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The Art of Loving the Unlovable (Part 3 on Trust) ~ by Paul the Venetian (23 July 2023).


Today's message came about in such an unexpected way.

I was completely focused on completing St. Germain's next message on Financial Freedom, when all of a sudden life decided to throw some 'interesting' curveballs my way recently.

These new life experiences gave birth to the creative desire to put everything that I had learnt; the wisdom that I had gained, in writing - so that other people may benefit. I wasn't even planning on writing Part 3 on Trust, because prior to today I thought the Trust series was complete.

This is just another way that God, Spirit, or the Universe works in mysterious ways, for the Higher Good of ALL on Earth (including my own). The 'calling' to write this message was too strong to ignore, and so, I've decided to put St. Germain's next message on the backburner, to focus on this instead.

Without further ado, let us begin!



Greetings dear friends.

It is time for me to continue where I left off, in my last message ''Expansion of the Sacred Heart".

The Light Codes that were embedded within that channeling, when combined with the ones within the recent Light Language Transmission (of the same title: Expansion of the Sacred Heart), have powerfully catapulted some people here, into even higher frequencies of Love & Light.

For a group of people, these frequencies had elevated your consciousness to a much higher level - causing you to experience truly magical days where everything was flowing so easily, effortlessly, naturally; where everything & everyone had moved in perfect synchronicity as though they had been divinely orchestrated for you by the Universe.

Whilst for others, these frequencies were almost ''too much'' for your physical body to handle, causing you to experience physical shocks/discomforts that then led to brand new life experiences that you had never come across before.

For the latter group of people, the physical body's reactions that you had been having, were simply external signs of what had been powerfully shifting or changing inside of you --> starting from the cellular, DNA level, all the way to the external parts of your body that can be seen, felt, or touched.

And how you react (mentally & emotionally); how you interpret/understand/view these experiences (i.e. your chosen perspective) will truly be the game changer.

When facing these challenging experiences, you can choose to react with worry, fear, anxiety or stress.

Or, you can choose to take the high road of peace, trust and faith - by believing that all is well & will continue to be well in the future.

The latter choice had nothing to do with being in denial, and instead, it had everything to do with having the unshakable belief that there is always a Higher Purpose & Reason for everything that had been/is/will be, happening in your life - and that purpose is: LOVE.


Hmm... what you just said above Paul, reminded me of something that I had read more than a year ago.

And now, I feel strongly called to share with you all, the following story.

About a week ago I had a real-life experience where I felt like an actress starring in a medical TV drama.

And this particular actress (on a Soul level) had decided to play the role of a code blue patient transported from a small hospital to a bigger hospital with an ER (a.k.a 'ED' for 'Emergency Department' in Australia) by ambulance.

On that surreal day, this actress received the opportunity to get a front-row view of "the stage'' where dozens of strangers: the nurses, doctors, specialists and paramedics, were ''acting out their roles'' by providing her with a caring, loving, and thoughtful medical attention/intervention.

The actress had had to go through medical tests of different kinds, so that the specialist doctors could successfully make a diagnosis of what was ''wrong'' with her physical body.

And after going through all of those tests, the doctors still couldn't make a conclusive diagnosis, and in the end, she was discharged from the hospital around 24 hours after the whole ''drama'' began.

In the early hours of the morning as I was lying in bed - having a sleepless night in that hospital - I deeply contemplated everything that had just occurred.

And came to the realization that I had inadvertently become "Mr. A." --> from the 'no longer-fictitious' scenario given by St. Germain in His last message ''The Old vs. New Money Consciousness''.

And I didn't know whether it was due to the prophesied words of St. Germain, or, it was because I now successfully looked at everything in life always from the perspective of the Divine I AM Presence, either way, throughout that surreal experience, I was able to feel quite detached/removed from all lower vibrational thoughts and/or feelings.

Throughout the whole hospital experience, I felt so deeply loved & cared for; so relaxed, calm and at peace. I knew, without a shadow of doubt, that I was completely safe and protected.

I also knew that nothing truly ''bad'' was happening to me/my physical body.

I could feel members of my Spirit Team surrounding me, including Archangel Raphael.

And in their presence, nothing could disturb my inner peace.

Later on after discharge, this experience of deep, profound peace did not make sense to my human mind.

I was in the ED --> a battle-zone like location (for the doctors & nurses there) where people were often 'fighting' for their lives; where new patients were constantly brought in with a variety of medical emergencies. The ED is one of the places on Earth where (as an empath) I would avoid going into, unless absolute necessary.

And then what was even more amazing & miraculous, after getting discharged by the ED doctor, I didn't have to pay a single cent towards the cost of my hospital stay (i.e. for the tests, the hospital bed, the medications, the labour costs for the paramedics, nurses & doctors), and the ambulance transport.

Everything was completely free, as an Australian citizen receiving urgent medical care in a public hospital.

To give you a comparison, if one wanted to be admitted into one of the biggest hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia, they would be required to pay upfront a minimum deposit of approximately A$10K, before they were allowed admittance (i.e. before their medical treatments could begin).

And I'd also heard some stories about the medical system in the United States as well.

And as such, this experience of Unconditional Love, given by the Universe/the Divine ALL-THAT-IS, in the form of 'free' medical care, was really mind boggling & baffling to me.

I have always been blessed with health (in general), and I am deeply grateful to my body for the experiences of health that I had enjoyed in the past & will continue to enjoy in the future.

And as such, I didn't truly realize/understand the depth of blessings that many Australians have been enjoying (from the Medicare system alone) until that day.

As written in one of my recent social media posts, there is a big difference between knowing about something/someone, and really knowing them.

Direct experience, or, conscious contact is required to turn our knowledge (about anything/anyone - or in my case, about the medical privileges that Australian citizens are entitled to) into experiential knowledge. Life experiences are truly our greatest teacher.

These experiences had given birth to: a brand new perspective, or, the contrast required, that had taken me to an even higher vibrational level of Trust & Love. There was not an ounce of doubt in my mind, that something had powerfully shifted within me/my consciousness afterwards.

My hospitalization experience helped to restore my trust & faith in the Australian Government (after that same trust & faith had been greatly damaged during the COVID-19 lockdowns & vaccination saga).

And not only that, it had also restored a lot of the lost trust/faith in people (strangers in particular), and, in a loving, benevolent, supportive Universe.

Throughout my hospital stay, I was ''forced'' by circumstances beyond my apparent control, to ask for and receive help from the people (even the strangers) around me (for simple tasks such as: standing, walking or going to the bathroom).

As a lightworker with a highly independent spirit, I was a lot more used to giving rather than receiving, so you can just imagine how having to ask for assistance for these simple activities had made me feel rather uncomfortable and embarrassed (to a certain extent).

By orchestrating a situation where I became physically vulnerable (even if it was just for a short period of time), my Higher Self had taught me one of the most important life lessons, in order to assist in opening me up even more, to the Great Flow of Divine Love.

Whenever we ask others for help, instead of choosing the perspective of ‘we might be bothering them’, there is another perspective that we can choose instead. We are in fact giving people the opportunity to show us how much they care; how much we matter to them. Oftentimes the bond between family members, friends, or significant others can potentially get a lot stronger, by sharing & supporting each other through difficult life experiences.

This perhaps sounds like just simple common sense to many people here, including myself (prior to my recent health scare).

However, like some things in life, what we had initially thought to be simple to do (perhaps in our minds/imaginations) could sometimes turn out to be a rather difficult, challenging, or not-so-simple to do after all, in real life.

For example, in the past we might have said to the people around us that forgiving others is easy to do, as long as we stay anchored within the Sacred Heart; within the energy of Divine Love & Peace.

Easier said than done.

Only when something ''bad'' happened to us or to our loved ones, then we get to practice what we had preached/said before -- giving us plenty of opportunities to be true to our words; to remain integrous, by aligning our actions/behaviors, with our words/intentions.

These life-changing, transformational experiences had, once again, given birth to a completely brand-new Adele.

The ''deaths & rebirths'', or the changes & transformations that we are being led to have/experience in our Ascension journey, are never ending, aren't they?

Every day, we are constantly ascending to a higher level of be-ing, whilst simultaneously helping the people around us to do the same as well.

And now I am feeling so blessed & grateful, for everything that had transpired.

Sending my deep love & gratitude towards all the ''actors & actresses'' (and their Higher Selves), who were involved/had played a role in that particular ''staged'' life drama that I was starring in!


Thank you for sharing your experiences here, Adele.

Although the sharing of your life story is never compulsory in Our messages, We (your higher dimensional friends) are grateful for your decision to share.

Your real-life experiences act like a metaphorical 'bridge' that helps the people here to deeply integrate Higher/Esoteric/Spiritual Wisdom, with the realities of life on an ascending planet such as Earth.

In other words, your stories helped to anchor higher wisdom into the physical realm, in a way that makes it so much easier for people to relate to, or understand.

All right, let's now move straight into today's topic of discourse: the art of loving the unlovable.


It’s become quite a well-known fact, amongst those preparing to ascend into the fifth dimension, that they must first pass the initiation tests of all 7 Sacred Rays.

And the Ascension test of the 3rd Ray of Divine Love is easy to understand, although not always easy for people to pass, or to consistently achieve 'passing marks' for.

In & through everything, one must always CHOOSE love.

In & through everything, one must always BE the Great Love that one has always been within – with every thought, word, and action.

Kindness, Patience, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Understanding - are five key words that demonstrate the energy of Divine Love in-action.

It is perfectly easy to love the people & world around you, when that love is reciprocated.

There is no challenge here; there is no test. There is no mastery.

To love, when it is difficult to love, no greater test exists than this.

To continue to love, when you have had your heart ‘broken’ so many times before -- no greater COURAGE exists than this.

To continue to love ALL-THAT-IS, even when your loyalty-to-love for one party, is often tested with the loyalty-to-love that you have for another party -- no greater STRENGTH exists than this.

To continue to ‘wear your heart on your sleeve’; to be open & vulnerable to love, when experiences have shown you that love can bring not only great joy, but also great pain – no greater COMMITMENT exists than this.

Your loyalty, devotion, and heart-centered obedience to the Divine Law of Love, will liberate you, and take you to the bright & fabulous Path of Freedom, in every aspect of life.

And once you are completely on this path, or more accurately, once you have attained the Self Mastery to always remain on this path (in other words, no more detours that can come about in the form of any type of distraction) every day of your life moving forward will be filled with so many miracles; with even greater joy, laughter, love, harmony & peace, growth, expansion and fulfillment.

And now, let us take a look at these distractions, and their many different categories/types/forms that can materialize in your life.

There are 2 main categories of distractions: Physical and Mental.

And there are several subcategories of distractions: Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual, and Financial.

1st Distraction: Physical.

This type of distraction is oftentimes the most obvious, the easiest to believe, understand and/or accept, and can sometimes be the hardest to overcome -- by you, and by the people/world around you.

Physical distractions are distractions that can be physically felt, heard, touched, seen, smelled or tasted.

Examples of physical distractions:

1) Your physical appearance, or other people's physical appearances.

If there are things that you consider to be ''imperfections'' in the way that you appear to the world, how often would you (subconsciously perhaps) criticize yourself in the mirror each week?

How often did you give the love & care, kindness & gentleness; the time and attention that you often gave to others, towards yourself?

And if you were to observe someone walking past with an appearance that was considered to be ''lacking'', deformed, or unacceptable in any way (perhaps by modern society's standards of beauty),

how often were you able to remain in the vibrational frequencies of Divine Love (in your thoughts, words or actions)?


2) Any illness, disease, or physical health condition that you, your loved ones, or the people around you might have.

People who were sick, or those who were undergoing intense/prolonged physical discomforts, often experienced fluctuations in their mood. These people could become easily irritable & fatigued; they became extra tearful - oftentimes feeling scared, vulnerable, helpless, angry or resentful of the situation that they had found themselves in.

And if you had ever felt unwell in the past, do you remember if (at the time) you managed to consistently remain in the vibrations of Divine Love, by not thinking/saying/acting or behaving in an unloving manner towards yourself; towards your body; towards your illness, and/or towards the people/world around you?

Were you able to extend, or send the energy of genuine love and gratitude, towards the disease/disability/painful symptoms that you'd had, for the life lessons/experiential knowledge that it had taught you?

Let’s say for example, someone you had been living with had a severe, debilitating migraine one day, that felt like someone was relentlessly hitting his head with a powerful hammer. And whilst he was in this hypersensitive state filled with a lot of pain, one of the neighbours decided to mow his lawn right at that moment.

The loud noise coming from the lawnmower greatly exacerbated your housemate's migraine, and you (as a strong empath) could perhaps see, sense or feel the migraine becoming progressively worse.

And then, after enduring the pain & the noise for 5-10 minutes, your housemate decided to take matters into his own hands, by going outside to have an angry, verbal match with the noisy neighbour.

From your housemate's perspective, the truth was that the lawnmowing neighbour had become one of two ''villains'' in his story that day (the other one being: the migraine itself, or, his physical body for not cooperating/not giving him peace).

That day was your neighbour's day off from work and as such, he decided to tackle his garden that was full of weeds & overgrown lawn. He had recently put his property on the market for sale, and there was an ''open day for inspections'' coming up on the following weekend.

From the neighbour's perspective/truth, he was just minding his own business, at his own property, never intending to harm the people or world around him. And yet he had, inadvertently, become the villain in someone else's life story.

And you, as the highly empathic person caught between these two individuals (your housemate & neighbour), had to choose: which state-of-being to display/extend towards both parties; whether to act as an advocate for Divine Love, Peace and Harmony.

You could understand & even feel (to an extent) your housemate's acute physical pain, but at the same time, you could understand & feel your neighbour's confusion. Your neighbour had felt wronged by your housemate, and vice versa.

In that particular moment, you were being invited (by your Higher Self, and, by the Higher Self of everyone involved in the situation), to choose to be the type of person that you wanted to be.

You could choose to not take sides, just like God, who will always be on everyone’s sides.

And since you had made a strong intention to become the complete embodiment of your Divine Presence, then that moment was another perfect opportunity to display your spiritual/self mastery.


3) Any habit/hobby/distraction that was (subconsciously) formed to avoid, or escape the physical reality that you were in.

Have you heard of the phrase: "Too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing"?

Even something good can become bad if it is excessive.

One might think that the occasional smoking, or drinking alcohol, or eating chocolates once a week was a good thing to help you relax - after a long week at work.

However, if because of stress, one started to overeat, smoke & drink alcohol once a day, which then became several times a day, clearly there was a problem. This problem must be addressed as soon as possible, before these habits go out of control & create additional challenges in one's life.

Another example, you might think by working a lot, to manifest better life experiences for yourself/your family, was a good thing. By working hard to support your family, you were showing your unshakable commitment, to the love that you had for yourself & for the people around you.

Estrangement isn't always an all or nothing experience. In fact, there are several phases in-between.

However, in time, this habitual behaviour of ''all work and little/no play'' can create health imbalances or relationship problems. Problems that can potentially lead to you, your family members or friends experiencing the feelings of physical/emotional distance, neglect, or estrangement.


4) The loss (due to death or other types of separation) of: a beloved friend, family member, significant other, or something that had a deep & strong value to you.

Especially if the shocking loss had occurred: so suddenly, or, during unfair, violent, and/or unjust circumstances.

Can a grieving mother, who had lost her child in a recent mass shooting, forgive the perpetrator who had killed her child? Will she be able to remain compassionate towards this ''villain'' in her life story?

Can a woman forgive her ex-husband, for cheating with her best friend? Being betrayed by both her husband and best friend, could make one believe that true, unconditional love did not exist.

Can a man forgive his neighbour, for poisoning his beloved dog to death, just because the dog loved to bark a lot?

Can a Ukrainian man living in Australia (for example) remain in the frequency of divine love, after finding out that his next-door new neighbour came from Russia? Especially if he still had loved ones living in Ukraine who had suffered a lot at the hands of Russians, or, if he had lost loved ones in the current war.

Can a woman/man who deeply loves the animals like they were her own children, or the trees like they were his best friends, send the energy of forgiveness, love or understanding, towards the people who were directly and/or indirectly involved in their death/suffering?

Was Mother Mary - who had had to watch her beloved son Yeshua: suffered a grave injustice, and died on the cross like a bad criminal - able to maintain and fully embody the higher frequencies of Divine Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Compassion and Understanding, towards the perpetrators who were directly involved in her son's life story, and, towards the masses of people who just stood by & watched - i.e. those had done nothing to defend/save her son?


5) The appearance of a problem, a barrier, or a challenge that delayed or stopped you from getting or manifesting the things/people/jobs, or the 'good' experiences that you had wanted or needed in life.

Can you remain in the frequency of divine love and peace, whenever someone was being verbally abusive to you, by yelling out obscenities/insults, simply because he couldn't get what he wanted from you?

And on the flip side of that, when something ''wrong'' had happened to you due to someone's (or a company's) negligence/mistake, were you able to: rein in your temper, calm your anger, and speak with patience, forgiveness and understanding, and work together to resolve the unexpected problem to everyone's satisfaction?

For example, let's say that on a cold, rainy & windy morning in Australia, Metro Trains decided to cancel several morning train services due to: bad weather/signal disruptions. Normally you would be okay with such a delay and would simply wait patiently until the trains resumed services again.

However, that day was an important day for you at work. You could not afford to be late for a client's meeting, and so you had woken up half an hour early in order to take an earlier train, so that you could be in the city on time. And your efforts were to no avail.

You arrived an hour late to work, and this resulted in you getting an earful from your Team Leader.

How would you handle this particular situation, as an ascending soul?

What can you do, in that potentially stressful moment when you were scolded in front of your peers, to continuously maintain a high vibrational state of being, towards ALL?

On one hand you felt so sorry to your boss, for being late and for causing trouble.

And on the other hand, you might have felt 'victimized' or shamed by circumstances beyond your control.

Moreover, as an ascending soul, you were fully aware that you ‘should not‘ get angry, nor think/say ''bad'' thoughts/words about Metro Trains (about the people involved in creating that situation), and about your boss (for shaming you in front of the others, when everything was clearly not your fault).

2nd Distraction: Mental.

This type of distraction can be difficult to pinpoint, since it cannot be seen, i.e. it is not immediately apparent, or obvious to you/to the people or world around you.

Mental distractions can be identified only by the individuals who are directly experiencing them at the time.

And as such, only the aftereffects of mental distractions can be physically felt, heard or seen by the people/world around these individuals.

Examples of mental distractions:

1) Obsessively thinking/worrying about anything/anyone, even when you were in the middle of doing something else. These fearful, or lower vibrational thoughts seemed to be in a ''repeat'' mode; seemingly running on automated mode - all by themselves. Giving birth to a false belief that it was hard: to control one's thoughts or create new cognitive patterns of perception that were aligned with the Higher Self.


2) Consistently living in the past or future - in your mind.

Perhaps by continuously reliving memories of the past in the PRESENT moment (e.g. often thinking back to the time where people had become the ''villains'' in your life story), or, by continuously living in a future that has not occurred yet (e.g. by mentally imagining all sorts of different/awful things that can potentially happen to your children when they are physically far away from you/your protection).


3) If you are highly intuitive/sensitive, and have the ability to read or sense people's thoughts, then other people's secret thoughts about anything, or the bad views/unfavourable opinions they had of you (i.e. any discordant thought that people were thinking in that moment when you just happened to be there), can also become a serious distraction to you.

This type of distraction can easily steer you off course, away from your previously chosen Path of Divine Love, Freedom and Peace.

Can you easily forgive a family member, after this person (who was ''supposed'' to love you unconditionally) mentally insulted or criticized you?

Are you able to remain patient, compassionate, loving and understanding, towards someone who, had not been/could not be genuinely patient, loving & understanding towards you, in their mind?

It is never easy to discuss/bring up someone's discordant activity, especially when ''the act'' had been done in secret; inside the private chambers of their own mind.

In this scenario, the empath could easily feel trapped between a rock and a hard place.

On one side, he might identify himself as the ''victim'' because of the ''bad'' thoughts the other person had of him. The empath might be feeling misunderstood or judged, when that person barely knew anything about him to warrant such harsh criticism.

And then at the same time, he might be feeling like the ''villain'' in that person's life story, for having heard/picked up his or her thoughts without prior consent. Especially when the empath strongly believed that everyone deserved to have their privacy.

After all, there is always a steep learning curve before all empaths can be proficient in controlling, utilizing & mastering their spiritual gifts.

3rd Distraction: Emotional.

There are many people on your planet who would perhaps argue that they had no power over their emotions. When life was good, they would feel equally as good. And when life kept throwing obstacles in the way, then they would not feel happy. And as such, their joy; their happiness would always be dependent on external factors/conditions, or the people/world around them.

This group of people would perhaps consider emotional distractions to be a part of the main categories.

We (your higher dimensional friends) would label emotional distractions as a subcategory because to us, emotional distractions are always the aftereffects of either: physical or mental distractions, or both of them combined.

Let us give you all a few simple examples.

If you were in the habit of worrying about your kids (e.g. their safety and well being whenever they were far away from you for a prolonged period of time), how would these worries affect you emotionally & physically?

Would you be feeling at peace, or would you be living your days in an anxious state of being?

The quality of your thoughts matters. The health of your physical body matters.

Both have powerful effects on your emotions, and then your emotions have powerful effects on both your mental and physical health.

Of course, We know that the above is just basic common sense.

However you might be amazed at how many people on Earth right now are living their lives with a complete disregard for the importance of a strong Mind-Body-Spirit connection within themselves.

For example, clearly knowing that alcohol was bad for their physical body, a lot of people still consumed this addictive substance, to make themselves feel better (i.e. to lift up their spirits).

A lot of people knew that excessive worrying is also an act of creation (that will sooner or later, put them onto a reality that they might not like/enjoy). And yet, many people spent their time worrying too much about things/situations that (oftentimes) are outside of their control.

They had not learnt the art of surrender.

They had not learnt the process of how to build a strong foundation of unshakeable trust & faith in their Higher Self, or in the Universe --> by believing (without a doubt) that they constantly have access to a limitless amount of support from the Divine.

4th Distraction: Psychological.

There are people out there who had chosen to be born with/inherit (from their family line) a psychological disorder.

There are also people out there who had (on a higher level) chosen to develop or acquire a psychological disorder, at some point in their life journeys (caused by internal and/or external factors) --> for reasons that are normally known only to their Higher Self.

Examples of psychological disorders:

- Anxiety disorder - PTSD - Disruptive behaviour & social disorders

- Depression - Schizophrenia - Neurodevelopmental disorders

- Bipolar disorder - Eating disorders

Just like Emotional Distractions, the root causes of Psychological Distractions also came from either: Physical or Mental Distractions, or a combination of both.

If you happened to have a family member, or a close friend who was going through a rough patch in his/her life -> experiencing either PTSD, anxiety, depression, or any other psychological disorder mentioned above, how often were you able to remain in the higher vibrations of Love, Peace & Compassion whenever around him/her? This can be difficult to consistently achieve, especially if you'd had to deal with their psychological disorder on a daily basis.

5th Distraction: Spiritual.

We used the term 'spiritual' here, for anything that can perhaps be considered as ''other-worldly''.

A spiritual distraction is any distraction that most of the times cannot be: quantified, measured, explained easily, or scientifically proven to exist.

Examples of Spiritual Distractions:

1) There are lower vibrational things, entities or energies out there that had chosen to not work for Light and Love. These energies had no interest in ''the higher good of all'', and they often attracted people to them that had similar goals/interests - to further advance their own purposes.

And so, if you knew anyone who had (on a higher level) chosen to go down that route; that lower vibrational life path, were you successful in maintaining your higher vibrations of love, kindness, peace, patience & compassion, and completely surrender your worries to the Divine/your Higher Self --> to help this person return to the Path of Love & Light as soon as possible?


2) Cosmic Ascension Energies & Individual Ascension Energies.

Like mentioned in the previous message by St. Germain, you are now living in the Great Ascension times. And this means, almost every single day lately, all of you here had been receiving very high vibrational Cosmic & Individual Ascension Energies.

These energies can come from the astrological movements/placements of the sun, the moon, and the planets in your solar system. And even right now, your entire lower body is already being prepared to receive and integrate the incoming transformational Light Codes from the Lionsgate Portal ~ that will be opening between July 26th to August 12th of each year.

Were you able to handle the intensity of these Cosmic energies with ease & grace, by giving yourself plenty of rest and self-love?


3) Hypersensitivity to Source Energy.

Empaths, for example, can be hypersensitive to:

- light or sound/noise;

- changes within the earth;

- changes to the weather;

- changes to the Human Collective energy.

Awakened individuals are naturally gifted with the ability to have a strong energetic connection to the Energy of ALL-THAT-IS, and, the ability to understand/interpret, direct, transform/transmute these energies for the Higher Good of All.

And until they have learnt to handle and master this gift, everything & everyone in the world around them can potentially become a distraction that can veer them away from the Path of Freedom, Love or Peace.

When faced with a staggering number of distractions each day, have you been able to maintain your balance & peace, and continue to vibrate in the higher frequencies of Love & Light?

6th Distraction: Financial.

If you have read St. Germain's most recent message titled 'The Old vs. New Money Consciousness', you would know that important changes are afoot right now, especially pertaining to the current money/financial system on Earth.

And how confident do you feel right now, in your ability to handle these incoming changes with ease and grace - by maintaining higher vibrations no matter what?

Money issues can (potentially) trigger a lot of people like nothing else can.

Examples of financial distractions:

1) A woman's ex-husband had either forgotten to pay, or, chosen to not transfer his child support payments for the last two consecutive months. Money was tight; more bills kept arriving in the mail, and she was solely responsible for her son's daily care (whilst working part time as well).

If you were the woman in this scenario, do you think you would be able to speak to your ex-husband with a high degree of calmness, compassion & understanding, when calling to check the reasons for the delay?


2) You just received another letter from your electricity company, notifying you of another increase in their electricity tariff rates. This increase was the third increase in less than 12 months.

The letter arrived in the middle of winter/summer, when electricity usage was usually high (for heating or cooling purposes). Your current electricity bill had almost doubled, when compared to the bill that you got for the same time last year.

After deciding that enough was enough, you then decided to call up the electricity company to give them a piece of your mind. How do you think this phone call would go? Will you be able to keep your composure and speak your mind with a high degree of politeness and courtesy?

This might become easier to do, if one can come to the realization that the person on the other end of the line oftentimes did not have the authority/power to change organization rules (e.g. to set prices).

He was only there to answer people's questions and assist them to the best of his ability - within the limits that had been imposed by his employer. He was certainly not there to be a ‘punching bag’ for anyone who was feeling dissatisfied with the company that he worked for.



After reading all of the creative scenarios that you had come up with above, Paul, we could perhaps infer that as Ascending human beings, we are all 'required' to be/act like a saint, at all times LOL:).

This is no easy feat!

The popular phrase: "We're only human, after all" is perhaps quite suitable to use in this situation.

Isn't it better to focus on/strive for, progress rather than perfection?

Many kids and adults were oftentimes already burdened with the pressure of having to live up to the expectations of the people or world around us.

And now, we are also ''expected'' to be ''a saint'' in our daily inner & outer activities? 😊

All right, putting all jokes aside, I knew & understood that many embodied souls who had been labeled as: Saints, Gurus, The Saviour, Yogis, Sages, Ancient Gods/Goddesses and so on, were (once upon a time) ''ordinary'' human beings just like us.

At some point in their life journey, they had set a super strong intention to be led only by the Sacred Heart; to be the embodiment, or a representative of God's Love to the people/world around them.

They were not deterred by obstacles; they didn't allow anything or anyone to shake or distract them from their Sacred Goals. After many years of ''hard inner work'', one day these ”normal“ human beings managed to attain enlightenment and reach their dream destination.

They permanently attained a higher vibrational level of consciousness that could easily be seen, sensed or witnessed by the people/world around them. They walked around the Earth always exuding God's Love & Grace, and their Inner Light could often be visible to the naked eye.


Your sense of humour is as delightful as ever, Adele sweetheart.

I know that you were only saying those things, to represent the views/opinions of people out there who might also want to say the above - whenever they were feeling pushed or pressured to do/be something that they didn't want/weren't ready, to do/be.

However, let me ask you the following questions.

Throughout the long years that you had walked together with Sananda; with your Higher Self & Spirit team, did you ever feel pressured to change?

Did we ever tell you off, scold or punish you, whenever you had said/done something 'wrong' to others?

Did we ever command, order or instruct you to be the personification of your Divine I AM Presence - and to daily strive to be like Her/Him?


''No'' is the answer to all of your questions, as you are already well aware, Paul.

All of you have been the bestest friends anyone could have.

You accept me just the way I am, 'flaws and all'.

The commitment and desires to change; to transform; to progress and spiritually evolve to even higher vibrational levels of Love & Light, came from within.

I am Love.

Love is my purpose and my reason for being here.

Love is what I daily strive to be, and also, what I have always been within.

To be the full personification of the Love that is my Divine Presence; the Love that is my God Self, is my dream; my sacred goal -- from the human personality's perspective.

If the desire to become Divine Love-in-action did not come from within, then I would have probably given up a long time ago.

In a way, I just realize that I'd actually answered my own question.

There is an aspect of myself that ''strives'' to be like my Higher Self; to be Divine Love in every moment of every day.

And yet, there is another aspect of myself that understands and knows (beyond any shadow of doubt), that I AM already Divine Perfection, just the way I AM. No ''striving'' or changing required.

It's that Divine Dichotomy again.

Many Ascending individuals have become so multidimensional in every way.

The Ascension Path had not been an easy path to walk on, but if given the chance to start all over again from the beginning, I would still choose this path.


Very good, sweetheart.

All right, let us now help you with attaining a high level of Self/Spiritual Mastery, by being Divine Love-in-action wherever you are/whatever you are facing in life.

In other words, how to handle ALL highly stressful ''distractions'' with ease and grace, and how to love these ''unlovable'' distractions.

But before we get into that, I would like you, Adele, to share with everyone here, another thing that had occurred recently in your life. And you already know what I am talking about.


Hmmm... I didn't mind at all sharing the recent hospitalization experience here.

That particular experience felt so surreal, almost like a fantasy.

And in comparison, the other experience that you just asked me to share, Paul, was a really difficult one (emotionally-speaking) for me.

However, as usual, I simply trust that you would not have asked me to share, if there was no Higher Purpose or value in my sharing. And so, here it goes.

I have been living at the same property for more than 20 years.

And throughout that time, I had made many friends of the ''unusual'' kind.

One of the spiritual gifts that the Higher Self had blessed me with, is the ability to talk to/communicate with all animals and trees, anytime I want. And so, all animals and trees are my dearest, bestest friends.

Humans thought that the animals, let alone the trees, cannot speak.

They certainly can ''speak'', however, only those whose hearts are open to divine love; only those who have expressed the desire & demonstrated a willingness to listen, can hear their voices clearly.

Although I deeply love every tree & animal equally, I had gotten closer only to some of them.

There was one giant tree (located at a neighbour's backyard) in particular that I could see from my living & bedroom windows. And because of its close proximity, we had become the best of friends.

I feel blessed & grateful to have been the recipient of so much of The Tree's love, care, and wisdom, for the past 20+ years.

And then one morning, as I laid in bed recuperating from the recent hospitalization experience, I was woken up by a super loud noise of heavy machinery - and immediately knew that something was wrong.

When I went outside to investigate what those people were doing, I saw a man hanging around my tree-friend - he was in the middle of chopping her down into smaller pieces.

There were no words in the English language that could fully describe the shock and grief that I was feeling at the time. I was inconsolable for about two days.

As I watched her being cut down into pieces, and feeling it at the same time, I could only cry & say over and over to my tree-friend, and to Mother Gaia, to forgive those men (and the neighbours who had hired them for the job) -- for they didn't really know nor understand what they were truly doing.

At the time, my dearest tree-friend was focused on consoling me - telling me not to cry; not to grieve for the loss of her physical presence - even as they were cutting her down.

Even during her last moments, she remained so unconditionally loving; so focused on comforting me instead.


Thank you, sweetheart. I know that sharing the story wasn't easy for you.

And even though I know that you already know what I am about to say next, Adele.

There is a need to say it here anyway - for everyone's benefit.

Your tree-friend is not ''gone'', Adele.

Nothing is solid, since EVERYTHING is Energy.

You know, understand/comprehend, and, can even sense the following Higher Truth better than a lot of human beings can - whenever people were confronted with the death of their loved ones.

''Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.''

(Albert Einstein).


My mind knows and understands this really well, Paul.

My heart, however, was processing that loss in the only way it could, at the time.

As a Reiki healer; as someone who is very deeply tuned into the nuances of Source Energy, I never had any doubt about what you just said. I never really thought that my tree-friend was truly gone.

And I also know that her Spirit; her Essence remained.

Even now, with her physical form completely gone, I could still sense her presence in the roots, underground, and in all other tree-friends that I see daily.


Very good, sweetheart.

All right, let us now discuss this some more.

This painful experience that you'd recently gone through, is a good example of 'Physical Distraction #4'.

The loss (due to death or other types of separation) of: a beloved friend, family member, significant other, or something that had a deep & strong value to you.

How well do you think you'd handled that stressful situation, Adele?


Well, I am pretty sure that I had passed that particular Ascension test of the Ray of Divine Love.

The old version of Adele would be quite mad at everyone who had played a role in that ''staged'' drama.

The new Adele had grieved; however, she had been successful in not projecting low-vibrational, or energetically discordant thoughts/feelings towards the perpetrators.

In terms of being able to remain in the higher frequencies of: peace, harmony, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, at least I got three out of five right.

I had ''failed'' the first two (peace & harmony) but I was victorious for the last three higher vibrations.

Win some, lose some - so what.

That particular experience, no matter how painful, had shown me just how much I'd changed/evolved.

I'm actually quite happy with my own progress; with my sacred journey towards enlightenment.

Of course, prior to ''losing'' my tree-friend, I already knew that I had changed/transformed a lot.

That inner knowing became a certainty, only after I was put to the test.

Just like anything else in life, we only know the true measure of anything, e.g. a relationship, friendship, our commitment to our profession/to Love, in difficult conditions when they are put to the test.


Very good, Adele.

Prebirth, you had planned this painful experience yourself. Nothing in life is ever a coincidence.

You had created the blueprint of your Ascension journey yourself, and gained the loving agreement; the sacred promise for a future collaboration - from everyone involved (including your tree-friend/Mother Gaia).

In other words, sweetheart, the script for your life was entirely written by you.

And in that moment when this particular ''scene'' was being played out, you were in fact:

The Scriptwriter (a.k.a. the Higher Self), and, The Actress (a.k.a. the Human Personality-Self), both at the same time.

The Sacred Key to remaining higher vibrational (i.e. to loving the unlovable), in times of great challenges, or great pain, is this:

Having the INNER KNOWING that you, and only you, can rewrite YOUR Script --> anytime you want.

Of course, you only have the power and authority; the strength; the determination; the courage, and the willingness, to rewrite your script, IF you are the Scriptwriter -- and NOT the Actor/Actress.

Simply let this higher truth to sink deep into your consciousness for a few minutes.

Did actors or actresses in any TV drama; in any movie, have the power or authority to change the scripts for the projects that they were involved in? Of course not!

They got paid to say their lines, and to act out their characters perfectly - following the scripts that they had been given. There could not be major changes/deviations made to the scenes/dialogues, without prior approval from a lot of people - e.g. the scriptwriter, director, and maybe even the people who had financially invested in the projects.

In other words, you will be VICTORIOUS over ANY painful/challenging ''distraction'', if (in moments of great stress/pain) you choose to follow these steps:

1) Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths for at least 10 seconds.

And in those 10 seconds, remember who you are.

2) Make a mental or verbal command, for the I AM That I AM, to take over & take charge of the entire situation. You don't even have to form/use long sentences.

Simply state out loud, or mentally recite the following words: I AM That I AM slowly, for a minimum of three times.

It can also be for as many times as you like/need, until you regain your inner peace; until you begin to feel an inner shift to the higher vibrations.

3) After making the command, simply trust that your command will be immediately obeyed.

Your request will be instantly granted.

From the moment you call upon the Holy Name: I AM That I AM, you instantly become the Higher Self; the God Self/Divine Presence within.

After taking over control, your Higher Self will lead you to step away from "The Stage'', and, to make the conscious choice to ''rewrite'' your script --> right in that very moment.

And your Higher Self will do so, by taking control of your Physical, Mental & Emotional Bodies, so that you can immediately experience a high degree of detachment - from the whole stressful/painful situation.

In that moment when everything was still happening ''live'', you would instantly feel so safe; so protected; so calm & at peace --> feeling completely steady, unruffled, or perfectly composed.

You can continue to be in this state, for however long you wish.

You can even make a strong intention to remain forever in this higher vibrational state of being!


That clearly explained what had happened to the Mental & Emotional Bodies, during my entire ''medical drama'' experience.

I didn't even call upon your name, beloved I AM, and you were already there - taking over & caring for me in the best ways possible!

However.... why didn't you do the same, during the other life ''drama'' involving my tree-friend, so that at the time, I would not be in so much (emotional) pain?

Adele's Higher Self:

I need to give you (the Ascending individual), the opportunity to solve/master any problem, challenge, or difficult life situation that may suddenly appear out of nowhere, without too much interference from me.

At some point in time, I have to be willing to let go and let you ''ride the bicycle'' yourself.

Otherwise, how would you learn and evolve?

This ''rule'' changes, if/when you have asked for my assistance.

And of course, if every morning (as soon as you wake up), you set a powerful intention to: think, speak, feel, react, act or behave exactly like me (in every moment that day) - then this set intention will supersede everything else.


Since you are very well aware of the deep commitment that I have often shown, in my own Ascension journey, you would also know of my desire to become the full personification of you - beloved I AM.

And so in other words, there is never a moment in time where I do not want to think, speak, feel, react, act or behave exactly like you. This is the single most important life goal that I have right now.

Why do I still need to affirm this already-strong intention every morning as well?

Adele's Higher Self:

You know, better than a lot of people out there, that Spoken Words have INCREDIBLE Powers (as previously explained in ''Expansion of the Sacred Heart'' as well).

And that's why you had been focusing a lot of efforts on having full control over your speech; over your chosen verbal & written words - to make sure that your selected words are high vibrational, at all times.

By developing this new habit of affirming your already-strong intention to be Divine Love-in action (in your every thought, word, reaction and action that day), you will be creating an even more powerful energetic momentum that will make your intentions appear in your reality, a lot faster.

And this energetic momentum will sustain you, even during moments of great physical, mental, or emotional distress.


And then, after those highly stressful moments have passed, We will help you so that you become willing, to see EVERYTHING and EVERYONE involved (in that situation) from Higher Perspectives.

We will disclose any information that you need, about all the parties involved (to understand their reasons for doing what they did; their true motivations/objectives), since you were a direct participant involved in that particular life ''drama''.

We will also help to ease your physical/emotional pain.

We will work to heal/strengthen your heart and help you to remember who you are.

Every day, We will remain by your side, and help you to return to the Path of Love, Trust, Peace, Joy and Freedom once again.

We will show you that no-thing, and, no one is ever truly ''lost''.

We will do this, perhaps by sending other Light Beings (people, trees, animals, etc.) onto your path.

Light Beings that have similar characteristics/vibes as the loved ones who had "gone" before.

This will then help you to realize that your loved ones, or more accurately, the Spirit of your loved ones, have always been right by your side.


All right, let me now wrap things up.

The world that you are in, is one big evolutionary stage.

All the men & women on Earth are acting out their parts, however, only some people (the spiritually-awakened ones) would know when it was time to ''stop acting''.

These people would know when acting out their roles in any particular ''drama'' stopped being fun or enjoyable.

And whenever that happened; they then made the conscious choice to stop being the actor/actress -- preferring instead to either: stand on the sidelines, or, sit down and become a part of the audience,

or, leave the ‘theatre‘ altogether.

Whilst others (those who were not awakened) never even knew that they were ''on stage'' to begin with.

If one, is not aware/does not know that physical life on Earth is a part of the Great Illusion/the Maya/the Matrix; the Great Evolutionary 'Game' that many Souls love to play; then one will simply continue to play the roles that he/she had chosen prebirth.

Never truly knowing or understanding his/her True Identity, as the powerful ''Scriptwriter''; as the amazing “Architect/Designer” of this 'Game', or, as the powerful God Self who can change any challenging/difficult/unpleasant life ''scenes'' to become amazing scenes/experiences instead.

During the ''live'' moments whenever you are facing: a highly stressful, painful, or challenging experience, or, very difficult people, always remember that you have 2 options to choose from.

You can choose to be the actor/actress, or, the 'Scriptwriter'.

You can choose to become the ''victim'', or, the 'Victor' over that challenging situation.

You can choose to adopt the personality of your Divine I AM Presence, or, the human personality that is usually full of fear, stress, anxiety, pain etc.

In other words, you can choose to maintain your higher vibrations, or, you can choose to let your vibrations drop to lower levels.

And in time, with continuous practice, as you keep choosing to be your I AM Presence; as you keep choosing to maintain the higher vibrations, your entire lower body (especially physical & emotional bodies) will instinctively know what to do, or how to react, in moments of great stress.

By that time, your lower bodies will have been ''trained'', or "conditioned" to always maintain the Higher vibrations - no matter what.

And once this happens, there will be no more ''striving/efforting''.

You don't need to be vigilant, nor ‘'work hard'', to maintain high vibrations anymore.

You will move purely by instinct, and all lower vibrational thoughts/emotions will become so foreign; so unacceptable to the God Self that you have then become.

This 'training' or 'conditioning' can be done through many different ways.

For example, by daily affirming your set intention to become the I AM That I AM.

Or by choosing to listen to a Light Language Transmission (always following your intuition) - to further accelerate your inner transformations.

To love the unlovable is a difficult, and sometimes impossible thing to do, only if viewed from the perspectives of the human personality of the embodied Soul on Earth.

The Higher Self sees through ALL illusions. Nothing is impossible, or too difficult to do.

The God Presence has perfect command and control over Source Energy; over ALL THAT IS.

And as such, only by becoming Him/Her, you can become an all-wise, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving and unstoppable human being.

A human being who is eternally victorious over ALL discordant energies/situations/distractions that may appear in your life.

It is time for you to put your complete Trust and Faith in your own Soul Powers; in the Supreme Powers of God - as the God-Self that you have always been within.

Sending you all my love,

Paul the Venetian.

(The Maha Chohan)

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.


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