciousness required, to successfully create and manifest your own miracles!

We have said often recently that the very air you are breathing in right now, is magnificently ‘charged’ with the energy of miracles, and, with the energy of overflowing abundance of every good thing physical life on Earth has to offer.

The question now becomes, ‘are you now tuned in to this Love, Miracles & Abundance Channel loved ones, or, its polar-opposite Channel?’

Full comprehension, thorough understanding and, correct practical application of the 5 rules Sananda had mentioned, will soon come easily enough for all of you here.

Practice makes perfect.

Adele's miraculous manifestation experiences, can be likened to the following parable:

There once lived a blind man. He had been blind since birth and had never lived to see the sky, sun, trees, ocean or flowers. He was always surrounded by people who tried their best to describe to him, all the glorious beauty of Mother Earth that he had never gotten to see.

And then, one day, he encountered a wise guru. This guru, with his overflowing love and compassion, decided to grant the blind man's request and helped to perfectly heal his eyes.

Now that this blind man could finally see for himself all the majestic splendor of Nature, he came to a powerful realization that everything that people had previously told him about Gaia's bounty was true!

Now that the heavy frustration of not being able to see was permanently gone, he realized that his blindness i.e. his lack of sight, and, his lack of real-life experiences of being able to see the beauty himself, had rendered him completely unable to fully trust, nor fully comprehend, the words and descriptions of Gaia's splendor those people had kindly shared with him in their stories.

After all, seeing is believing isn't it?

Or more accurately, personally experiencing such splendor himself, is believing.

And such is the case for all of you here reading this today.

You need to personally experience a 'breakthrough' in your understanding. You are now fully equipped & ready for such a breakthrough yourself - if you had read Sananda's last message - to then truly be the God I AM that you already are, experientially.

Ask your Higher Self to guide and help you in understanding which pieces of your jigsaw puzzles are still missing. Sometimes the Truth can be staring right at you, in full view of someone else and you maybe completely missing it, due to any existing blinders still locked in place; ultimately blocking you from ever seeing the Truth.

Loved ones, it is time for you to trust your Higher Self - the God I AM within - all the more fully.

Trusting your Higher Self is equivalent to trusting the Universe to always provide you with all that you need.

As the Universe is simply a vast playground, within the Kingdom of Heaven, that your own I AM knows inside out.

Earth has always been in Heaven, and Heaven has always been on Earth, but the majority of Human Collective had been blind to this Higher Truth that has always been staring at them in the face.

The very first step to mastering the Art of Creating Miracles is: to learn how to relax and be constantly at peace, and, in constant harmony with ALL in existence.

You must be able to feel the Cosmic Peace that passeth the understanding of the human mind - the Peace that can only be felt in your heart and in every part of your body. Even, or, most especially when life (i.e. the people/world around you) is very determined to bring you down to a lower-vibrational state of being, on a daily basis.

Isn’t now the perfect, literally Heaven-sent, opportunity for all of you to display your mastery, dear ones?

Only in times of great chaos/adversity, the heroes in many of your fictional/real-life stories, were then ‘forced’ by circumstances to display their great strength, valour and wisdom -> to ‘win the game’ and, come out victorious over all of the limiting conditions they had found themselves in.

When the energies of Cosmic Peace & Harmony are permanently attained within you; when complete Trust and Acceptance of your Divine Birthright become second nature to you; when Love and Gratitude have become your Way of Life, that is when your Cornucopia will be overflowing with God's miraculous gifts that are perfect just for you.

Remain calm, loving, joyful, patient and compassionate, beloved Masters.

For most of you here reading this, maintaining this higher-vibrational state of being has now become so easy and effortless; so second-nature.

You, loved ones, are the ones currently holding the space; allowing for humanity’s great Awakening & Purification phase to occur with greater ease and grace.

You are our living & breathing 5D portals - vibrationally guiding ALL ascending souls on Earth so that they can successfully complete their own journeys back Home.

Home to the God-Self, and the Heaven within.

With all our love & devotion,

Kwan Yin.

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.


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