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Our Sacred Quest for Freedom (Part 2) ~ St Germain, Liberty, Portia & Athena (August 2, 2020).


Beloved St Germain and the Goddesses of Liberty, Justice & Truth, there maybe people here who were feeling confused about the potentially conflicting advice given in previous message(s).

When faced with making a decision (in our sacred quest for Freedom), which one out of the following two options is the most suitable one to make, to stay in perfect alignment with our I AM Presence & our Ascension goals?

Option A:

To resist, rebel, revolt, join peaceful protests/demonstrations, act up, speak out, ‘battle it out’, take action and hold the ‘villains’ accountable for their actions -> in order to defend our Free Will to: do/be/express ourselves, whenever we feel that our freedom; our rights are not respected, or have been oppressed/taken away from us.

Is the ‘rebellion’ or ‘resistance’ route, the true, higher-dimensional route that we should always choose for ourselves, in order to reach that Holy Land of the Free?

Option B:

In several messages channeled here in recent times, it had been mentioned that:

Resistance is all about believing that you are vulnerable and susceptible to something not wanted and thus you are holding a stance of protection - which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-Being that would be there otherwise.

So does this mean we should do our best not to resist, and just meekly surrender our fates, rights or freedom, to the people/world around us - in order to create a harmonious environment for all involved?

Is it truly the higher dimensional way to simply accept, not take any action, and choose to live peacefully with others, by always: letting go, forgiving and forgetting the unfairness/injustices/the wrongs that had been done unto us?

In other words, must we always love our ‘enemies’ and passively/patiently accept all the restrictions/unfair limitations/wrongs that people or the world had imposed upon/done unto us, with the hopes that one day...they will change their ways?

Is passively accepting everything, and trying our best to be a saint, (in the face of all aggravating or unfair situations, especially whenever our Freedom was being oppressed/limited/taken away from us) the higher dimensional route that we should always choose instead?

Will the route that we need to take depend on the unique challenges/situations that we are facing in that moment?

And now, at the risk of sounding a bit like Shakespeare, I also felt the need to ask the following questions to you all, that are in fact variations of his ‘To be or not to be - that is the question’ soliloquy in Hamlet.

To rebel or not to rebel (e.g. against strict parents, against an abusive spouse, or against oppressive authorities)?

To resist or to accept (e.g. the many measures/rules/restrictions that the government and/or businesses had put in place to ‘fight’ the virus)? To wear or not to wear a face mask as mandated and enforced by law e.g. here in Melbourne?

To walk away from a fight in order to maintain peace, or, not to walk away -> by standing our ground & working hard to reach an agreement/a win-win solution that will be fair for all parties?

To delete all low-vibrational comments/videos/posts, or, not to delete anything (perhaps for the sake of either: defending the cause of Freedom of speech/self-expression, or, maintaining a harmonious relationship with the people involved so that their feelings are not hurt)?

To participate in peaceful protests to bring about change, or, not to participate?

To send or not to send the animal livestock that we currently ‘own’ to those very low-vibrational places so that we can sell their body parts for a living/for a profit, and pay our bills.

To break free, walk away and live a happier life for ourselves (e.g. by breaking our vows/promises/agreements previously given in any type of relationship, such as family, romantic, business, employer-employee relationships), OR, to live harmoniously with those around us by not making any changes/waves -> by keeping the status quo and staying together no matter what, for the sake of keeping our promises.


Moreover, how exactly can we start implementing and practicing the fine art of ‘giving all living beings the Unconditional Love and Complete Freedom that they deserve’?

It sounds so good in theory (i.e. as an ideal), but realistically speaking, it will be quite challenging for mankind to practise, or, implement in this particular time period that we are in.

For example:

How can parents give absolute freedom for their children to do whatever they want to do in their lives?

Is this truly good parenting? What if the children then abused such a privilege (e.g. by wasting their time/their lives, or, wasting their parents’ money) - will this be the parents’ faults or, the children‘s? And what if our children do not know what to do? As parents, what do we need to do to become a good guide/mentor, whilst at the same time ensuring that our children’s divine freedom to choose for themselves ‘what to be/what to do‘ is always respected?

How can employers ensure that their employees will always do the right things by them (and vice versa) if strict company/labour union regulations are not set in place?

How can citizens of any nation feel safe, if people all over the world are given the Complete Freedom to do whatever they want, and/or, if 3D laws are not there to enforce people’s behaviours so that the majority of people will do ‘the right thing’ by others?

It’s all well and good if everyone on planet Earth has successfully attained a high level of consciousness based on unconditional love, however realistically-speaking, we all know that the human race has got some ‘growing up/waking up’ to do before everyone arrives at the same higher level of consciousness that is constantly anchored in Divine Unconditional Love.

In other words, is giving every single person on Earth the Absolute Freedom to do whatever they want in life, truly the wisest thing to do in this particular NOW moment that we are living in?

Is the human race truly ready for Eternal Freedom, and ALL of its responsibilities (i.e. the responsibilities as previously mentioned in the last channeled message?

People can change. Their beliefs, values, goals or behaviours can change anytime both for the better or for the worse. Although I have always done my best to live my life by not restricting people’s freedom when choosing their own paths, I’d found that with any relationship that we have with the people around us, there are (most of the time) unavoidable expectations to fulfil.

Just like we expect others to keep their promises, honor their vows/commitments, or fulfil their (financial) obligations, we are also expected to do the same for others in return.

And whenever others had let me/let my loved ones down, or, whenever I’d had to follow my own way and ended up letting someone down, I often asked the following questions to myself: ‘Who was most in alignment with their Higher Self in this particular situation? Must we hurt, harm or disappoint one another and/or create conflict/discord in order to remain in alignment with our Higher Self? Who had broken Cosmic Divine Laws, by creating karma for themselves here, i.e. who was actually in the right, or in the wrong?‘

And if people are truly being honest with themselves, I have long sensed that the vast majority of adults within the human collective are also feeling somewhat distrustful of the people/world around us. In other words, right now I do not believe that everyone will always choose to do the ‘right thing’ whenever confronted with 2 (seemingly) polar opposite options:

1) - To do the right thing for themselves & protect their own freedom; their own causes and interests.


2) - To do the right thing for the people & world around them.

especially when the definition of ‘the right thing‘ is oftentimes different for all the parties involved in any conflict/disagreement/discord. And if/when people are feeling pressured to choose between Option 1 or Option 2, then many people will probably choose Option 1, usually at the expense of the people/world around them.

And when that happens, will you please explain whether it was okay for these people/for us to be selfish in this manner, by prioritising their needs over ours/our needs over theirs?

But then again, I remember that Portia (Goddess of Justice) had mentioned before, that believing there is a ‘right or wrong’ to any situation simply indicates the presence of a 3D programming within us that we should always strive to eliminate, for successful ascension to 5D. And so, if we were to take this into consideration, are Options 1 & 2 mutually exclusive? Or, are both options actually one and the same, since in truth we are ONE with All-That-Is? i.e. whenever we choose to do the right thing for ourselves, we‘re in fact doing the right thing for ALL (and vice versa).

I guess this all comes down to whether or not we can truly trust one another, as a race. Many of us light-workers around the globe are deeply longing to live in a happy and peaceful planet where we can truly feel free & safe; where we are able to fully trust everyone to always have Unconditional Love & the Higher Good of ALL in mind.

After everything that mankind had seen and experienced in our long history on this planet, fully trusting one another to always do the right thing, feels next to impossible to achieve right now.

After all, the whole legal sector/law industry still exists today because many people on Earth currently cannot trust each other to always do the right thing (e.g. as previously agreed upon by all parties involved in existing contracts/promises/agreements), and thus, we had felt the need for protection that comes in the form of man-made laws that can be enforced by the authorities in charge.

It’s sometimes difficult enough to trust the people closest to us (especially those who had often disappointed us before), so how can we be expected to trust the strangers that happen to cross our paths and enter our lives, to always do the ‘right thing’ for ALL?

And by asking them to uphold their end of the bargain/fulfil their promises as previously agreed upon, is this a violation of their Divine Right and Freedom to live their lives in any way they wish?

If we were to ask someone to do something that they no longer wish to do (as specified in any verbal/signed contract/vows/agreement), will we end up creating Karma for ourselves?

And if that’s the case, what’s the point of: signing a contract, making vows/promises/agreements?

How can domestic/foreign trade continue; what would happen to the world economy, or to society as a whole, if everyone were to hold the belief that promises, vows, or contracts can be broken anytime whenever it suits them with no legal consequences, penalties, or punishments of any kind?

Does living in a 5th dimensional environment also means living in a contract-free, punishment-free world? If that’s the case, then mankind truly has a lot of healing, clearing/purging, learning and changing to do, before we can all qualify to be called fifth dimensional beings.

We can all easily understand why humanity have continued to feel the necessity to create all sorts of (ironclad) legal contracts/agreements.

Lack of trust for one another is precisely why we had created our 3D laws (governing human behaviours); created law enforcement agencies; created highly-trained military forces to look after our nations’ interests (to be used just in case if one day there is an attack, from within/from without, that encroaches upon our Freedom/way of life).

The fact remains that there is a partial, or, a total lack of trust for one another; for groups of people/authorities in power, that can be found deeply embedded within our Collective/Individual consciousness.

Right now, several different industries are operating, or, benefiting, from this 3D-based distrust system. Let‘s use for example, the financial and insurance industries.

If you wish to borrow money from anyone/from the banks, you will need to prove yourself worthy of the creditors’ trust and their financial investment (that you will be able to pay back the money loaned to you, e.g. by having good credit rating, or by putting up your assets as a guarantee). The entire insurance industry also exists because we do not fully trust nor believe that the Universe will look after us in the future -> we are paying an insurance premium regularly for protection/peace of mind, just in case, if something ‘bad’ were to happen to us/to our loved ones that may cause us to experience a loss/disadvantage of any kind.

We were already living in a world full of fears, anxiety and distrust, coming from both within and without - long before COVID19 ’joined the party’ as a new type of stressor.

And if we cannot even trust fellow members of the human race to always do the ‘right thing’ for the higher good of ALL, how can humanity truly be ready to claim our place in the galaxy; in the higher dimensional realm, and live in harmony with other galactic races - especially when their appearances & many of their ways of be-ing are so different to us humans?

Can we fully trust, embrace, love and accept our galactic friends just as they are, when we had often failed to do the same for our fellow humans?

After having gone through many challenges in the last few months alone, I had personally found and experienced the answers to all of my questions above. It was as if those challenges had been ‘magically’ arranged to appear in my life to energetically pave the way and get me ready to write this channeled message for you all today.

Even after finding those answers, there was still a strong compulsion to write all of the above questions here in this message, to create greater understanding and lasting positive changes in the world, and, to assist with a deeper healing, purging, clearing/releasing of everything within the Collective’s Consciousness that we no longer need - in our sacred journey to New Earth where Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Truth, Freedom, Oneness, Equality and Infinite Abundance, are permanently experienced by ALL.

Thank you beloved St. Germain, Liberty, Portia & Athena, for giving us perfect clarity and the Highest Truth (that cannot be easily misconstrued by anyone reading this message) to all of the questions above.


St Germain and the Goddesses of Liberty, Justice & Truth:

Beloved Adele, did you know that you had just asked us more than 20 questions above? - laughed*. This is truly wonderful to behold!

The only way that you can start to become an immensely-powerful ‘Torchbearer’ of the Violet Ray of Freedom, is by fully understanding what you (as an ascending soul) should or should not do, in any situation that you may have to face in the future.

Notice here that We have deliberately used the word ‘should‘ rather than ‘can’, because as always, you are FREE to do whatever you wish.

Let us begin by addressing the first question: whether to pick Option A or B, when facing undesirable situations and/or, challenging people. Afterwards you will find that many of your ‘to be or not to be’ questions as listed above, will have been answered by the time We are done addressing these two options.

And to be absolutely clear, let us remind you that Option A is in fact the ’Creating Resistance’ option, whilst Option B is the ‘Acceptance’ Option where you either agree to, or, accept the limitations/restrictions that people, the world, or your governments have created in your life.

Your decisions to go with either: Resistance, Acceptance, or, both Options (to suit the situations), will depend on the following important factors:

  • Divine Timing.

  • your current, active, individual ‘bottom line’ or, tolerance level.

  • your physical/mental/emotional/spiritual conditions of the day and how much clearing/purging you have got left to do, to permanently release and heal all deeply embedded wounds/scars/traumas that can be found within your consciousness.

  • your current level of Attained Higher Consciousness (a.k.a. your Light Quotient Level), and, whether or not you are planning to ascend in this lifetime.

  • how often/how long these restrictions/oppressions/limiting circumstances have been going on, i.e. how much you had endured.

  • your unique abilities/talents/values/principles and life plans/Higher Goals for this incarnation.

For example:

* When you/the people around you are feeling unwell or completely exhausted, your/their tolerance level will usually drop to the lower levels and tempers may rise - causing you/them to either: rebel, resist, argue, or put up strong resistance over any injustice/unfair conditions/practices that have been put upon you all.

* When someone is: spiritually awakened and determined to do his best to embody his own I AM Presence by often choosing the higher vibrational path, he will probably have a higher tolerance/patience level than the average man (depending on how close he is to the ‘Finish Line’). This person will usually strive to practice compassion, patience and loving kindness, by resolving to not get easily triggered by the ‘bad’ things that people might have done/said to him.

* If the oppressions/restrictions have been going on for far too long (and again, exactly how long is too long, will be different for each person), the ‘victims’ will be more likely to resist, rebel, fight, or walk their separate ways because you will have finally crossed their bottom lines, that will then trigger them to say “Enough is enough - I’m done with this“. “I will no longer tolerate this injustice/violation of my rights and will now speak my truth”. Or, ”I’m finally going to stand up for myself; stand up for what I believe in, take action to resolve this situation and end this injustice, once and for all."

Remember loved ones, that a person, an animal, groups of people, citizens of a nation, etc. will have different bottom lines/different tolerance levels that, once crossed, will (emotionally, mentally or physically) trigger them to take action and make changes in a way that (usually) will not be to the liking of everyone involved in the situation.

ALL changes will at first be uncomfortable for most people (especially for those who were feeling hurt/disadvantaged/harmed; those who had suffered a loss due to these changes), and, will initially create disharmony/chaos upon the affected environment and upon the people living/staying within it, until one day they either accept, or, get used to said changes.

From Our Higher perspective, the decision whether to go with the ’Resistance’ or the ‘Acceptance’ Option will often vary, depending on the embodied soul(s) making this decision.

There is no right or wrong decision here -> provided that you know/believe/feel without a doubt that no Divine Cosmic Laws will be broken as a result of your decision, i.e. your conscience remains clear when making the decision.

Much will depend on the situation, and on the embodied souls involved in that situation. We will continue to give Our unconditional love and support for all of your decisions (no matter which Option you ended up choosing), because nothing is ever hidden from us -> i.e. We can clearly see the truth and easily understand all of your different perspectives, situations, reasons, or goals.

And now, to help you decide on the most suitable Option (between Resistance & Acceptance) for yourself, and, to help you decide on which path is the Higher Path to take (in all of your ‘to be/do, OR, not to be/do’ questions), always ask yourself the following 4 important questions:

1) Am I in full adherence to the Cosmic Divine Law of Harmony and the Law of Love (i.e. love for myself and love for ALL) by taking, or, not taking this action?

2) Will I potentially create a Karma of Commission or, a Karma of Omission for myself, by doing/not doing this? Will I be harming either: myself, another person/living being, or Mother Earth by doing/not doing this?

3) Will the course of action I am thinking of taking/not taking, serve the Higher Good of both: myself, and, everyone involved/the world around me?

For this particular question, let us now clarify the term ‘Higher Good for self & ALL’, to answer one of Adele’s earlier questions. The keywords that you should take notice here are ‘Higher Good’.

You had taken action for the Higher Good of yourself:

whenever the energy of Divine Love was the primary reason behind the course of action taken, and, when the action itself was in perfect adherence with all Divine Cosmic Laws & with your higher purpose; your Higher Self.

You had taken action for the Higher Good of ALL:

whenever the energy of Divine Love was the primary reason behind the course of action taken, and, when the action had benefited many people/ALL on planet Earth.

(Notice here that the meanings behind the ‘Higher Good of self & ALL’, are quite similar, with both emphasising the importance of Divine Love as the basis of all your actions).

We can conclude that whenever you took action for your own (individualised) Higher Good, even if the people affected by your decision were not happy as a result of your decision, you were in fact undoubtedly serving the Higher Good of ALL as well (and this may only be clearly visible in the long run).

And whenever you took action for the Higher Good of ALL, even if it might seem that you did not personally benefit, you were also undoubtedly serving your own Higher Good as well. This action will create an ‘accumulated good’ for yourself (the polar opposite to Karma) that the Universe will one day return to you in kind.

One for ALL and ALL for One.

4) Has Divine Timing truly arrived for this course of action? Do I strongly feel that full alignment has arrived, and it’s time to take this course of action now?

Am I in perfect alignment with my Higher Purpose and Goals by taking this course of action? (This is often indicated by a feeling of strong compulsion; an unshakable feeling as though ‘I have to do/say this right now - if not, I just knew that I’d live to regret it one day’).

Beloveds, if you have honestly answered ‘YES‘ to Questions 1, 3 & 4, and ’NO’ to Question 2, then simply move forward in your life path with confidence and inner peace. Knowing that the decision that you had made, was in perfect alignment with your Divine Higher Self.

If, on the other hand, you have found different answers (to Questions 1-4) from the ones that We have just provided, then loved ones, it will be entirely up to you to exercise your Free Will by either:

  • sticking to the answers that you’d found and moving forward with your decision (by staying out of alignment with your Higher Self), or,

  • changing, or, adjusting certain aspects of, your decision so that you stay in perfect alignment with your true nature of Divine Love & Light.

And if you are finding it hard to find the answers to any of the 4 questions above, simply ask your I AM Presence & Spirit Team for assistance; ask them to give you perfect clarity and the Highest Truth about the situation/decision in question.

Let us now show you an example on how you can apply the 4 questions above to a real-life situation that had recently occurred in Melbourne, Australia.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews had recently declared that wearing a face mask is now mandatory for all Victorians who live in the Greater Melbourne area currently under lockdown, in an effort to slow down and eliminate the spread of coronavirus. Only very few exceptions to this new rule are allowed: e.g. children under a certain age, people doing strenuous physical activities like jogging, people with a medical condition, etc.). Those who do not comply with this new rule will now be given a $200 fine if they cannot provide a satisfactory reason for non-compliance.

And not long after the compulsory wearing-mask rule came into effect, a video went viral in Melbourne showing a woman (dubbed by the media ‘Bunnings Karen’) refusing to wear a mask. In the video, she insisted that wearing a mask was a violation of: her freedom and the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. She also felt discriminated for being a woman. Premier Andrews responded by criticising Bunnings Karen’s behaviours and declared her conduct/reasons as ‘appalling’ as they had no basis in science, fact, or law. He went on to suggest for the public to ignore such behaviours and to view wearing a mask, not as a human rights or civic liberty issue.

Loved ones, do you think that in this scenario, both Premier Andrews and ’Bunnings Karen’ were acting in perfect adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws of Love and Harmony?

Did their actions/behaviours perfectly match with the higher vibrational answers that We had just given you, for all 4 questions?

Here comes Our answers:

It must be said that the purpose of using the above scenario as a case study here, is definitely not to criticise, point fingers, nor create a debate as to who was right, and who was wrong in this situation.

We, your higher dimensional friends, completely understood both Premier Andrews’ and Bunnings Karen’s perspectives, and We will always stand on both their sides.

(Remember what We had said in the previous message, that God does NOT take sides - for God will always be on everyone’s side). We are fully aware of the reasons behind their decisions/behaviours; We know that both of them genuinely believed that they were doing the ‘right’ thing.

Here is what We have got to say about the whole situation, based on the Highest vibrational Truth that is in full compliance with the Cosmic Divine Laws of Love and Harmony:

Change is in the air, and as such, creating and maintaining a harmonious environment can be highly challenging to do in the midst of major changes that all of you are going through right now - especially for those playing an important role of public service.

In this transitional period when Earth and all of its ascending inhabitants are changing to become more fifth dimensional, one should strive to create and maintain Peace & Harmony (whenever possible).

As an awakened light-worker; a powerful aspect of Source, your day to day behaviours should always be in constant alignment with your Higher Role as Our: vessels, channels, or anchors of Divine Love, Divine Harmony and Divine Peace on Earth.

In the above scenario, maintaining a harmonious and peaceful environment was easy to do for ‘Bunnings Karen’ but she chose not to do so, whilst for Premier Andrews, this was harder to do.

For anyone in leadership roles, it is inevitable that a few/some/many people may oppose your decisions, that may then lead to the creation of a disharmonious environment. However, that being said, how a leader faces or handles his opposition, will show the world exactly how spiritually evolved (i.e. how compassionate/loving) the leader is.

Sooner or later, humanity will choose to be represented, or led, only by those who have attained a high level of spiritual mastery/evolution. Your political or organisational leadership will one day only consist of highly-evolved people who have a deep love and compassion for those under their charge. Leaders who exemplify all/many of the Divine Virtues of God; leaders who have truly become Divine Cosmic Laws-in-action.

From Our higher perspective, for the time being at least, the Divine Law of Harmony can be viewed as rather ‘flexible’. In other words, up to a certain level of disharmony may be acceptable, or allowed, in this constantly-changing, oftentimes chaotic, 4D time period you are currently living in. Whether or not the disharmony created was acceptable (from Our points of view) would depend on the intention coming from the people involved, i.e. those who had created the disharmony.

The temporarily-acceptable level of disharmony ‘allowed’ before the Law of Karma kicks in, will depend on Our (the Karmic Board’s) Higher discretion.

In other words, as long as the intention (behind the action taken) of the people involved was genuinely based on Divine Love, then the Law of Karma may not immediately apply to them (even after they had broken the Law of Harmony - by creating a disharmonious, or, highly stressful environment for the people/world around them).

e.g. Premier Andrews’ recent decisions to put Greater Melbourne under a second lockdown, or, to enforce mask-wearing rule for citizens living in lockdown area.

Loved ones, in your Sacred Quest for Freedom in any aspect of your life, always remember that you must strive to abide by all Divine Cosmic Laws.

Whenever you exercise your free will to break these Cosmic Laws, instead of creating greater Freedom in your life, you will be creating more karma for yourself.

It is time for you to come to a powerful realisation, that complete adherence to all Cosmic Laws will in fact give you wings to fly!

God's Divine Laws (when always adhered by ALL, e.g. in a higher dimensional planet) always bring about: equality, balance, justice, love, harmony, peace, freedom and infinite abundance for ALL.

Many 3D man-made laws were energetically designed to: limit, restrict, oppress you, and thus they can potentially create huge energetic imbalances on your planet (depending on the consciousness level of the people in power, i.e. those who made, reinforced, or used the laws).

Remember loved ones, that God never feels the need to be obeyed. God didn’t create Cosmic Laws to restrict or limit your Divine Free Will. You are always free to choose to do whatever you wish daily - with complete/total disregard for Divine Cosmic Laws - and thus creating for yourself (over & over again) what mankind had collectively created: thousands of years of war, suffering, injustice, oppression, scarcity, disease, old age, etc.

And for those of you here who are joyfully willing to always abide by God’s Cosmic Laws, you will soon experience Heaven in your physical reality.

The Law of Divine Love remains constant, consistent and operational in this 4D environment you are currently in. In any situation that you encounter daily, both in your public or private role, Unconditional Love must serve as the core reason for all of your thoughts, words, feelings, behaviours or decisions, directed towards BOTH yourself and ALL around you.

If you love yourself but not have much love, compassion nor understanding for the people/other living beings/the world around you, then you are not living in adherence to the Law of Divine Love.

On the other hand, if you love the people/the world around you but not have much love for yourself (often displayed in prolonged/unhealthy self-sacrifice or self-abuse behaviours), then you are also NOT living in adherence to the Law of Divine Love (and may have to later on ‘pay’ the consequences of such behaviours, e.g. by manifesting for yourself a sick/diseased physical body).

In other words, if your thoughts, words, radiated feelings or actions directed towards yourself or, towards another person/living being were NOT based in Divine Love, then you had broken the Law of Love and would be subjected to the Law of Karma later on in life, in some way, manner or form.

The KEY to remember here is that: the Law of Divine Love dictates that you must always practise HARMLESSNESS and COMPASSION in ALL of your interactions with yourself, with another person/living being, and, with the world around you.

Remember loved ones, many people will initially not like, or, will resist change, until they are in alignment/ready for such change to finally take place. Do not be afraid of their resistance, loved ones. People, most of the time, just need some time to adapt to the change, and to do this, they first need to understand.

So whenever you are ready to bring about and announce a change that you know is not going to be liked by someone else/other people/the world, how you conduct yourself; how you introduce the change; how you explain the necessity of such a change; how you deal with opposition; how you handle the aftermath, is crucial.

Do whatever you can to provide clarity and minimise misunderstandings. Carry yourself and always speak/act with Love, Compassion, Patience or Understanding, when dealing with those who oppose/are not happy with the change.

Be prepared and willing to provide a fair, suitable (perhaps even financial) reparation in order to make amends, or balance the energetic karmic scale between all affected parties. All of you have an innate ability to sense when things are out of balance, in all of your relationships and in every aspect of your life.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, to understand how they were feeling, in order to maintain a harmonious environment/a lasting, higher dimensional relationship, based on mutual respect, love, forgiveness and understanding.

This is all about committing yourself to practising a heart-based, higher dimensional, verbal/written/body language/telepathic communication with the people or world around you.

You, Our beloved Masters of Love & Light, must now constantly practise the 5D way of communication.

If your goal is to successfully ascend to 5D, you must now learn to open up to the people around you, communicate your honest feelings and at times even show vulnerability (if/when necessary, to further explain why you needed to take such action/create the change), in order to minimise/eliminate/avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, disharmony, karma, friction, conflict, enmity, grudges or hard feelings -> that could have been easily avoided if you had instead chosen to communicate with LOVE, complete transparency, compassion, patience, kindness and understanding.

Communicating your feelings, showing your weakness/vulnerability, remaining open-hearted and completely honest with yourself & others, do not make you a weak person. If anything, all of these will indicate that you are a very strong person who is not afraid of what people may say/think about you. And that you are a person of high integrity, who always stands for the Highest Truth, even if the potentially embarrassing/painful truth got revealed to the people/world around you.

Maintain this open, loving, and heart-based communication for however long necessary, until all the parties affected by the change can more easily accept said change and move on with their lives.

Walking away from a conflict; from difficult situations/from challenging people (who had opposed you/opposed the change that you had initiated) might seem to be the easy way out at times, but if your goal is to master your Mastery, this is no longer an option.

What you resist, will oftentimes persist.

It’s time for you to understand that if you choose to walk away, then one day the Universe/your Higher Self will simply create similar situations in your life (next time with new players), in order to assist you with completely mastering the Fine Art of: Unconditional Love & Unconditional Forgiveness, and, living in Perfect Harmony under the Law of One.

And thus, it is faster and simpler for you to bravely face, deal with, and, master all the life/mastery lessons that your I AM Presence brings you, as soon as they appeared in your life, rather than running away, avoiding or hiding from these tests.

We never said that your journey to full Spiritual Mastery & full integration with your Higher Self is going to be easy. However, we have full confidence that all of you here, our beloved chelas, will one day get there - always with our loving support & guidance.

Everything that We have told you thus far, is to show you the best way on how to decide whether to resist, or, to accept the limitations/restrictions that the people/world have caused you to experience, and, how to stop creating karma for yourself. Thus accelerating your journey to the ‘Finish Line’ - where you successfully become the full personification of your God-Self.

After everything that We had explained above, it will do you well to remember, loved ones, that ultimately, Freedom is the Innate Nature & Divine Right of EVERY living being.

God is unlimited, and thus, the moment you/other people/the government create a limitation/restriction of any kind, for any reason, on any living being, what you are in fact doing is: you are putting a limitation on God.

And just like you are an aspect of the Most High Living God, every single person you meet daily/every animal/tree/rock that you see is also an aspect of God. They are all equally Divine; equally loved by God/Source/Prime Creator no matter what.

Loved ones, it is important for you all to completely understand right now, that the moment you/the people around you/the authorities in charge:

take away, limit, or oppress any living being‘s freedom to be, to choose, to say, to write or, to do whatever they wish in life (no matter how good and justifiable your/their reasons are, e.g. for public health and safety, or, as punishments to correct the wrongs that some people had done), you/they are in fact taking away this living being’s Basic Divine Rights and Freedom to be/to live as a Divine Aspect of God.

This is actually considered to be a major violation of the Law of ONE, in ALL Higher Dimensional civilisations out there in the Universe.

It is actually unheard of, for higher dimensional beings (especially those in high positions of leadership) to behave in such a manner towards another/towards those under their charge.

This is because such a behaviour will be in direct violation of the ‘Sovereignty of the I AM Presence’ that governs the embodied soul(s), whose Divine Rights and Freedom just happened to have been limited/restricted/oppressed by you, or by the people, groups, authorities or governments in charge.

And yes, We are completely aware of the enormous implications that Our above statements have brought to this higher dimensional discourse.

Many events that had happened in the past, that are happening now, and that will continue to occur for the foreseeable future almost everywhere on planet Earth, are in fact major violations of the Divine Law of ONE.

e.g. various governments’ measures to fight the virus by putting their citizens under lockdown (causing immeasurable stress or financial hardship for many); the judges’ rulings to put criminals behind bars had restricted these people’s divine freedom; people’s continuous mistreatment and cruelty towards millions of animals around the planet daily, have ensured that divine freedom is either severely limited or non-existent for these living beings, etc. - and the never ending list of Divine Cosmic Laws violations continues.

This also means, that your entire planet, led by the people/governments/authorities in charge, has been operating in complete violation of the Cosmic Divine Laws of Unconditional Love and Harmony, for a very very long time. This ‘faulty’ 3D-based operating system had trapped humans throughout the ages, in the toxic, endless Karmic cycles of your own making that created great suffering for many. Successfully keeping you all from manifesting/enjoying the experience of ‘Heaven on Earth’.

The entire ’operating system’ governing present-day life on planet Earth, is deeply flawed within & without, and requires a complete and massive reset, or, total destruction of all 3D programming and belief systems that can be found within all ascending souls; within all groups/organisations/all levels of governments.

And it is to be expected that with such a flawed system, the Divine Rights and Freedom of ALL living beings on your planet will remain limited (ranging from severely limited, to partially limited) in some way, manner, or form.

To better understand what We meant, let us take a closer look at the evidence all around you.

Carefully observe how, very young children, behave around you. Young children are the ‘newcomers’ to Earth, and as such, they are closest (vibrationally-speaking) to Source. They haven’t forgotten their Divine Identity and Innate Characteristics, so they behave and they feel as FREE as can be. They instinctively know that Earth is their ‘playground’ thus they are naturally curious about anyone they meet; about anything that they happen to see/touch/smell/encounter daily. Most of the time, they will behave in a manner that consistently displays their Free, Higher Dimensional, nature.

Always expressing their Highest Truth with perfect honesty is an innate ability that children have, and oftentimes their Truth is communicated in a manner that may perhaps seem rude, direct, or blunt to the adults. But this is just a reflection on how open and honest they naturally are. They also often demonstrate infectious joy, complete innocence and a natural trust of the people/world around them.

These young children are perfect reflections of the characteristics and divine nature of your Higher Self. They are exactly how you always are, when you are in the non-physical realm (i.e. when you are Home with God).

In other words, children were born naturally Limitless and Free, until one day you (as their parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, or members of society) all successfully create limitations on them/on their behaviours/on what they can or cannot say/do, through many years of conditioning/programming.

You consciously/subconsciously put limits on your children by saying things like: Eat your vegetables. Drink your juice. Finish everything on your plate. Don’t eat too many chocolates. Stop watching too much TV/playing too many video games. Do your homework. Don't date or marry that man/woman. Don't choose that major in college, etc. And the never-ending list goes on.

These ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ are the energetic rules; energetic boundaries/limitations that Earth parents have set for their children (and yes, we understand that you felt the presence of these rules/boundaries are important for the children’s own good).

However, the fact remains that your children have been taught from a very young age, that their lives; their choices; the outcomes/results that they can enjoy or, experience, will always have limitations.

These children had experientially learnt that life will always have limitations or restrictions of some kind, first created by the closest authorities in their lives (e.g. their parents/grandparents), and then later on this 3D tradition continues as they become adults, they also need to obey the laws/restrictions/regulations created by their government, or by society at large.

Children learned from a very young age, that going over certain limitations/restrictions that had been set upon them (by parents/society), would oftentimes create punishments/undesirable life experiences that were the direct results of breaking the rules/regulations.

Is it any wonder as to why the vast majority of people on Earth have great difficulty believing in their own: Greatness, Divinity, Sovereignty & Power, as embodied aspects of God the Creator?

This is the biggest and the most fundamental mistake, caused by the way human parents teach/raise their children that (later on in life) may take years for your children (and for you all), to undo the damage that was already done in their (and in your) childhood or teenage years.

In fact, the entire ‘Reward & Punishment’ system embedded within many aspects of life on planet Earth, is based on the ‘Conditional Love & Conditional Forgiveness’ system that you had all been taught and experienced from a very young age.

The following are simplified examples of the 'stick and carrot' approach used by many people, companies/organisations or governments across planet Earth:

e.g. If you choose to study 'Business & Commerce' in college (a major chosen by your parents) instead of following your own heart, your parents will then support your studies by paying for your tuition fees.

In the end they will love/approve of you more (especially if one day you were to decide to go into the family business to help them out). If you have decided to always be a law-abiding citizen, the governments will then reward your 'good' behaviour in some way (e.g. by not restricting/limiting your freedom, a.k.a. not locking you up in a prison, or, by not issuing hefty fines for you to pay).

Be aware loved ones, that this is NOT how the grown-ups in higher dimensional civilisations teach, speak, or, communicate with their young.

Higher dimensional beings have unlimited amount of patience and thus we will always take our time to educate and, inform our young ones the pros and cons of all available options. And then, we will ALWAYS leave it up to them to decide for themselves which option they wish to choose/experience.

Our children will be made aware of the risks or challenges each path/route may have and thus they will be highly trained since childhood to make decisions that are always aligned with their own: Highest Truth, Higher Plans, and I AM Presence. This will undoubtedly assist them in the future to avoid creating karma, caused by confusion or inability to gain clarity/wisdom coming from the Higher Self within.

We (as higher dimensional adults) fully realise and recognise that what we consider to be good/suitable/best for us, may not be good/suitable/best for our children, and thus, we will never impose our will upon them, nor restrict their Divine Freedom to choose.

We also NEVER set punishments, nor withdraw our children’s rights/privileges (e.g. to do what they like to do), nor give them less amount of love/time/attention as consequences that they have to pay, for not following our advice/recommendations.

And this is how we teach our children how to completely become a responsible, unconditionally-loving, higher dimensional adult who is highly trained to stay aligned with their inner, Highest Truth about anything that they encounter in life. An adult with the highest level of integrity, who always stands behind their words; behind their promises; behind all of the choices/decisions that they make in life.

We teach our children by not just using our words, but also by our actions/examples, on how to become: someone who is completely trustworthy; someone whose integrity is without question, someone who will always respect the Divine Rights & Freedom of all living beings, and, someone who will always have the Higher Good of ALL in mind - when making decisions.

We teach our children Divine Cosmic Laws from a very young age; we make sure that they thoroughly understand these Laws and how to apply them in day-to-day situations, so that they can create and manifest a joyful, abundant, peaceful, and karma-free future for themselves.

Rather than voicing the following type of instructions to our children: ‘Eat your vegetables. Do your homework. Clean your bedroom’, We will say instead: ‘Do you know that broccoli/carrot is good for....’, or, ‘Do you think that it is wise for you not to finish your homework/not to clean up your bedroom?’.

We will always state the Highest Truth in a matter-of-fact manner, and NEVER in a threatening ‘you-will-be-punished-if-you-don’t-comply’ manner. We lovingly and very naturally invite our children into countless discussions/conversations, rather than giving them lectures or orders.

Higher dimensional parents do not operate under an authoritarian-based system at home. Parental control is either very minimal, or, non-existent, in all higher dimensional societies.

If the children choose not to follow our advice/not to do what we have asked them to do, we will ALWAYS give them the Unconditional Freedom to do so - fully aware that our children have understood the energetic consequences that may perhaps appear later on, for going against our advice.

In other words, we NEVER tell our children what to do. We always let them to decide for themselves what they want to do/be, in all of their small/big decision-making moments.

We may perhaps make our personal recommendations (only when asked for advice) but these recommendations will always be accompanied by a strong message for them to NOT blindly follow our advice. Our children have been taught from a very young age to always wait until their hearts tell them what to do (i.e. until clarity arrives); until their entire being is in perfect alignment with whatever life choices that they wish to make.

And if the choice(s) that they had made, ended up to be completely different to our recommendations, we (as their parents) never got angry nor disappointed. We will never punish our children for exercising their Free Will.

We will instead trust that everything is happening for their higher good and they are simply following inner guidance (coming from their own Mighty I AM Presence), to get exactly what they need/what they had pre-birth planned to experience, in life.

It is time for you all to realise the importance of raising your children the higher dimensional way from now on. You are all in the midst of creating a higher dimensional society, and for this to happen, it all begins at home.

When you give your children unconditional love; when you raise your children to become a freedom-loving, highly responsible adult, you are ensuring that your society will one day be filled with highly compassionate adults who will respect and honour the Freedom, Divinity & Sovereignty of ALL living beings they come in contact with.

And how do you proceed to undo the long years of damage, caused by a flawed and highly-oppressive, 3D system Earth currently operates under, loved ones?

One step at a time. One person, one living being at a time. One day at a time. One situation at a time.

All change begins with you, Our Mighty and powerful light-workers. You are the leaders, way-showers and trail-blazers of the ‘Higher Dimensional Movement’; you are now standing at the Forefront of Reform. We know that most of you here are committed to demonstrating to the people/world around you, how to live and communicate the higher dimensional way.

And how to create and maintain higher dimensional relationships based on Unconditional: Love, Forgiveness & Freedom. You all energetically create, and pave the way so that permanent, lasting changes can occur, whenever you practice giving ALL around you, the love, respect and freedom that they deserve to have in their lives. For all things, big and small.

And how do you do it? Simple. By respecting the Higher Will of ALL around you. By asking for permission. By allowing others to choose. By carefully tuning in/listening to the answers given by other living beings that will tell you what they wish to do. By always respecting the wishes of the person/being in question.

By staying in constant communication with the people/living beings/world around you. By staying constantly anchored in the energies of Divine Love and Freedom, in all of your interactions with the world around you.

For example:

1) You wanted to build your dream house on a perfect piece of land that you‘d recently found. Instead of immediately buying the property, the very first thing you should do is: communicate with Mother Earth and with all beings already living on that land. Respectfully request for their collective permission to build your house in that location.

Explain what you need to do and the risks involved (e.g. excavation, cutting down a large number of trees, potential air/water/land pollution, i.e. possible environmental issues that may arise) in the building process. And if permission is not granted to build your house there (it rarely happens, but it may happen regardless), then with a loving and accepting heart, you may wish to ask Mother Gaia for assistance, to give you information on a more suitable piece of land elsewhere.

Remember loved ones, you are all temporary visitors/guests to planet Earth. And what do you usually do whenever you are staying at someone else’s home? You tread lightly, always respecting your host. You do your best to live in peace, love and harmony, with other people living in that place. Living your life on Earth is no different to this. It is time for fair and loving practices, or etiquettes to be observed between all inhabitants sharing the same space on this planet. This is simply Divine Love-in-action.

You do not and can never truly own any piece of land on Earth (despite having a piece of paper; a land deed, issued by your governments saying otherwise). Furthermore, it’s time for everyone to remember that you SHARE this planet with other living beings. You do not and can never own those living beings (e.g. the animals or trees), in the same manner that you cannot own other human beings as though they were your assets/chattels/goods.

If you, in the end, were to decide to build your house, cut down many trees, thereby causing many animals in the area to suffer or lose their homes, without receiving higher permission from all relevant parties affected by your course of action, then you will undoubtedly create karma for yourself.

2) You wanted to go on a horse riding trip and were given 5 different, suitable horses to choose from. Commune, or, telepathically communicate with them all. Ask them who would be happy and willing, or, who was feeling healthy and strong enough to give you a ride that day. Never impose on these divine animals’ Higher Will & Freedom to choose for themselves what they wish to do/not do, on any given day.

The more people who practice this heart-based communication daily with ALL around them, the faster you will collectively manifest a higher dimensional reality that you have greatly desired - a physical reality where ALL are living their lives in Eternal Unity, Peace, Freedom, Love, Joy & Harmony.

By now you have come to deeply understand, that the ’battle’ to reinstate the Divine Rights & Freedom of ALL living beings on Earth is in fact a marathon, and not a sprint.

It may even feel to you as though this Herculean task is next to impossible to achieve.

The New Earth reality that you wish to inhabit is so close right now (closer than it had ever been before), and you will (perhaps slowly but surely) get there one day. The journey there will definitely take some more years to come, but it will not be too long - from Our higher perspective. Our role here is to help you reach this destination, at the perfect pace or speed most suitable for your individual needs/higher goals.

Not everyone (in this NOW moment, labelled as August 2020) is interested, nor ready to live on a planet where Freedom, Unconditional Love, Peace & Abundance for ALL are the norm. Not everyone on Earth is willing right now to change, or, to take on all of the responsibilities (as previously explained in Our last message) that Eternal Freedom naturally brings to the one seeking to experience it.

This is why baby steps are needed here.

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. (St. Augustine)

You can all start by learning to trust the Divine; learning to trust the Universe unconditionally. You must also learn to trust yourself, i.e. trust your Higher Self completely.

The human collective’s lack of trust in their fellowmen, acts as a mirror, showing you all the presence of inner insecurities, fears or doubts in your own: power, goodness, magnificence, and, ability to love/forgive each other unconditionally.

You had all been disappointed, hurt, betrayed, or wronged by others in this lifetime, or in previous lifetimes (evident by the emotional triggers you occasionally experienced whenever you were faced with a challenging person/situation).

You had also disappointed, hurt, harmed, or wronged other human/living beings (either with your direct/indirect participation) in this lifetime, or other lifetimes on Earth.

Everything energetically discordant that you had done, and had been done unto you, will remain within your DNA (until permanent purging of everything 3D within you is fully completed), responsible for creating the deeply-embedded feeling that states: not everyone (including yourself) on this planet can be trusted.

How can you expect others to trust, love and forgive you/each other unconditionally, when you cannot yet trust, love nor forgive yourself unconditionally?

Be at peace and remain at ease, loved ones. Trust God. Trust the Universe. Trust and love yourself more.

Trust and love other people/the world more. Walk around daily with your entire being completely saturated in the energies of Divine Love & Freedom for ALL (including yourself). Open up your heart; your lower bodies, to the powerful energies of Divine Light and Love constantly pouring down from the heavens right now. Make a powerful intention to fully integrate with these energies; ultimately allowing for a major, positive transformation to successfully take place within you.

Let the energies of Divine Light and Love to wash away and heal all discord, hurts, wounds or traumas that may still exist within your consciousness, and, fill you up with Peace, Compassion, Acceptance, Understanding, Forgiveness and a deep Love for one another.

Do whatever you can to remain in constant alignment with your I AM Presence daily, following guidance coming from within. Cultivate deep faith.

It’s time for you to change your thoughts, so that you can permanently change your beliefs. Focus your daily efforts on thinking thoughts filled with gratitude, love, joy and prosperity. Create and declare out loud positive statements that say: planet Earth is filled with many trustworthy people and that the Universe loves you & can be trusted to provide you with everything you need.

And as your thoughts and beliefs begin to change to reflect greater love and trust in yourself, and, in the people/world around you, you are helping to energetically pave the way in creating a higher dimensional planet where complete Trust, Honesty and Integrity is part of normal, every day life.

Sooner or later, as your own ’Love and Trust Movement’ successfully gains a powerful energetic momentum, you will find that the world and the people in your life, will begin to change as well -> to better reflect the inner change that you had created within yourself.

In the not-so-distant future on New Earth, a verbal agreement or promise is all that it takes for a relationship of any kind to be established. Your words will be your bond and will not be taken lightly.

By that time, all of you will deeply understand and can feel the energetic after-effects of your verbal promises/agreements, and as such, you will have learnt to not make any promise lightly (without much thought or consideration). By then, whenever somebody says something, it will be immediately believed by the other person(s), rather than be treated with doubt, suspicion or distrust.

Speaking in a vague/unclear manner (in an attempt to: hide the truth, hide your feelings/thoughts, make a profit, or deceive others), or, making up (white) lies/making false statements, will one day become so foreign, abhorrent and unacceptable to all of you. By that time, you will have deeply understood the importance of communicating your truth to the people/world around you, always in a direct, loving, and compassionate manner.

When communicating, sharing, or expressing only ‘The Truth’ has become the way of life for everyone on Earth, your planet will be operating in a contract-free environment. The legal and law enforcement systems as they exist right now will be forever changed, to better reflect the human collective’s newly attained, higher dimensional nature.

You will all be FREE to do whatever you wish to do in life, without fear, worry or stress.

Earth will one day become a planet that is forever free from Oppressions, Limitations, or Restrictions of any kind.

However before you can all arrive at this highly desired destination - Land of The Free - you cannot skip the journey that is unfolding & guiding you there right now as We speak.

Creating and building New Earth start with you; with your collaboration. With your own life. With your own day-to-day behaviours. With your full and complete commitment to be the personification of both the Pink Ray of Love and the Violet Ray of Freedom, wherever you go.

Call upon Our assistance, loved ones, whenever you are feeling lost or confused on what to do, in order to create greater Freedom in your life, and in the lives of the people around you.

We will show and guide you, step by step, so that you can powerfully assist in the creation of a fifth dimensional Earth where Divine Love and Freedom reign supreme!

May the following Sanskrit mantra be part of your daily prayer/routine affirmations, to accelerate the creation and manifestation of 5D Earth that you are deeply longing for.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

''May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for ALL."

With all Our love and devotion,

St. Germain, Liberty, Portia & Athena.

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.


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