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Expansion of the Sacred Heart (Part 2 on Trust) ~ by Paul the Venetian, the Maha Chohan (16/1/2023).

Greetings beloved, I am Paul.

It has been almost a year ever since Adele posted our last conversations here.

And what a magnificent year 2022 had been, for a lot of people here.

With awe, We have observed plenty of tremendous inner & outer changes happening all around, especially in the lives of Our lightworkers.

To us - the Higher Beings in charge of Earth's evolution - it is irrelevant whether people had:

believed/not believed in, or agreed/disagreed with, or approved/disapproved of,

the information contained within Our messages on this site.

The way that people reacted to your words & Ours would always have to do with the attained level of Divine Light & Love within their own consciousness. Never forget that, dear ones.

For individuals here who have devoted your life to be a channel/messenger/representative/spokesperson for Spirit, there will always come a time when your sacred duty (as messenger for the Divine) may push you out of what you may consider to be a 'safe' territory.

And whenever this happens, understand that ALL is happening for an important purpose - serving the Higher Good of ALL involved - and rest assured, you will always be protected & provided for.

This is Our sacred promise to you all.

Indeed, We had observed many discordant & non-loving: projections, judgements or opinions going around - arising from the vibrational power of our written words (especially the last two messages).

We had also observed in many individuals, a growing determination to do whatever it takes to complete their 'shadow-work', by releasing, transmuting and alchemizing everything within their consciousness, that is not anchored in Divine Love.

Everything is interconnected. ALL is ONE.

Whenever one person manages to permanently anchor his/her overall vibrations in Divine Love, then what will happen is, everything and everyone that surround this person, will not fail to change as well - so that they too, will one day be able to embody Divine Love all the more fully.

In other words, real-life success coming from just one person will no doubt create massive ripple effects, on the fabric of your physical realities - for ALL on Earth.

And then simply imagine if there are 100, 1000, or 100,000 of such individuals currently living on Earth.

Each and every one of these individuals will serve as a powerful lighthouse & anchor for the Divine - blazing bright with the Light & Love of Source; with the intensity & power of the Great Central Sun.

By creating those messages, together Adele & I, we were simply planting seeds for New Earth - like gardeners meticulously tending to the "Garden of-what-will-soon-be-Heaven on Earth''.

Some of those seeds had lain/continued to lay dormant in people's hearts. Some of them have grown to become beautiful flowers/trees. Some other seeds would need more time & TLC (tender loving care) by Spirit, for them to grow into their highest potential. Divine timing is the key to everything.

All in all, We are delighted to see Our transmissions doing precisely what they were designed to do - helping ALL return to the Divinity; the Pure Love & Light within.

And in today's message, We will continue to address Adele's remaining questions (from the Prologue) one by one. Afterwards, We will focus on giving you the tools; the information and perhaps even the encouragement that you might need, to assist you in your inner journey back to a state-of-being where you are (once again) the purest expression of Trust & Love.

And so, without further ado, let's start with the following question.


Q7) How often did you have the belief that the people around you were telling THE TRUTH?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


This is the wrong question for me personally. By this phase of my spiritual journey, I can always tell whether the people/world around me are conveying/expressing either: the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (based on 5D/higher perspectives), or, DISTORTIONS OF THIS TRUTH (based on 3D perspectives - the maya).

People are always expressing one or the other, with no exceptions.

By now, my Sacred Heart has become strongly tuned into the vibrations of Truth; always filtering out ALL That-is-Not-of-the-Highest-Truth.

Out of the four spiritual gifts (i.e. the four clairs: clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience & claircognizance), the last two have always been my strongest gifts. I have been receiving downloads, inner knowing, or vibrational information about the people/world around me constantly, ever since I was just a little girl -- long before my spiritual awakening.

For example, I have always been able to feel other people's feelings as if they were my own. I would know when someone wasn't feeling well and which part of their bodies was hurting, or, when/why someone was in a bad mood. And as such, I would always know the instant when people were lying to/hiding things from me, and also the reason(s) why they had done so.

People will find it challenging to lie to an empath, because the empath will (sooner or later) find out.

However, rest assured that even after being lied to, an empath would rarely judge the individuals who had lied to them, because she/he could also deeply understand the often-untold reasons behind the deception and thus would often choose to react with love & compassion.

And so, I guess the following two questions will be more appropriate for me to ask myself - for the purpose of self-introspection:

Even after being lied to, or deceived, how often was I able to remain anchored in Love & Compassion, by not taking these lies personally; by not feeling hurt?

Should I speak/act/make decisions based on people's vibrations, or, based on people's words/promises/actions instead? Especially when the two seemed to be contradicting one another.

With the first question, I feel like I've made wonderful progress. Now that I've come out of my reset phase, I've been feeling so at peace - no matter what was happening around me.

I have noticed that my 'brand new' heart has become so strong, it is no longer the old version: fragile, and easily hurt by what people had done/not done; said/not said - towards myself.

As an empowered empath, I can now easily remain in the ”observe but not absorb'' mode. And this has given me a wondrous feeling of emotional freedom - after what felt like a lifetime of being 'bogged down' by the collective energies of the people/world around me.

Feeling so light, blissful and free right now - like I'm floating on cloud nine. And so grateful for everything.

And the answer to my second question is: neither.

I will always speak, act, or make decisions, based on what my Sacred Heart is guiding me to do - and never based on people's vibrations, or, their words/promises/actions.


Very good Adele. You have learnt a very important lesson here.

Once upon a time, you had walked through life wearing 'rose-coloured glasses'.

You could always see the inner beauty, the love/light, and the infinite potential within each person's heart, and as such, there were many times in the past whenever people were to act out of their shadow sides, you would feel so hurt or, take it so personally.

But now that you have fully 'tamed' your own shadow-self; never by force, but by loving it; by understanding and accepting it fully - you are now ready to do the same, towards other people's shadow selves (whenever they were to present themselves to you).

In the tarot, The Chariot is a victory card and is symbolic of a union of opposites.

The black and white horses pull in different directions. This requires the Charioteer to exert immense control, confidence, and sense of purpose, to bring the two back together - to move forward in one direction.

Now that you & your Higher Self are in perfect control of the Chariot that represents your life/destiny, you will soon be surrounded by long-term connections who have also tamed their 'shadow-self' with love. Like attracts like.

Now that you have learnt to love yourself more than ever before, and, you know how to create/maintain healthy 'boundaries' around your heart, all of your relationships will become healthier & completely balanced.

Let us now talk about lies, or distortions of Truth.

Whenever people lie, they do so out of many different reasons.

Some people lied to protect themselves or others; some people 'lied' hoping that their statements would soon become the truth (manifesting in their physical realities, after saying them long/often enough); some people lied to avoid being pressured into doing/saying something that they weren't ready/don't like, to do; some people lied to avoid being blamed for something they had either done/not done, or to avoid being seen as 'weak'/being looked down upon - by others.

Some people lied to fit in, to belong, or, to be accepted as part of a group. Some lied to impress, or, to receive a greater flow of abundance of love, joy, wealth, prosperity, and stability/security from the people/world around them.

Others perhaps felt conflicted within - their hearts, minds and/or behaviours could not come into alignment, and as such, they ended up making the 'wrong' decisions that came from this state of non-alignment with their Sacred Heart. Decisions that they might end up regretting one day in the future, thus causing them to renege; to break their promises, or go against their word. In this scenario, these people perhaps never intended to lie or deceive the people/world around them. They were either lying to themselves, or they simply didn’t understand nor know themselves well enough.

And some people were not lying, but the people around them thought they were, due to a clash of their: polar-opposite personalities (e.g. the Divine Presence Vs. the human personalities), perspectives, or levels of knowledge/experience/understanding (e.g. 3D Vs. 5D consciousness) - scroll down below to see the image titled 'Communication of Information' for an example.

The wise men/women will never let what other people had said or done/had not said or done, to: disturb their peace, lower their vibrations, or adversely affect them in any way.

People's words or behaviours are mere reflections of their inner world, and of course, it’s the same with yourself.

Whenever people lied, or made a false representation of themselves, they were simply outwardly projecting their insecurities or inner fears. Whenever people projected their discordant opinions towards/about you, especially when you had never intended to do/say anything harmful towards them, these people were once again simply reacting out fears or insecurities.

They might have felt like their way of life; their belief systems; their position/authority/power; their self-esteem, habits, abilities or perspectives, were being threatened/challenged, or, were 'wrong' in some way, shape or form.

These people had simply failed to realise that right/wrong was just an illusion, very similar to the concept of dark/light. And love is all there is.

Simply continue to send the energies of Divine Love and Peace their way, to assist them in their journey back to the Divinity; the Sacred Heart within.

There will come a point in time, in everyone's Ascension journey, when THE TRUTH becomes your only modus operandi.

By that time, saying anything that is not based on Truth, will feel so abhorrent, or repugnant to you.


I know exactly what you meant Paul.

It's now been a few years ever since I literally cannot lie to myself/others, about anything anymore.

For example, whenever someone asked me a simple question such as: ''How are you this morning Adele?'', the old-version of Adele would have given the automated response ''I'm fine, thank you for asking'' - even when I was not feeling well. For many people out there, this answer is perhaps considered to be the socially accepted; the more polite answer - especially when we are amongst people that we don't know (very well). People who were perhaps asking that question just to be polite, and not because they genuinely cared about how we were feeling in that moment.

It seems to me that the more spiritually awakened one becomes, the more one will become 100% sincere, authentic, direct, transparent, sometimes vulnerable, and always completely honest, not only when communicating with oneself but also when communicating with the people/world around him as well.

However, to commit to always being such a person, one must have a tremendous amount of inner strength & courage.

In my experience, it certainly has not been easy to: be raw, authentic or vulnerable, or, to always follow the heart's guidance, in a world where people often made snap judgments about another, based on their own 3D standards/values/belief systems/perspectives/level of knowledge or understanding.

Being 100% honest, all of the time, can sometimes be a detriment to us/our relationships with the people around us - especially if/when others get triggered by the things that we had said/done, even when we had meant well.


We have certainly witnessed a lot of that going on in 2022, whenever your well-meaning, loving and caring: words/truths/intentions, got distorted, twisted, misunderstood, or misconstrued - to reflect the human personalities of the individuals, whose lives you had directly/indirectly touched.

In the grand scheme of things, "All the world is a stage. And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances." You are simply actors/actresses playing your own chosen roles.

Always supporting THE ALL in your & in their spiritual evolution journey.

For you specifically Adele, those individuals had simply been helping you to strengthen your vibrations, or more accurately, to release all false beliefs/perspectives that you had long held about: yourself; your gifts/innate talents, or your life in general.

And now in 2023, you have begun to reap the benefits of all the 'hard work' that you'd done, after the thorough 'deep-clean' of your internal world is now complete.


If you had asked me between 2019-2021 whether it would be possible for my trust & faith be restored back to its previously high level (at 90%), or higher (at 100%), the answer would most likely be no.

However now that the rain, all the dark clouds, the pain & bad feelings are gone, I can see clearly now why events had had to unfold in a certain way. Been seeing lots of bright sunshiny & rainbow-filled days lately!

(Loved that Jimmy Cliff song *LOL). Feeling so at peace with what was, is, and will be, in my world.

Trust now comes more easily and naturally than ever before, especially towards myself, my Higher Self, Spirit, or the Universe.

Trusting the people in my life, or the strangers around me, is now all about trusting in the Divine; in the Universe to always protect, guide, and work things out in my favour.


This is so wonderful to hear!

We - members of your Spirit team - have been 'waiting' for this to occur, for what seemed to be a very 'long' time. We're so happy for you, and for ALL who will one day benefit from your inner transformation.

Before We move on to the next question, let us give you all a simple but powerful reminder.

As candidates for Ascension & chelas to the Ascended Masters Collective, what other people did/said to you should be less important than, or, not as important as, what you had said/done towards yourself, and towards ALL in existence.

Your main task/homework as a lightworker has always been to consistently conduct & express yourself in perfect alignment with the vibrations of Divine Love, Peace, Freedom & Truth - at all times.

Your words, actions/reactions, behaviours, decisions must always be in alignment with the Divine I AM Presence that resides within.

From now on, for a lot of people here, whenever your words, actions or behaviours have gone out of alignment, it will feel like the ultimate betrayal to your own Sacred Heart.

In the instances when you have failed to adhere to the Divine Laws of Love & Harmony, you will feel immediately drawn to: apologise with heartfelt sincerity, do your best to rectify your mistakes, and/or realign your priorities so that your conscience once again becomes crystal-clear.

In the end, it has always been between you & God. Between you and your Divine Higher Self.

You are either in service of the Divine Love & Light that You Truly Are, or, you are in service of your human personality.

Moving forward, We will simply continue to observe your day-to-day choices; your individual progress towards your Ascension goal & give you Our infinite support. Always following your own set intentions, the commitment level that you have demonstrated, and the higher purpose for your life here on Earth.

Lastly, it may do you well to remember that humans are creatures of habit and routine.

It usually takes people more than 20 years to develop their adult personalities. You are all constantly evolving; constantly changing. Sometimes people's behaviours and habits were healthy, helpful or in alignment with their own set goals/intentions, and at other times, they were not.

And as such, it is important to pay attention to the 'power of energetic momentum' when you are all in the middle of co-creating your physical reality with the Universe, especially every time after you had made the conscious choice to do/not do the loving thing, or, to say/not to say THE TRUTH.

Whenever one had made the choice to tell a lie, or to gossip & pass around non-truths, either about oneself; about another person, or anything else in life, then the second time whenever a similar opportunity happens to arise again, one will find that the process has become easier.

And by the third, fourth, fifth, or subsequent time afterwards, one no longer finds it 'wrong' to lie; to exaggerate/embellish; to disguise/distort the truth; to choose the easier way out even if that meant one was turning a blind eye on the truth, or, to blame others for all the unhappy experiences that they had created in their physical reality.

Every time people had lied; every time they had blamed another for their own 'wrong' decisions; every time they had acted against their heart/conscience, these people were simply showing themselves very clearly to the world, the type of person that they had become.

And for these individuals, because of how often they had gone against the Inner Compass that is their Sacred Heart, their lives would soon be surrounded by situations or circumstances that would powerfully show them the energetic consequences of their words/actions/behaviours.

The people that would, come into/be in their lives, would most likely mirror their own human personalities - e.g. individuals who had no qualms about lying/breaking their promises, or about doing anything else that their Sacred Heart would consider to be a violation of the Divine Law of Love.


Last year I came across an amazing South Korean TV drama titled ''Extraordinary Attorney Woo'' that left a deep & lasting impression in my heart. The protagonist was a genius attorney, who possessed a photographic memory - enabling her to: remember every single book she had read, and perfectly recall all the information contained within those books (she was able to recite everything word-for-word). She was also autistic, exhibiting behavioral symptoms/habits that are common in individuals with ASD Level 2.

In one of the episodes, this rookie attorney had had to make a choice between: winning her case for her client's sake (and by so doing she would then be able to get the recognition/rewards that she deserved, coming from her peers/employer), Vs. revealing the hidden truth about her client's unethical & dishonest behaviours (and by so doing, she could potentially lose: her client; her job/income; her licence to practice law - if she were to break attorney-client privilege).

The latter option (revealing/not concealing The Truth) would obviously be more in alignment with her conscience; with the quiet voice within that came from her own Divine Presence.

Forced with having to make those serious life choices, this young attorney would have to decide for herself, the type of attorney, i.e. the type of person that she intends to be.

Did she want to become a Champion, Defender, Advocate, and Protector of TRUTH, and stake her entire life/career on this sacred cause?

Or did she want to continue to choose the easier; the more comfortable path - forever only serving her own interests, as well as the interests of the greedy; the rich & powerful people who were the ones paying for her legal services (at the expense of the 'victims' involved in her cases)?

As an autistic person, we were shown that it wasn't easy for the protagonist to secure that job as an attorney, even with her having graduated at the top of her class.

In the drama, the audience was given an example of how choosing the latter path had affected the protagonist's supervisor/mentor. After a few decades of only catering to his own needs, and/or the needs of the rich & powerful, he then inevitably created a physical reality where he'd had to battle a life-threatening disease.

His serious illness was the energetic outcome that was brought about by the prolonged state of dis-ease; state of disharmony, within his inner world. A state of dis-ease (a.k.a. stress) that was created due to his strong resistance to following the guidance coming from his Sacred Heart.

This was a prime example of the famous ''ongoing inner battle'' between one's Divine Presence & his human personality, a.k.a. his shadow-self.


This TV drama was indeed divinely inspired Adele.

We noticed that you had benefited/learnt a lot from its stories. The titular character was such a bright, positive, and inspiring pure soul who loved sea creatures a lot. And because she was often blunt & direct with her words (displaying a complete lack of social graces), she got misunderstood a lot by strangers. The people closest to her however, deeply understood that she never wanted/went out of her way to harm or hurt the people around her. She often spent much of her spare time helping to improve the lives of her beloved dolphin & whale friends.

All of you here are equally as unique and beautiful as the protagonist in this drama.

And unfortunately, or fortunately, (this will depend on one's lower perspective, or, Our higher perspective) for a lot of our lightworkers, being so very different from mainstream humanity occasionally also meant that in the past, a lot of people here had felt like they did not belong, nor could they easily fit in, with their old groups of connections.

Remember loved ones, that you had come here to assist in creating major, permanent positive changes on Earth. And of course, this naturally means that your: innate characteristics, personal values, decisions, or, life overall, are in so many ways completely different from humanity's old ways of be-ing; old ways of thinking or doing things.

Instead of viewing these natural energetic phenomena as rejection, I would like to invite all of you here to view this as Divine PROTECTION.

As long as you stay TRUE to you & to your Sacred Heart; as long as you keep radiating the energies of Divine Love & Peace for ALL THAT IS in existence, sooner or later, you will eventually align with and find the members of your TRUE Soul Tribe.

People whose overall frequency of vibration is located at the frequency of the Higher Heart chakra.

People who genuinely care about and/or respect your wants/needs, simply because your friendship/presence in their lives is precious to them, just like their friendship/presence in your life is precious to you. These relationships/friendships will be based on: genuine love, mutual caring, loyalty, respect, understanding, and joy - instead of only on need.

People who give as much as they have received, with balance as the underlying theme.

People who often inspire & uplift; those who accept you as who you truly are (even with all of your perceived flaws, weaknesses, uniqueness or eccentricities), and never seek to change you to suit them/their purpose.

Members of your true Soul Tribe will always support the changes that you wish to make for yourself, without judgement.

The Flame of Divine Love that one radiates, will always protect, nourish, support and rejuvenate every aspect of your life, including your: relationships/friendships, work, and lower bodies.

All right, it’s time for us to move on to the next question.


Q8) How much do you currently trust in your heart; in your inner guidance/intuition?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


In the past when I was having all of those trust issues, the answer to this question would vary greatly.

Whenever I was having a good day, trusting my heart & intuition; trusting Spirit came easily.

And whenever I was having a bad day, or a long series of bad days, the energy of trust became almost impossible to embody.

In this Present, NOW moment however, I can genuinely say that I trust in my heart's guidance & intuition 100% of the time.

The niggling doubts; the persistent (often anxious/fearful) voice coming from my 'shadow-self' that used to undermine my decisions, or make me doubt my own: words, work, character, or intentions, is now completely gone.

All that remains is the loving voice of my beloved I AM, and for this, I am forever grateful.

Trust me when I say that persistence & perseverance when completing our shadow-work (to deeply purify our consciousness) will one day be infinitely rewarded by the feeling of deep, everlasting peace.

The peace that came from the inner knowing & understanding that we are already everything that we had ever wanted in the past; everything that we might have been searching for (externally).


Maintaining this state of Inner Peace is absolutely crucial, if your goal is to become a powerful 5D Creator/Manifestor, and a powerful Co-Creator of New Earth.

Some people had called this the 'State of NON-RESISTANCE' to the magnificent, all-powerful Divine Presence within.

Others had called this the Divine Feminine's 'State of RECEIVING' - attracting everything to you, not by much efforting. You simply resolve TO BE the very thing that you wish to create in your physical reality, right here, right now - by aligning your overall vibrations with the vibrations of the life that you desire to have & by following your heart's directions on what to do next.

We would, on the other hand, call this state of Inner Peace, the ZERO POINT of CREATION.

This is the 'blank canvas' state that all Masters of Creation hold within.

The Universe always stands ready to lovingly support whatever any Master of Source Energy, wishes to create next.

Everything that you can imagine, desire, or wish for; everything that you want to create, is only possible when you have successfully anchored yourself in this zero-point field.

When you go about your daily life always with your entire being anchored in the vibration of Divine Love & Peace, simply watch & be amazed at how everything that you had ever wanted to have/experience just flows into your life like magic!


Q9) Do you believe that you are the type of person who will always follow through, after having made: a decision, a promise, an agreement, and/or vows - to yourself, to Spirit/your Higher Self, or, to the people and world around you?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


By this phase of my spiritual journey, yes is my answer to this question.

I am not afraid to admit here that I have not always been this type of person - from birth, all the way up to my reset phase. Is there any adult person alive, who can honestly say that he/she had never made any mistakes before in the past?

When one is walking the path of Ascension; one must undoubtedly undergo a massive inner transformation that can be felt/seen by the people around her. His innate characteristics/personality will (sooner or later) come into alignment with/become perfect reflections of the Divine Presence within.

And thus, these days I have now become super careful about the things I said; especially about anything that I had promised to do for/give to myself & others.

If I did not feel that I could live up to my words/promises, no amount of persuasion, pressure or manipulation, coming from the people/world around me would be able to change my mind; or change my decisions about anything.

Moreover, these days, I have noticed that my beloved Higher Self has been making sure that I always live up to my words and/or promises. For example, by making my previously stated intentions or words appear in my physical reality, seemingly at the speed of light!

Even small, offhand comments that I had casually made (about myself), often became manifested in my reality almost instantly, or within a few hours/days after making those (sometimes-careless) statements.

These experiences have given birth to a higher level of understanding of the following concept:

The Word (God's word) made manifest.

When a person was in a State of Oneness with the Divine Presence Within, and then he/she spoke from this consciousness coming from being inside this Unified Field of Love, one is in fact invoking THE POWER OF THE WORD.


Hasn't it been said before, in one of your many holy books, Psalm 82: ''Thus says the Lord, Ye are Gods and children of the Most High"?

After your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies have undergone a deep & intensive purification process, your powers of Creation & Co-Creation, with God and as God, will only grow exponentially in a short amount of time.

Before long, you can simply SPEAK your Creations into the physical reality.

You can command Source Energy to obey/manifest your will - using only your voice; your words.

Then simply relax, sit back and observe how fast these creations will make their appearances in your life.

And this is exactly the reason why it has now become super important for all of you, to ALWAYS be a person of your word.

Every time when a person lied; every time when a person had broken his promises; every time when one went against one's word, the following would occur:

this person was (very effectively) eroding THE LEVEL OF TRUST that he used to have for/in himself.

The level of trust in her own abilities - to manifest things/make things happen; to get things done; to be a 'good' person that one could be proud of (one who would always live up to his promises) - will slowly diminish, with every lie; with every broken promise, until one day, all that remains within her consciousness is DOUBT or FEAR.

And when this happens, one then simply needs to slowly build his self-love, self-trust & self-confidence levels back up. Brick by brick, step by step, word by word, or, promise by promise.

This can only be done with FULL COMMITMENT & steadfast INTENTION to be a person of one's word.

When a person has become completely committed to THE TRUTH, he will simply be direct and matter-of-fact in all of his statements.

He does not feel the need nor the inclination to: embellish, exaggerate, hide from, ignore, or cover up - THE TRUTH.

The vibration of TRUTH will always speak for itself.

And ALL whose hearts are open to the TRUTH will resonate with its presence and will be able to feel the energetic impact of TRUTH with every fiber of their being.

Observe the following 7 famous 'I AM' statements of Jesus:

1) I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life.

2) I AM The Light of the World.

3) I AM The Bread of Life.

4) I AM The Gate.

5) I AM The Resurrection & The Life.

6) I AM The True Vine.

7) I AM The Good Shepherd.

People (such as the Pharisees) who had forgotten their true identity as the I AM That I AM; as the God Presence within, back then would have considered these statements to be over-the-top.

Perhaps they would even think that Jesus was egotistical, had narcissistic tendencies or a serious God-complex personality.

They did not understand that the words 'I AM' is one of the most powerful names of God.

They did not understand that when Jesus said those statements, He spoke from the Christ Consciousness of Oneness, with ALL-THAT-IS.

And as such, the I AM that was within Him; the I AM that was also WITHIN EVERYONE, was in fact THE ONE who had spoken through Him.

Look to the Compass of your Heart dear friends, whenever you need to find your True North.

There, you will always find THE TRUTH that you have been searching for.

Remember dear ones, when a person is committed to THE TRUTH; when a person is committed to be the type of person who meant what one said & said what one meant; when a person has shown the Universe (The ALL THAT IS), that she is always consistent and true to her words, when one is committed to always being the Love & Light that he is within - only then the Gate of Eternal Freedom in every aspect of his life becomes permanently open.

From then on, nothing can/will be withheld from this person's physical life experiences.

By that phase of his Ascension journey, he can truly experience/have anything his heart so desires - with no limits. THE TRUTH HAS SET HIM FREE.

Let's now move on to the next question.


Q10) How much do you believe that God/the Universe/Source/the Creator/your Higher Self, will give you everything that you had ever prayed, dreamt or asked for?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


Now that I have come out of my reset phase, this question (just like the other one earlier) was once again not the right question for the person I have now become.

The person I have now become has zero doubt that God, the Universe, Source, or Higher Self, will give me everything that I had ever prayed, dreamt or asked for.

The question that will better suit the I-am-that-I-AM now, is this:

"What should I create next that not only would make my heart sing and expand greatly with joy, but also support my own & the Human Collective's spiritual evolution as well?"


Very good sweetheart!

Can you see just how much you have changed, especially within the last 2-3 years alone?

Your laser-focused intention to work on yourself; work on your fears and insecurities; work on eliminating all of your perceived weaknesses - have resulted in the complete transformation of your inner world.

And as within, so without.

Soon, your physical reality will begin to change to reflect this 180-degrees inner transformation.

In fact, it has already begun.

The 'Wheels of Fate', or the future timelines that have now become accessible to you (by the power of your current attained vibrations) will be ones that you'll love and enjoy a lot more - compared to what you had thus far experienced in the past. Life is about to get truly wonderful for you!

And for everyone here who has not quite arrived at this attained state of Full & Complete Trust in the Divine - never fear. Just keep following your heart's guidance.

Be ready to confront, release, and alchemize all (ancient) fears - often coming from past lives' traumas that were imprinted/embedded within your cells; within your very DNA, that had (thus far) been inwardly broadcasting false messages about God/the Divine.

Messages that were heavily based in the maya; the duality & illusions of 3D.

All right, moving on to the next question.


Q11) How much trust or faith do you currently have, in the premise of Ascension?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


Once again, this is not the right question to ask the person I have now become.

To me, Ascension is not a matter of trust or faith.

It is an unshakable feeling of certainty, that comes from a strong inner/intuitive knowing of what is currently unfolding right now - all across planet Earth, on both the micro & macro levels.

The Ascension is God's promise to ALL of His & Her children, spread out all across the physical Universe.

Whenever we (and other races of beings) have reached a sufficiently high level of spiritual maturity, we will naturally be called (by the Sacred Heart) to once again embrace our Divinity, Sovereignty, and Godhood, and return to whence we came - the eternal embrace of Divine Love.

My own Ascension into 5D, the Human Collective's Ascension into 5D, and the Earth's Ascension into 5D, are all deeply imprinted within the blueprint of my life - a.k.a. my DNA.

In fact, the concept of Ascension is very similar to ''The Great Event'' that I had channeled almost five years ago.

I have zero doubt that both the Ascension of Earth & Humanity as well as the ''Great Event'' that precedes it, had already occurred, and is happening right now, and will be happening in the 'future'.

ALL exist within the Eternal & Infinite moment of NOW - and through all directions of Time & Space.

And our duty as lightworkers, or as chelas to the Ascended Masters Collective, is to simply collaborate with the Higher Self (on a daily basis) - always assisting the Spiritual Hierarchy with birthing 5D Earth into the physical realm.

We had pledged ourselves to serve as Midwives, Guardians, or Stewards for our beloved Mother Gaia.


And what do you think is the significance of your unshakable inner knowing of the existence of New Earth, the Promised Land? How do you think this will impact you/your life moving forward?


Hmm... this will be rather complex to explain, but I shall try to answer your questions, Paul.

I am normally a quiet and highly observant person by nature.

And as someone who has full awareness of the power of my spoken & written words, these days I often conserved my energy by choosing not to engage in constant chatter/gossip, especially since these would end up draining my energy. I also often chose not to engage in small talks and instead prefer to engage in a much deeper, genuine level, only with individuals with whom I had felt guided to do so.

Because of this proclivity to constantly learn, quietly observe, expand and self-improve, I had often detected plenty of subtle, but massive energetic changes happening to the people & the world within the radius of my physical presence.

And the following are the results of my observations. I have noticed that the intensity of my energies or vibrations coming from overall consciousness, combined with unshakable knowledge of 5th Dimensional New Earth, had been acting like a powerful lighthouse, wherever I go. Constantly doing the job to: awaken, activate, heal, trigger, purify, alchemize, transform, and raise the vibrations of ALL around me & their level of understanding of the Higher Purpose of their lives on Earth.

I (just like all other awakened lightworkers) have become one of the many energetic Gateways, or Portals to New Earth.

We are constantly anchoring the vibrations of New Earth into everything & everyone that we meet daily.

And in many people's lives, I often became a catalyst for growth & expansion - even when I didn't say a single word; even when I didn’t intend to do it. My Divine Higher Self was oftentimes a force to be reckoned with - She would not be denied, not even by me:).

As to how this had impacted me/my life - I admit that thus far, I had experienced mostly negative outcomes.

It's as though I, and the people/world around me, did not speak the same language.

Very similar to the above 'Communication of Information' image that I had been inspired to create by you, Paul.

How can two computers with two very different languages/operating systems, remain compatible & stay in constant communication with each other?

It would be similar to the following scenario:

Mr. A couldn’t speak English and so he decided to talk to Mr. B in his own native Danish language.

Mr. B was a native Chinese speaker; he also couldn’t speak English or Danish. There was no Chinese-Danish translator in the room that they were in. And so, after a few unsuccessful attempts to communicate with each other, both parties decided to give up communicating altogether, and went quiet. This was to avoid mistranslating/misunderstanding the other person's words or intentions altogether.

However, that being said, I believe without a doubt that as long as I continue moving forward in the direction my Higher Self is constantly guiding me to go, one day, Divine LOVE will truly become the Great Equalizer in every situation that I’ll have to face in the future.

Divine Love will be the powerful ingredient that is able to heal, repair, or bridge the gaps coming from the many different cultures, languages, and all other barriers/divisions that humanity had created/invented.

The above is also the reason why I love Light Language so much. With Light Language, there is no misunderstanding. It is never exhausting and always feels so liberating. Whenever speaking or singing in the Language of Light, I had always felt so at ONE will ALL THAT IS. There were no energetic constraints, limitations or errors, like those that often arose whenever using human languages to communicate.


You have just come out of a lengthy period of deep healing and purification Adele.

Give yourself more time.

Soon, you will be able to witness numerous positive impacts of the Brand New YOU, not only in your own physical reality, but also in the people/world around you.

Okay, let's move on to the next question.


Q12) Do you wholeheartedly believe that Father/Mother God and the Spiritual Hierarchy (members of the Angelic & Ascended Host in charge of this entire Ascension Project) have got everything under perfect control?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


I have surrendered myself & life completely to Divine Love. This means yes is my answer. I know and believe without a doubt that you guys 'up there' have got everything under control. All good!

And of course, once upon a time, I was not the same person that I am today. I was filled with all the normal human fears, doubts, worries, or anxieties about my own future, and/or the future of planet Earth.

And now I have set a strong intention to live a simple & peaceful life; always radiating the energy of Divine Peace wherever I go. This means fully committing myself to always choose peaceful & lighter thoughts; to speak peaceful words; to make peaceful decisions; to take peaceful actions; to surround myself with peaceful people; to not engage in anything that may disturb my inner peace (unless of course if there are important reasons to engage, according to the instructions coming from my own Divine Presence).

These are simple acts of kindness; acts of gentle self-love & self-care that I am 100% committed to give to myself every day.

I trust that I will remain safe, protected, supported and guided, through every phase of my Ascension journey moving forward. Thank you, beloved I AM That I AM.


This is wonderful!

All right, for people here who might need Our reassurance, let me just briefly state the following.

There is nothing on Earth that can escape Our notice. We see and know everything, long before they happen, or as they are happening/unfolding.

We always took actions that supported you; We influenced & guided you; We had always been protecting you; We had steered many past world events so that KEY people/Higher Beings were perfectly in place, to make sure that the timeline that humanity would be on was one that served the Higher Good of ALL.

There are billions of Angels or Higher Beings, walking around/surrounding you at all times, loved ones. Some of them were visible; most chose to remain invisible - for important reasons.

There is nothing to fear. Trust that ALL was, is & will always be WELL for you personally, and for ALL.

Everything has been unfolding the way that they were meant to unfold, even when (from your limited view/human perspective) they might not appear to be.

Let us now move on to the next question.


Q13) From your most recent experiences, what do you think is the level of trust that people have for you (personally and/or professionally) right now?

And what is your answer to this question Adele?


Thus far throughout the writing process of today's message, it never ceased to amaze me that many of the questions (written in the Prologue) had become irrelevant to the person I have now become.

The following is my answer to your question, Paul.

How people had felt about me recently, or, whether they had found me trustworthy/not trustworthy, is truly none of my business.

People's trust level is always a reflection of the strength of the connection that they currently have, with their own Higher Self.

In that dark time period when the Trust & Faith that I used to have in myself; in Spirit/Higher Self/Universe/Divine; in the people around me, were heavily tested, I was going through an intense initiation, in my own spiritual journey.

I was walking the highly challenging path of life & spiritual mastery.

At the time, I knew that the low level of trust that I had for the people/world around me was my own ''problem“ that I'd had to face, deal with and resolve. Distrust was inside me.

Oftentimes, the people that appeared in my life and/or the circumstances that I had inevitably created in life simply mirrored the deep loss of trust that I was experiencing back then.

However, now that a new phase in my life has begun, as someone who is very deeply tuned into the nuances of Source Energy, I know that the 'right' people will know/be able to sense, the person that I am within.

The 'right' people will naturally, or instinctively gravitate towards me, trusting the signals coming from their own inner GPS. Signals that will indicate clearly whether or not I am someone that they can trust. Whether or not I am someone who will always strive to serve the higher good of ALL, at all times.

Our energy; our vibrations have always been our 'Calling Card'.


Very good Adele.

As long as all of you here keep following your heart's guidance; as long as you resolve to always serve the Higher Good of ALL at all times, and, as long as you have now become a person of your word - you will undoubtedly reap the benefits & rewards that are simply the natural outcomes coming from your unwavering commitment to Spirit/Higher Self/the All-That-Is.

Let's move on to the next question.


Q14) How much trust do you think you can demonstrate, towards people who do not/cannot trust you in return?

And what's your answer to this question Adele?


The old version of Adele would have given you the following answer, Paul.

I would only be able to demonstrate the exact same level of trust, that those people had for me at that moment in time. As a heyoka empath, I serve as a deep mirror for/to the people around me, at all times.

In other words, I would be able to feel their distrust for me very intensely, as though they were my own feelings, and thus, I would often naturally/instinctively reflect that distrust back their way - as a result.

However, the good news is, now there's a new Adele in town!

As long as my Sacred Heart clearly indicates to me that it is safe and/or important to engage with: someone; a group of people; a business/company; the leaders in organisations/the Government - I will not hesitate to come closer; get to know; collaborate or work with these individuals/organisations.

I'm happy and willing to take that leap of faith, to trust first. To jump off of the 'cliff' and take risks in life!

And then I will simply wait & observe to see what the people in my life would do, with the deep trust; the love and devotion that have been given to them.


Now that last sentence of yours has strongly made me want to ask the following questions, Adele dearest.

And I know that you already know what I'm going to ask next, based on the strong emotional reaction that I could already feel emanating from you.

What will the new Adele do now, if the people that you love deeply, were to betray, disappoint, say or do things that were not to your liking?

Will you be willing to extend your forgiveness more readily than ever before, and choose to continue to trust them - if/when people's words or actions have made it difficult for you to trust?

Let me now give everyone here a fictitious scenario to use as an example, to demonstrate the trust/distrust dynamics that We had observed playing out in people's marital relationships.


Mr. C had honestly revealed to Mrs. B (who had been his faithful wife for 20 years) that he had recently felt an undeniable physical & emotional attraction to a new work colleague.

After the shock coming from this 'bomb' her husband just dropped on her had passed, Mrs. B started to feel a variety of intense, discordant feelings within herself. Feelings that were then often unleashed outwardly towards her husband.

After a long series of discussions/talks amongst themselves, they decided to go to a marriage counsellor.

And before long, all of the previously hidden, pent-up frustrations that they had had towards each other, finally came out to the surface for them to face, deal with or transmute.

Mr. C came to the realization that he was searching in another woman, to fulfill certain physical/emotional/mental needs that his wife, presently or for a very long time, had not been able to provide. E.g. his need for intelligent conversations with someone who could deeply understand his challenging work as a surgeon, etc. (in this scenario, let's just say that Mrs. B is not a doctor. She's a housewife; a Stay-At-Home-Mom).

And in the face of their often-discordant emotions, eventually the time would come when both Mr. C & Mrs. B would have to decide if this marriage was worth saving.

After decades of often taking each other's love, care & support for granted, and now, in the face of this marital challenge, Mr. C would have to decide what to do with the attraction that he'd felt for his colleague. Whether to indulge & pursue this attraction, and by so doing end his long-term marriage with a good woman whom he still deeply loved and respected.

And although Mrs. B deeply understood that her husband was an honest, upright & good man; someone who would never have betrayed her trust (e.g. by sleeping with this new woman whilst still being married to her), she could not help but wonder if back in the past, there had been many goings-on between them that she was not privy to.

Looking back at her husband's behaviours in the last few months ever since this woman joined the hospital where he worked, there had been many telltale signs that could perhaps indicate that her husband had been spending time with 'the other woman', instead of working those extra shifts.

I know, Adele. I'm sure this scenario sounded very familiar to you all - coming from many similar stories that had been going/passed around in the human collective's energy.

And now, this is my question for you all.

If you were facing a similar situation as Mrs. B, what would you do?

Would you forgive and continue to trust your spouse, and work things out so that in the near future, your marriage can be a happy one again?

Or would you rather break things off with him/her and start divorce proceedings, even though at that time, your spouse had not officially done anything 'wrong'?



Having never experienced this situation personally, I can only give you my answers based on what I think I would do - based on the person that I have now become.

I would respect my husband's choices and would require him to respect mine as well.

If he chooses to seek externally, for what he cannot find within himself/within our marriage, then I would gladly give him the freedom to do so. I would set a strong intention to release him from all vows/promises that he had made to me in the past (e.g. at our wedding).

As a free spirit - someone who is the embodiment, bearer & anchor of the Violet Ray of Freedom - I will never hold my loved ones back, from going down a path where they would like to go; from acquiring/having new experiences in life. To me, that would be the equivalent to stunting/hindering their personal/spiritual growth for my own purpose or benefit.

However, that being said, there are always energetic consequences/repercussions to every choice/decision that we make in life.

Him going to the embrace of this 'other woman', will definitely mean the end of our 20-year marriage.

This, I would convey, in a gentle & compassionate manner that would not sound/feel like an ultimatum to him. This is my choice that he, in turn, has to respect.

However, if instead of going through a divorce we both agreed to follow our hearts' guidance to save our marriage, then I would do my best to do the inner work required to heal myself & repair our marriage.

For example, by not dwelling/engaging in fearful, jealous or anxious thoughts - whenever my husband came home later than usual (from work).

Since we had both decided to give our marriage/each other a second chance, then I would simply honour my word/promise/agreement - to the best of my abilities.

The trust that I would be willing to offer my husband at the time, to reconcile & give our marriage a second chance, was not there because my trust in him had been restored to the level that it used to be.

This trust would be extended towards him, due to one reason only:

I have a loving, supportive and very-protective Higher Self & Spirit Team watching out for me and guiding me every step of the way. I would simply trust that if my husband were to (one day) step out of line & went behind my back to go against his word, then Spirit would always be the first to let me know.


I think it is worth knowing the answer that the old version of Adele would have given us all, when faced with the same scenario.


The old version of Adele would (most likely) not give him/our marriage or relationship a second chance.

Back then, when the deep trust that I used to have for the people around me was gone, it was gone.

No second chances.

Forgiveness & divine love I would (eventually, in time) be able to genuinely extend towards those individuals from afar, however I would never give them another opportunity to hurt me again.


Very interesting indeed.

All right, let's move on to the next question - which is quite connected to what has been stated above.


Q15) And whenever your deep trust in someone; in the people/world around you; in your state/federal governments; in any business/organization; in God/your Higher Self, had been (completely or partially) broken, do you believe that it is possible for that trust to (one day) be restored to the level where it used to be?

And what's your answer to this question Adele?


The old-version of Adele would have answered: NO.

It would be impossible for TRUST to be restored to the level that it used to be.

And now, the new Adele will give you the polar opposite answer: "Yes, it is definitely possible!"

The person that I have now become is living proof that restoring trust to the level where it used to be, is indeed doable.

The deep, intensive healing work that I have done on my heart chakra, combined with the unconditional love & support coming from my amazing Spirit team, have proven to be very effective antidotes to the crippling Trust/Faith issues that I used to have back then.

I deliberately used the word 'crippling' to explain fully, how (back then) I couldn't even function normally, in my day-to-day activities. Every time I'd had to make a choice to trust someone; to trust in their words, whether that was a new hairdresser, a new acquaintance/colleague, etc. it was too difficult for me to do.

I had found it to be very challenging to make these small, simple decisions & take the leap of faith to trust those people. To trust in their skills; in their advice, experience or expertise.

My past encounter with that new hairdresser was in fact the TURNING POINT - in my inner journey back to complete trust & love. It was the catalyst that I had needed, that motivated me to change.

Prior to my encounter with her, I had come to accept the fact that I might never be able to fully trust the people that were in my life.

At the time, the depth & intensity of the pain or hurt that was felt after everything that had occurred, had been quite overwhelming to me.

However, after my encounter with her, I realised then that I had to make a choice - whether moving forward I wished to keep living my life like that.

Whether I would like to constantly live in a highly defensive, fearful, anxious, and unhappy mode.

By that point in my journey, I was feeling so exhausted - after walking through life always wearing a heavy, full set of body armor whilst at the same time, carrying around a heavy shield with me everywhere (figuratively speaking).

In other words, I had made the conscious decision, to do whatever it takes, to feel happy; to feel inner peace, again.

That's when I made a strong intention to release all of my trust issues, and surrender to my Higher Self & Spirit team - for them to assist in healing me from the accumulative effects of pain coming from my collective past.

We're not talking about just 1 - 2 things that had occurred in the past here. It was everything that started from the moment of my birth (into this particular incarnation) up to back then, combined with ALL trust issues coming from numerous past lives.

I'd had to face and feel all of those ancient emotions/feelings, after Spirit had revealed & activated within me key memories of things that had occurred in those past lives - that had played an important role in shaping me to be the person that I was before.

The healing process had definitely not been easy.

Healing is not linear, nor structured.

Every time I thought I had successfully healed, purged, or alchemized the pain of the past coming from just 1 particular episode in childhood - I would find a month, two or even six months later, the pain was still there. Of course, the intensity of it had been drastically reduced each time it resurfaced again.

This kept happening, over & over again, until one day I realized, finally, the pain was no longer there.

Success had arrived at last!

And now like I said earlier, the reward that I got from having gone through that particular dark era of my life, is the precious feeling of deep & unshakable inner peace.


Thank you for sharing your journey so openly with everyone here, Adele. Choosing to be vulnerable, transparent, strong, and authentic in this manner, not everyone will be willing to do.

There are a lot of people/leaders out there who would only let their 'good' and ‘positive‘ sides be seen by the world around them - perhaps to maintain their reputation/public image, thus retaining the love/respect/support they had been receiving.

Not that there’s anything ‘wrong’ with their personal choice, this is not a criticism - all is well.


I was simply following my heart's guidance as usual, Paul.

And who knows, maybe by sharing my story here, I would be able to assist people who might also be struggling with intense trust issues like I did in the past.

I hope my story would give these people hope, that one day, there will be light at the end of the long tunnel - in one's journey back to a state-of-being where one can fully embody the energies of Trust & Love.


All right sweetheart, let us move on to the next question.


Q16) After the deep level of trust that you used to have (especially in the people closest to you) had been broken, do you think that your past history might affect the level of trust that you have in: other people, the world around you, and even God as well?

How confident are you in your own abilities, to prevent this from happening?

And what are your answers to these questions Adele?


Well, that certainly had been my experience.

My past history had indeed affected the overall level of trust that I felt towards other people in my life.

Has anyone here come across & watched a YouTube video where 1000+ dominoes had been meticulously arranged so that when the first one fell, it would set off a chain reaction that was unstoppable - until all of those dominoes had fallen?

My trust in God/Higher Self was already shaky, that was the 1st & most important domino.

Then some things occurred in my life, that was the 2nd - 4th dominoes.

And then COVID first hit Australia in January 2020, which started the numerous lockdowns that Victorians had had to endure, that was perhaps the 5th - 20th dominoes.

Then the mandatory vaccinations came along, and that was the 21st - 24th dominoes.

And of course, there were many other dominoes not mentioned, that (back then) had further intensified my trust/faith issues. I understand now that everything was happening by design - to serve my Higher Good. Feeling so grateful for all that was, is and will be!

In the future, the new Adele that I have now become, feels completely confident that history will no longer repeat itself. I know without a doubt that I have completely broken out of that toxic cycle.

From now on, I just have to make sure that my trust in God/Higher Self always remains at the level where it is right now, at 100%.

By always demonstrating a willingness to trust, and, by always choosing to trust, even when it may be difficult to trust.

With this high level of trust & faith in the Divine, I know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.


Very good Adele.

Here comes something that all of you will do well to remember.

The MOST IMPORTANT relationship that you should prioritize 1st, ABOVE ALL OTHERS, is the relationship that you have with your Soul; your Divine Higher Self.

A lot of people out there, especially those who are not spiritually awake, have got it all backwards.

They had lost touch/their deep connection, with their Sacred Heart; with the Soul/Divine Presence within.

Many kept searching for TRUE LOVE externally, often by jumping from relationship to relationship - in the hope to fill up the emptiness within, that arose from this state of disconnection.

Many kept prioritizing the wants/needs/opinions of their human personalities; of the people around them - often silencing the guidance coming from their Sacred Heart, the Higher Self.

When the relationship that you have with your Soul/Higher Self is strong, unshakable - filled with complete TRUST - your life becomes like a blank canvas that you can paint in any way that pleases you.

All right sweetheart, let us move on to your last set of questions from the Prologue.


Q17) How much do you currently treasure the love, time, trust, faith, or devotion, that people, Mother Earth & all of Her creatures, God/the Universe/your Spirit Team, had given you?

Did you often take the trust, love, devotion, time, or resources that they had given you, for granted?

Are you the type of person who will ensure that energetic balance always exists in all of your relationships - i.e. with equal give and take?

And what are your answers to these questions Adele?


These days I deeply treasure everything & everyone in my life, and always give thanks for them all.

I do not take anything/anyone in my life for granted, after having gone through a series of major life lessons, especially in the last 15 - 20 years alone.

I have also been learning to create a greater balance in all aspects of my life, especially within the last 12 months, and things are going really well.

I am aware that many people thought that these questions were all about me: wanting to be more appreciated; wanting to feel treasured; wanting to create a greater balance in my life, or, to no longer be taken for granted.

How many people were able to intuitively realize that these questions were actually about something else entirely?

There was a book that I had read long ago, titled: ''Electrons, The Building Blocks of The Universe and The Elemental Kingdom" by Werner Schroeder.

This book (with channeled information coming from you, Paul) had left a really deep & long-lasting impression in me. The book was actually the basis; the reason why I had created this last set of questions in the Prologue.

Now I'm not going to go into the information contained within this sacred book - anyone who feels drawn to read it will know everything that there is to know about the Blessed Electrons (they are the gifts of life given to us by the Creator), and the reverence that one must always have for them.

Many people here had seen so much waste; so many senseless destructions going around on planet Earth.

To give you all an example: in that South Korean TV drama mentioned earlier, the drama's production company decided to destroy a brand-new luxury car that cost approximately A$115K, to film a car crash scene (a scene that lasted less than 5 minutes) - in the name of creating entertainment for the world.

How much of Earth's resources had been used, to create that short-lived car?

And one last example, what do you think is the impact of using toilet paper (and all other types of paper), on the environment?

How many trees does it take, to meet toilet paper demands, for just 1 country - let alone globally?

Image Source:

Every week, whenever I'd had to take my general & recycling rubbish bins outside for collection, I was constantly astounded by how much rubbish I had collected - in just 7 days.

Toilet papers, newspapers, books, cans, cardboard boxes, containers, plastic bags, old furniture, unwanted clothes, electronic goods & appliances, etc. - all of these were made from the Blessed Electrons mentioned in that book.

Looking at the amount of: time, raw materials, electricity, gas or water that had been used to create all of these products, plus the number of people involved in the planning, production, manufacturing, marketing, distribution & disposal stages, and how they had affected the environment (pollution) during all of these stages - it's just mind boggling.

The fashion industry alone, for example, is the 2nd largest polluting industry in the world. It’s contributing around 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon per year. (Source:

It's truly no wonder that last year I had finally set a strong intention to one day become a breatharian - experiencing the complete freedom from having to cook/eat anymore, and thus doing my part to reduce my own food/carbon footprints on our beloved Mother Earth.

And so, as someone whose connection to Mother Gaia is as strong as The Na'Vi's connection to Eywa & the trees (from the Avatar movies), I remembered having made the sacred promise; the pledge to be one of Gaia's protectors.

I wrote those questions down in the Prologue - in the hope that more & more people would be awakened to the long-term consequences of every choice they made in life each day, with everything that they had personally used, touched, or consumed.

Pre-birth they too, had pledged to be Gaia's Guardians or Protectors.

It’s time for balance to be restored on planet Earth.


Due to the already long length of today's message, I will only state the following, in regard to the above.

The people of this world will soon unite and rise to the challenge of healing the Planetary Home that all of you currently inhabit.

This will soon become the main focus; the main agenda for many nations across the world.

As chelas to the Ascended Masters Collective, and Guardians of Mother Earth, I urge all of you to do whatever you can, to reduce the stress that Gaia has been experiencing - especially coming from the last 100 years.

Remain positive, never feel helpless, and simply trust in the Divine - dear ones - when confronted with the many environmental issues that your planet is currently facing.

As always, simply follow your heart's guidance, so you can daily contribute to Gaia's healing journey.


All right, now that all 17 questions in the Prologue have been fully addressed, let me now wrap things up for all of you here.

The only KEY that you will ever need, to return to the energy of Pure Trust & Love can be found within your SACRED HEART.

Your heart was NEVER made from weak & fragile materials that can easily be hurt/broken by what people had/had not, done or said to you/your loved ones.

Your 'real' heart; the Diamond Heart that is your Higher Heart chakra, was created straight from the Heart of Source.

It blazes bright with so much Light (like the sun), and, with the Full Might & Power of God/Source - for all eternity.

When you are on this Sacred Journey to fully restore your Trust & Faith in the ALL-THAT-IS, first and foremost you must remember to: TAKE THE FIRST STEP.

And your first step should be:

Complete willingness to TRUST & surrender to LOVE again.

Adele had done exactly that, after her encounter with that hairdresser.

That meeting acted as the catalyst; the turning point necessary, that had assisted her in returning to the state of Divine Love that is a reflection of her Higher Self.

And in much the same way, there will come a point in one's Ascension journey, when one will be required to make THE CHOICE: whether to fully surrender to Love, or, not fully surrender to Love.

After taking that first step, Spirit will work through your Sacred Heart to raise your level of understanding; to help you so that you become willing to choose new perspectives - about EVERYTHING that had occurred in your life (or in past lives), that had contributed to your current level of Trust & Faith.

For example, only your Divine Higher Self/Spirit/God would be able to see, know, and understand fully the reasons behind why world events had had to unfold in a certain manner (e.g. the war in Russia-Ukraine, when you are already living in an Ascension timeline); why natural disasters had been occurring with an increasing frequency over the past 50 years.

Or the reasons why someone in your life, or a group of individuals, or businesses/companies, or the governments/authorities, had chosen to do something that you/many people would consider to be 'bad'.

Let's use the above vase as an example.

Imagine that this vase is gigantic in size, so that you can: easily fit your entire physical body inside and have plenty of room to move around comfortably.

If you were sitting or standing at Point A (inside, at the bottom of the vase), what do you think you'll be able to see from that limited range of view?

You will be surrounded by a circular wall on all sides, and the only light that you can see from this perspective, will only come from the hole/opening above.

If you were to look at the vase from the outside (at either one of these Points: C, D, E, F, G or H), you‘ll still only have limited visibilities.

And only if you have a bird's eye view (represented by Point B), or, only if you‘re willing to see all of its multidimensional aspects/sides (represented by Points A to H), you can then see the whole gigantic vase, in its ENTIRETY.

This is essentially what We will be doing, when helping all of you return to the embrace of Divine Love.

We will help to REMOVE all of your inner barriers/resistance to Divine Love, that had been created by your:

- existing false or stubborn beliefs.

- limited view/perspective that you had long held about anyone/any event/any thing.

- existing fears of being hurt again.

- ingrained negative habits/behaviors, e.g. the habit of blaming the people/world around you, for everything 'bad' that had happened to you/your loved ones. Or, ingrained tendencies to remain fixated on the past or future - rather than fully anchoring yourself in the Present, NOW moment.

- inability to fully & deeply trust in the Power of Love, to heal every aspect of your life.

We will help you all to view:

every aspect of your (individual and collective) past; your lives, with a brand-new set of eyes - coming from Our higher perspectives.

Remember dear ones, whenever someone/a group of people/organisations/the governments, had done/said something that you did not like/approve; something that had hurt your feelings, or (potentially) disturbed your inner peace, the first thing that you should do, would be: to get clarification.

And if this is not possible, simply choose to be Divine Love in action - by extending the most generous interpretation possible to people’s words, intentions or behaviours.

Be willing to open up the gateway of communication, in order for you to get the information that you need.

Your 5D-method of communication (always expressing yourself in a kind, gentle, loving, patient and compassionate manner) will assist you in: raising the level of your understanding, or changing your perspective, about what people actually meant when saying the things that you did not like to hear; about why people did the things they did.

Making assumptions often creates misunderstandings that can then lead to: discord, division or separation.

It can also lead you astray from the following sacred goals: to be an advocate for TRUTH; to be a person of your word; to be a perfect reflection of the Divine Presence within.

If the person/people/organisations involved, didn’t want/hadn't had the chance, to provide any explanation, simply be patient and trust that one day, an explanation would be forthcoming - at perfect divine timing.

This explanation might either come from them directly, or it might come indirectly - from Spirit.

And lastly, always treasure the trust and devotion that: the people around you, the members of the Animal & Plant Kingdoms, and Gaia (your Mother Earth) have given you.

See their trust as the precious gift of love that it really is - a gift from the Sacred Heart that has been bestowed unto you.

Never abuse that trust, nor take their trust for granted.

For those of you here who are deeply desiring to fully trust again, take my outstretched hand now, dear ones.

This is my sacred promise to you, that I will lead you HOME - back to the embrace of Divine Love from whence you came.

Sending all Our love & blessings for a happy 2023 to all of you here.

I AM forever your friend,

Paul the Venetian (the Maha Chohan).

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.



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