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The Old vs. New Money Consciousness (Part 2) ~ by St. Germain (27/6/2023).


It is with great joy that I present to you all, the following message on: Money, Divine Love & Financial Freedom, from St. Germain.

I had actually started the process of writing this message a few years ago, around August 2020.

And now, the time is finally ripe for this message to be physically anchored/grounded into the physical realm - to prepare for a major shift into Abundance & Unity Consciousness that is about to occur right now, on both the Individual & Collective levels.

Prior to reading this (Part 2) message, I recommend that you read, or re-read, the following message first: 'Money, Spirituality & the Law of Divine Love'.

That message is Part 1 of the Money/Abundance series - posted on November 11th, 2019.

The Light Codes embedded within both of these messages, will assist to permanently raise our consciousness from the vibrations of fear, scarcity and separation, to the vibrations of love, abundance and unity - pertaining to ALL aspects of our lives.

Let us begin!


St. Germain:

Greetings dear friends.

It is also with great joy that I am here today to bring you greater clarity, updates, and good tidings for you all.

With everything that has been happening on Earth in recent years, We (members of Heaven's Hierarchy in charge of planet Earth's Ascension Project) realize that life has not been easy, in so many different ways, for Ascending individuals here - currently reading these words.

Many things had changed; many things are & will be changing - internal & external to you.

Change is now truly the only 'name of the game', dear ones, and it is/will be happening constantly.

All of you here (and the people around you), will have to quickly learn how to adapt & flow more easily with the mighty currents of CHANGE.

Sometimes your Individual Energy, the Collective Energy (of the people in your life & the entire Human Collective), and the Cosmic Energy (powerful energetic upgrades coming from the Universe) can be quite a rollercoaster ride --> for ALL spiritually awakened individuals who (by their very nature) are quite sensitive to Source Energy.

On some days, the overall energy would feel so very intense, heavy, or slow-moving.

Perhaps making you feel like getting out of bed to go to work, was already hard work in itself.

When in this phase, it's important for you to be, extremely patient/more compassionate, with yourself; with your manifestations; with the people/world around you. This feeling of overall heaviness usually occurred whenever you and/or many members in the human collective were undergoing an intense awakening, purging, purification, upgrades, downloads or healing process.

And then on other days, the energy would feel so light; making you feel as though you were 'floating on air'. Inspiration would come so easily - causing you to feel as though you were 'on fire' - set ablaze by the Divine Flame of Life/Creativity. Inspiring you to make plans; to take actions daily - thus moving you forward in the direction of your dreams.

And then on some other days, you might feel as though your passion/love/motivation for physical life on Earth, or for the work that you do, had mysteriously disappeared. Making you feel like 'the game of life doesn't matter much', since time on Earth is illusionary in nature anyway, thus all is well & will always be well. During this type of days, you are experiencing life from the perspective of your Higher Self - the Eternal Self who does not see time as 3D humans do.

All of these experiences could (at times) make highly sensitive/awakened individuals feel as though they were becoming, or had become, physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually unstable.

Feeling very much like a yo-yo, or like a jellyfish floating/swimming in the water -- going here or there -- always at the mercy of the water currents. Seemingly not having much choice/control over the state of one's overall well-being.

For ascending individuals who had not learnt the art of how to be in a state of flow, and, how to release all inner resistance to change, the above's often-discordant feelings/experiences might (potentially) give birth to a false belief that their happiness; their emotional balance/equilibrium, are oftentimes in the hands of:

1) the powerful energetic currents (of the day) coming from the 'Ocean' of Source Energy that you have always been a part of, from the day of your birth on Earth, and,

2) the powerful energetic influences coming from the past or current: astrological/planetary/sun/moon movements or placements.

This is definitely not a belief that We, your higher dimensional friends, would encourage anyone to have.

We had explained many times before that Ascension is not for the faint-hearted.

Living as an Ascending individual, on an Ascending Planet is definitely not for everyone.

You are here because you had chosen to be here.

Pre-birth, you had known the type of challenges that you would be facing (during your Ascension journey on Earth), and you were confident you could handle them all with relative ease.

The challenges described above required all Ascending individuals to commit to a higher vibrational way of living - in every aspect of life (e.g. in their sleeping, dietary and exercise habits; in their spiritual practices such as meditation/grounding; in their communication habits; in the ways they react to unexpected challenges, or in the ways that they express/showcase their innate gifts/talents/creativity).

People's views, perspectives, decisions, and/or approaches to:

- their jobs/career/salary, and job satisfaction level,

- their personal habits/health and well-being,

- their friendships/romantic relationships,

- their work/family connections; the communities they are involved in,

- their banking, assets & debts; their spending habits,

- the challenges/obstacles in their way to experiencing/manifesting the life that they want,

- God, religions, or spirituality,

- their own education/their kids' education,

- entertainment/recreational activities (one that is based on: heart-based/feel-good stories, or a wonderful sense of humour Vs. one that is based on acts of violence, cruelty or suffering inflicted upon other living beings).

- crimes, punishments, social justice,

- choosing their organizational/political leaders, AND,

everything else not mentioned above --> are now likely to change.

EVERYTHING IS NOW SUBJECT TO CHANGE, within yourself/your life, and, within the people/world around you.

A commitment to spend quality time in complete silence (at least once a day), in full communion with the Soul/Higher Self, has now become crucial, to help maintain the balance, equilibrium, and health (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health) of any Ascending individual.

This daily routine will help you to remain calm, centered & grounded - in a world where many things/situations/people (including yourself) are constantly changing.

Always remember dear ones, to be patient, kind, compassionate, loving, forgiving, and understanding, towards yourself & towards ALL around you, during these intense periods of change.

Change is oftentimes not easy to make (by those making the changes), and it may be difficult to accept/support (by those who have been observing/affected by, these changes).

Simply understand that as times goes on; as you and the people around you become more spiritually mature, you are not the same person that you used to be, and they are not the same people that you used to know.

Whenever one follows the Path of the Sacred Heart, one is often required to:

1) abandon everything that is illusionary in nature (within one's personalities, e.g. your likes/dislikes; your old, habitual ways of thinking/reacting/communicating/doing things), to make way for the NEW.

2) step outside of one's own comfort zone and walk the path less travelled --> fearlessly expanding, growing and evolving, in a way that better reflects one's True Nature & the Higher purpose/reasons for incarnating on Earth (in this Ascension lifetime).

How can you successfully become the living embodiment of your Higher Self/Divine Presence; your God-Self, if you stubbornly hold on to your old ways of being/doing things and refuse to let go, release and surrender the person that you used to be?

To successfully integrate the Divine, multidimensional & eternal nature of your Higher Self, with the human personality of your old version of self, requires: time, strength, courage, perseverance and commitment.

Whenever people accept the offer to upgrade their computer operating system (e.g. from Windows 10 to Windows 11), they will then have to go through a short time period when they cannot access/use their computer until the upgrade is completed.

And then later on, after experiencing Windows 11 for some time, they can actually decide whether to keep moving forward with the upgraded version, or, to revert back to the older version.

However, for Ascending individuals, reverting back to an older version of yourself is definitely not an option.

It is actually impossible for you to do, after you have passed a ''certain point/marker'' in your Ascension journey. And this is not due to external factors/people/influences in your life.

It's impossible for you to go back to the person that you were, simply because you have changed.

Your life has irrevocably changed. Your belief systems have irrevocably changed.

Everything that used to define or limit you; everything that used to make you feel small, powerless, voiceless, unlovable, or worthless; everything that used to hold you back, or 'caused' you to settle for less than what you truly wanted/deserved --> now no longer holds power over you anymore.

You have successfully detached yourself from the many restrictions or limitations, that were either self-imposed, or that came from family/social conditioning --> from this lifetime & all past lifetimes as well.

You, loved ones, have now discovered your True Self.

You have discovered your true identity as the 'I AM That I AM'.

You have beautifully integrated the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine aspects of yourself.

You have discovered and reclaimed your voice; your power; your Divinity & Sovereignty as the God-Self, the Divine Love & Light within.

By now, a lot of people here had discovered that nothing & no one have the power to limit/restrict you in any way, unless you had given them the right/permission to do so yourself (e.g. by believing in people's discordant words/opinions of you; by not valuing yourself, or your life/time/services; by not establishing better boundaries; by not standing in your power; by not speaking up/your truth, or, by adopting false belief systems about anything in life).

Many people here reading these words, will soon discover (or have already discovered) just how powerful they truly are.

And so, in other words, after having gone through an intense (often long) period of complete & permanent transformation, no Ascending embodied souls on Earth could/would ever go back to how they used to be.

Can a beautiful adult butterfly return to become any of its previous aspects-of-self?

Of course not.

Image source:

Ever since the whole COVID19 saga began, life on Earth is no longer the same.

And if there is anyone here wondering whether life will ever be the same again (thus returning to its previous, pre-COVID state), then Our answer is definitely NO!

Change is in the very air that you are breathing in right now, and many different sets of dominoes had been well-prepared and are almost ready to fall next --> creating a powerful momentum of positive changes, sweeping across the entire planet Earth.

Are you ready, dear ones?

We sincerely hope that 'yes' is your answer.

We truly hope that many lightworkers are ready for numerous domestic & global changes that will soon be introduced, created, and implemented next.

All of you are now about to enter a time period when the energies of TRUST & FAITH will be needed, more than ever before.

And this is one of the main reasons why We had focused so much of our attention & energy to help members of the Human Collective here, raise the level of your conscious understanding on the issue of Trust - within the last three messages.

Your fellowmen will be in great need of your vision; your words of wisdom; your higher-vibrational, heart-centered energy; your strength, courage & fearlessness; your healing presence; your loving support & compassionate ways of be-ing; your knack for looking at things/people/situations/events from a higher/multidimensional perspective, and, your demonstrated Trust & Faith in God/in the Divine.

It is time for ALL OF YOU to step up, or step out, and lead from the front - in your own family groups; in your friendship or workplace groups; in your own communities.

All of you who are reading these words right now, were born to be leaders or role models, for a Higher Dimensional Way of Living --> just by the power of your vibrations; your overall aura/energy.

You do not have to preach about New Earth. You do not have to talk about spirituality, or about the Law of Love/the Law of ONE. You truly do not have to do anything different/special than normal.

All you have got to do, is to simply BE YOURSELF - the Self who is constantly demonstrating a Heart-centered Way of Living, in EVERYTHING that you do, and, towards EVERYONE that you encounter, every moment of every day.

Just keep following your Sacred Heart's guidance, whether to say/not to say something.

Whether to move forward and take action, or, to stop/rest and wait.

Whether to guide people to do/not do something, or, to let them choose their own way/make their own decision.

Your Sacred Heart will never lead you astray.

It will constantly help you: to make the wisest of decisions; to say the wisest of words; to determine the best course of action -- that will serve your Higher Good, and the Higher Good of ALL around you as well.

All right, now that we have laid the necessary groundwork, let's get straight into the topics of:

Money, Divine Love, Financial Freedom & the Law of Abundance.

As usual, We will be asking Adele to participate more actively in this discourse, by asking us the questions that she thinks a lot of people, would want to know more about/could benefit from.

Let us begin with your first set of questions, Adele.



Q1) There are so many different opinions, views, standpoints, or perspectives about money out there in the world. Money is one of the things in life that people either: think about very often, and/or, work hard to get more of - every single day.

Some people might worry about the lack of money in their bank accounts (e.g. whenever they receive a bill), whilst others might worry about the current trend of rising home loan interest rates, the rising inflation/cost of living, the rising cost of education for their children, or about the state of financial markets at the moment (affecting their financial assets/debts).

Recently, when my Higher Self recommended "The Currency of Love" as the title for my latest Light Language Transmission, I'd felt a slight hesitation.

God's Love, or Divine Love, is Unconditional Love.

And as such, for me and maybe for a lot of people out there, Love needs no currency.

The Energy of Divine Love is everywhere and nowhere - it is in the very air that we are breathing in.

It is in everything and everyone that we see, everywhere we go - it is inescapable.

And so, I'd pondered upon the reason why my Higher Self had chosen that as the title.

Eventually I had come to believe that the reason was connected to this message, where everything will soon be explained in full.

The time has come for the Human Collective to raise the level of their understanding; their perspectives/views/standpoints on Money and understand its energetic connection to Divine Love.

Why is money so important in the creation of New Earth?

And why is it that there are so many lightworkers out there who have had a difficult time in manifesting wealth, prosperity and financial freedom, when they are the type of people who would use that wealth for the betterment of society?

Lightworkers are, by their very nature, so heart-based, generous and giving.

And yet, a lot of people belonging to this group have difficulties in manifesting a life where they can have everything that they want, when they want it -> thus experiencing TRUE FREEDOM with their time, and with their lives on Earth.

How can we successfully integrate and merge the two polar-opposite Money Consciousness (the lower 3D & the higher dimensional consciousness) that may currently exist within ourselves, and, within the world around us?

I have tried a few times (over the last 7+ years) to provide or implement a higher dimensional, heart-centered, healing/channeling service, and didn't have much success, because the two levels of Money Consciousness (3D & 5D) are too different.

For example, there was a time (approx. 3 - 4 years ago) when I had created & implemented the ''Fair Energy Exchange'' payment system --> where the people who wanted my assistance, could write to me and offer the $ amount they would like/could afford, to pay at the time, for all services offered on this site.

And in less than 3 months after implementation, I quickly found out that this system could never work.

The Money Consciousness one individual had, could be: the polar opposite/very different to the next individual (even if both of these individuals were living under the same roof), and as such, back then I had found that a lot of people had many different ideas on the financial value of my services.

In the end, I had come to the realization that ultimately:

we are the only ones who can determine our self-worth.

If we believe that we are worthy of the money that we are asking for, then we are.

If we want people to respect, love and value our: time, presence in their lives, work, services, or contributions --> in/for the family, the company, group or community that we are in --> we have to first start by respecting, loving and valuing ourselves.

In this transitional time period where the world is changing from the old (3D) money system to the New Earth's (5D) no money-system, what vibrational set-point should all lightworkers have, in order for us to experience Financial Freedom right now, whilst at the same time, manifest a New World where one day, money is no longer needed and becomes obsolete?

How can we (as a society) move forward and evolve from where we are today (one with strong attachments to money) to become a society where money is no longer needed?


Q2) I had read many books and watched videos on the Law of Attraction, and on how to create/manifest a life of complete & permanent state of Freedom.

And of course, different people may have different opinions/experiential knowledge to share with the world - on how to live a life where one always experiences/remains connected with, the flow of Infinite Abundance.

St. Germain, can you please give us guidance on the 10 simple Steps to Complete Freedom (Financial Freedom and ALL other types of Freedom as well)?

In other words, 10 simple steps to permanently shift our consciousness/mindset, from the vibrations of scarcity/lack to the vibrations of Infinite Abundance, in ALL aspects of life.

Furthermore, I had seen many imbalances, where people often felt like they'd had to sacrifice one (or more) type of freedom to gain a different type of freedom - in their journey to manifest/live a life that they had envisioned.

For example, to live the life of a highly-successful Surgeon/GP, a man/woman had had no choice but to sacrifice: a lot of his time that could be spent with friends/family (to study more/to practice her surgical skills, or to help more patients), his health, his hobbies, sometimes even his principles/ethics - in order to get the results that she wanted, or, in order to be promoted at the hospital where he worked.

How can we avoid creating such imbalances in any aspect of our lives?


Q3) St. Germain, can you also share with us all any news/updates/progress about the Global Financial Reform; the Debt Jubilee; the Global Currency Reset (GCR), or the progress of NESARA/GESARA?

When I had first read about them many years ago, these all sounded too good to be true.

And now, the new version of Adele has come to believe that anything is definitely possible.

The sky is the limit - and all will come to pass, at perfect Divine Timing.


St. Germain:

As usual Adele, you had asked a lot of wonderful questions, and deep-dived straight into the reason/purpose for today's transmission.

It looks like we might have to split this message into another part (Part 3) to give you the clarity; the more complete answers that all of you deserve to get.

Without further ado, let us start with the first set of questions (Q1).

However, before We give all of you the answers to those questions, We would like to first bring into your conscious awareness, the five primary reasons why your world is currently in the state that it is right now --> pertaining to money & the global distribution of wealth (wealth inequality) in this modern society, coming from Our Higher perspectives.

The harsh reality of global wealth distribution can be easily presented as a pyramid.

By end of 2021, global wealth was estimated to be USD 463.6 trillion.

This represents an increase of 9.8% (from end of 2020) and is far above the average annual increase of +6.6% (recorded since the beginning of 21st century on 1 January 2001).

At the top, we have 1.2% (62.5 million people) of the world's population holding 47.8% of all global wealth - valued at approximately $221.7 trillion.

In other words, the richest 1% currently own almost half of the world's wealth.

Did you ever stop to think whether this was a coincidence, or, whether it was by design?

And then at second level from the top, 11.8% of the world's population (627 million people) controls 38.1% of the planet's wealth valued at around $176 trillion).

If you happen to live in one of the wealthier nations, and you own your own home (plus all other assets), and their combined value is currently between $100K - $1M, then you might find yourself easily belonging to this group.

The third level includes 33.8% of the population, which hold 13% of world's wealth (equivalent to $60.4 trillion).

And at the bottom level, 53.2% of the world population (2.8 billion) holds $5 trillion (equivalent to 1.1% of global wealth).

(Source: Credit Suisse - 2022 Global Wealth Report)

These numbers might come as a shock to you, especially if you haven't been paying much attention to global wealth/money/finance news in recent times.

The following are five primary reasons for this Wealth Inequality Phenomenon (which from now on will be referred to as: W.I.P), currently experienced by the Human Collective on Earth.

And all of these reasons must be addressed, on both the Individual & Collective levels, for living conditions to improve for (i.e. before financial freedom can be experienced by) ALL on Earth.

1st Primary Reason: False Programming.

People's deep-seated belief systems/programming, i.e. their existing automatic pilot mode ==> pertaining to Money, Wealth Creation, and/or, their level of Self-Love, Self-Worth, greatly contribute to the current W.I.P.

This one can perhaps be considered as the most important/common reason, out of the five.

There are so many negative, limiting beliefs out there about money.

Some of these beliefs were inherited from your upbringing; from your parents or grandparents, or, from your ancestral lineage (deeply embedded within your DNA).

Whilst other beliefs were developed after people had gone through difficult life experiences (e.g. homelessness, bankruptcy, a difficult divorce, having their assets repossessed by the banks, or family members fighting over inheritance) that had shown & taught them a lot about the importance of money, and how money could change people (often for the worse).

These challenging experiences oftentimes could bring about an attained consciousness that is full of fear and/or distrust for:

- money (even though by itself, money has never done anything wrong),

- the people/world around you who got close to you, or those who were 'in it' --> just for the money (e.g. those who got married/got into relationships for financial security; people who stayed in a job that they disliked and often did only the bare minimum at work),

- God/the Universe/the Divine.

After all, God had 'allowed' those negative experiences to come into your life, and as such, perhaps deep down in your subconscious, you had found it hard to believe in a God who loves you so much; one who always stands ready to assist you.

It can be very difficult to trust or believe in a loving, supportive Universe, when life experiences (pertaining to money) continuously gave you the proofs that you need - to further sustain your belief in an unsupportive, unhelpful and unloving Universe.

2nd Primary Reason: Fear.

People are often afraid of change.

Change is never comfortable, and the people making it are often required to take a big leap of FAITH.

Many people are afraid of: making waves, making the much-needed changes, changing directions, try new ways/new things, learning something new, or having to face the potential resistance/disapproval/criticism coming from the people/world around them.

For a lot of people out there, stability and security are oftentimes a lot more important than: taking the necessary risks or making the required financial/time investments, to follow the heart's guidance - in their journey to greater happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

After all, many financial/emotional commitments often rest on their shoulders.

3rd Primary Reason: Complacency & Blame.

People either give up too soon, or they procrastinate a lot, or they end up believing in the status quo (by maintaining a strong belief that they live in a world where only the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer).

Many have grown quite complacent about money/abundance/success/financial security; they were more than content to stick to their normal routines, or, to not deviate outside of their comfort zones.

These people failed to realize that change is the only constant in life.

And if people do not take the time to follow/set new trends; to follow market demands; to do more research or study; to learn/create/produce something new/unique; to expand, grow & evolve, then sooner or later, they are going to be left behind.

People's lack of assertiveness often stems from a variety of different root causes such as:

- their upbringing,

- lack of: energy, time, motivation, drive, or passion,

- their tendency to prioritize other people's wants/needs before their own,

- a low self-esteem that often gives birth to feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, disempowerment.

- their inability to speak up and express their feelings/needs honestly and comfortably.

And if the undesirable (financial) situations had been going on long enough, these people might eventually harbour the feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, or depression.

These feelings could then lead people to blame everything/everyone else, for the circumstances that they were currently in, or, for the limiting circumstances that they'd felt helpless/hopeless to change.

After all, blaming their significant others; blaming their parents/children/employers; blaming the governments; blaming God/the Universe, is oftentimes a lot easier than looking very deeply at themselves.

Whenever one took the time to do a deep introspection, one can gain insight and valuable information on: the things that need to be changed, or the false belief systems that must be released.

Afterwards, the next thing to do would be to take the action steps that will implement all of the necessary changes that you had been guided to make by your Divine Presence --> with courage, strength, perseverance, trust, and fearlessness.

4th Primary Reason: Deeply rooted Separation Consciousness.

This is the 2nd most important/common reason for W.I.P. right after the 1st one (False Programming).

It is also the most prevalent reason - widespread across the planet Earth, in society today.

The Gini coefficient/Gini index is used to measure the inequality of income distribution within a population, expressed as a number between 0 (perfect equality) and 1 (perfect inequality), or, 0% - 100%.

Some of the world's poorest countries have the world's highest Gini coefficients, whilst many of the lowest Gini coefficients can be found in wealthier European countries.

The 5 countries with the highest Gini coefficient are: South Africa, Namibia, Suriname, Zambia and Central African Republic. And the countries with the lowest Gini coefficient are: Slovakia, Belarus, Slovenia, Armenia and the Czech Republic.

Slovakia has the lowest Gini coefficient in the world, and this is achieved by its government's commitment to providing equal opportunities for its citizens, and creating a fair and just society where everyone's needs are met. This country had a higher-than-average spending on public infrastructure, services and welfare schemes that benefit all of its citizens regardless of their economic standings. Slovakia is truly a wonderful example of a nation where its government is putting their citizens' needs at the forefront.

Image source:

Wealth inequality can also be categorised not just by countries (or the region of the world that you happen to reside in), but also by other standards of measure such as: gender, sector (public vs. private sectors), social classes, or by occupation/industry that you are in.

It is a widely known fact that women oftentimes get paid less than men, for the same job.

According to the WGEA (Workplace Gender Equality Agency - run by the Australian Government), as of November 2022, women's average weekly full-time earnings across all industries/occupations are $1653.60. In comparison, Australian men's average weekly full-time earnings are $1907.10.

This means in Australia, for every dollar on average that men earned, women earned only 87 cents ($253.50 less than men each week, which adds up to $13,182 over one year).

It is also quite interesting for us to observe, that people who are in fact the 'backbone' of your society - and by this We meant, those whose work contributions to society are critical/essential - were oftentimes paid so much less, than those whose work contributions were aimed to entertain the world.

Examples of Essential Workers:

Emergency service & Ambulance workers, Pharmacy workers, Nurses, Police officers, Teachers, Care providers (for the young, elderly & disabled), Transport/freight workers, Supermarket workers, Utility workers, etc.

We will simply leave it to you, to guess for yourself, the occupations that can be classified as providers of entertainment for the world.

And in a similar way, income inequality also exists within organisations/companies.

People who are the backbone of a company were oftentimes paid so much less, than its top-level leaders/CEOs. There is a huge income disparity between the two, polar-opposite roles (leading/management roles Vs. worker roles).

5th Primary Reason: Apathy (lack of interest, enthusiasm, love, or concern) & Hopelessness.

Let's use the following as an example.

It is quite a common knowledge that Africa is the poorest continent in the world.

Almost one out of every two people living in Africa, currently lives below the poverty line.

The top 10 poorest countries in the world for 2023 are all in Africa. These countries often suffer from civil wars, ethnic strifes, corruptions, severe climate conditions, poor infrastructure, and a weak rule of law.

The world currently has enough wealth and resources to ensure that the entire human race enjoys a decent standard of living.

And yet, citizens of these African countries continue to live in desperate or abject poverty.

Have you ever wondered why?

Why would the Human Collective (as a whole) continue to let this happen, rather than lend a kind, loving and generous hand, by providing permanent solutions that can help improve the lives of your fellowmen there?

Why aren't the world's governments uniting (in the spirit of love, kindness, generosity & compassion) to solve this problem once and for all?

Instead of using the taxes collected from their citizens for nefarious purposes such as war or other military purposes.

According to Statista, in 2022 the United States led the ranking of countries with the highest military spending of USD 877 billion. Followed by China, with USD 292 billion.

As the top 2 wealthiest nations in the world, if only they were willing to share a small percentage of their wealth on building goodwill with their fellow human beings, then the peace that many of you had been praying for, would come sooner, rather than later.

A lot of adults (collectively speaking) are often too busy: working, minding their own business (looking after their needs/the needs of their family members), protecting/expanding their own interests, or engaging in their hobbies/entertainment - to live life to the fullest.

And of course, there is nothing 'wrong' with this - it is a very natural thing for anyone to be/do.

However, it remains a fact that on a 3rd dimensional planet such as Earth, the vast majority of people are often living their lives with the attitude of ''let's just look out for ourselves''.

In other words, a lot of people are mostly interested in their own wellbeing, and not the wellbeing of others in the collective. Especially if those ''others'' are strangers who are geographically located far away from them.

Why should the significant challenges that African men & women face every day, be the main focus of people who live halfway across the world from them?

And of course, We know that not everyone possesses the same apathetic attitude - certainly not the majority of Our lightworkers.

Nevertheless, the pervasive and entrenched feeling, or the energy of hopelessness/numbness still exists, whenever people had had to face the difficult reality that confronts them now.

For example, it is easy for people to look at the poverty problem that many Africans are currently experiencing, and then think that there is nothing that they can (personally) do to make a real difference/to play a part in solving this problem.

And as more & more people think the same way, nothing gets done.

By changing nothing, nothing changes.

Many people were in the habit of looking away from uncomfortable truths - e.g. abject poverty is a fact of life in Africa. Many people had felt powerless to change anything.

Many could only hope that the situation (in Africa, or elsewhere) would improve/change by itself without needing their assistance/intervention - someday in the far away future.


After reading the five primary reasons for wealth inequality, you might want to meditate & look within.

To find out which reason(s) out of the five presented above, is/are perhaps relevant to you.

1) What false beliefs/programming do you still have, about money/wealth/abundance?

2) Are you holding on to anxiety or fear (of any kind) pertaining to money/wealth/abundance creation?

3) Are you in any way complacent (about the way that you'd been making money; about long-term wealth creation; about permanently attaining an abundance consciousness in ALL aspects of life), or, were you in the habit of placing the blame on God/the people around you, for the financial/health/other challenges that you had been facing?

4) Are you still holding on to separation consciousness, pertaining to money/wealth/abundance creation?

For example, are you still holding yourself 'separate' from love, 'separate' from the earthly energy of money (out of fear, past hurts, or any other reason) --> thus creating an energetic barrier/shield that then naturally prevents love/money from flowing into your life in greater quantities?

5) Have you grown somewhat apathetic to the struggles of your fellowmen?

Have you secretly given up hope that life on Earth will improve for you, and, for ALL?

Adele, you had asked the following question: ''Why is money so important in the creation of New Earth?".

We know that a lot of people here had watched The Matrix movie series (with Neo as the main character - played by Keanu Reeves). One of the most famous scenes from this series, is where Morpheus offered Neo the choice between a red pill & a blue pill.

Taking the blue pill will help Neo to go back to living in the Matrix's simulated reality.

Whilst the red pill serves as a location device, that will help Neo to locate his physical body in the real world, and, have it permanently unplugged from the Matrix.

After having gone through COVID-19 in recent years, many people are currently dealing with financial challenges such as rising mortgage rates; rising debts; rising inflation; rising rental prices.

In Australia for example, many people are facing a rental crisis at the moment - as affordable housing has become a thing of the past.

Forced with having to face these challenges, members of the Human Collective will be offered the same blue pill & red pill (by their Higher Self/Sacred Heart, or, by external circumstances).

Taking the blue pill is equivalent to them continuing to believe in the ''Great Lie''; the ''Great Fallacy of All Time''.

And what exactly is this Great Lie; Great Fallacy?

The 3D (lower vibrational) belief that you are just a powerless human being who has no real power to change your life; to change the world - for the better.

The 3D belief that you are a 'sinner', who had been cast out of the Garden of Eden by God (just like the story of Adam & Eve who were banished from Eden, as punishment for their sin).

And that's why there is a famous line out there that says: "Life is not meant to be easy''.

Humanity has been believing in this Great Lie/Fallacy for so long - for thousands of years - ever since the Fall of Man, to the lower vibrational frequencies of consciousness.

And for those who are choosing the red pill, they will be entering a time of the Great Awakening.

Just like all of you here had gone through in the past - with your own spiritual awakening.

The majority of people who have been following Adele's work here, are individuals whose 'great awakening' occurred more than 5 years ago.

All of you had been awakened first, to make the way, or to pave a path, so that many people can soon follow the trails that you, had made/are making now/will soon be making in the future.

You are the trailblazers; the pioneers; the trendsetters - of a new, higher dimensional way of living.

For those who are feeling called/ready to be of greater service, the time will soon be at hand, for you to share your knowledge/experiences on how you had done it; how you had managed to transform your life; how you had managed to permanently shift your consciousness from the lower vibrations of fear/lack/separation, to the higher vibrations of love/abundance/unity.

By taking the red pill, Neo soon came to understand and claim his true identity & power as "The One".

And likewise, by taking the red pill, these newly awakened souls will soon come to the realization of just how powerful they are.

They will also stop giving their personal power away, e.g. by believing in the lies/the lower vibrational programming/belief systems that had kept them small for years (especially pertaining to money, wealth and abundance).

Like Neo, they might not be able to instantly believe in their True Identity as ''The One'' who would save them, from... themselves.

They, just like you once were, might not be able to instantly believe in their Divine True Identity as God (in a human body).

However, we have no doubt that in time, as their own Ascension journey progresses to the phase where most of you here are at right now, they will naturally come to that inner knowing & understanding themselves.

And so in other words, money (just like COVID-19) is a powerful tool that will be used to awaken humanity.

It is a tool that serves just like an alarm clock; one that will loudly ''shake up'' humanity, and awaken them from their lengthy, deep slumber.

Money will turn out to be an immensely powerful tool that will help humanity to reclaim: their power of Creation (and co-creation with the Universe); their voices; their rights; their freedom; their Divinity & Sovereignty as the God Presence within.

The experience of lack of money, or perhaps a widespread shortage of resources, will force a lot of people to produce either the fight response (red pill), or flight response (blue pill) - in reaction to certain financial triggers that may be perceived as stressful, or frightening.

Many people will rise to the challenge & pass these abundance tests/roadblocks with flying colours.

They will do so simply by believing in themselves; by believing in a loving, supportive & benevolent God/Universe who loves them so much; by believing in their own personal power to create/manifest the life of their dreams & have a breakthrough, so they can leave all financial struggles behind.

Whilst others may need more time to: change/adapt, understand, learn, or accept the changes, or, to raise the vibrational level of their consciousness to love, abundance and unity.


Let's now move on to your next question Adele:

''Why is it that there are so many lightworkers out there who have had a difficult time in manifesting wealth, prosperity and financial freedom, when they are the type of people who would use that wealth for the betterment of society?

We had now explained the 5 primary reasons why people had had a hard time manifesting a life filled with wealth, prosperity and abundance of all kinds.

Those 5 main reasons for a life filled with lack/scarcity, are still present within the consciousness of many human beings - including the consciousness of Our awakened, spiritually mature lightworkers.

And now, We are going to talk about the specific challenges that only lightworkers face, pertaining to: money, wealth creation and attaining an abundance consciousness.

By now, many lightworkers have become very higher dimensional, in their ways of be-ing.

Your Sacred Heart; your mind, body and soul - EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE - are deeply tuned into the higher dimensions; the higher realms.

Many lightworkers are highly empathic, loving, kind, wise, generous, altruistic, patient and compassionate.

Many of you, had been/are so focused on helping to raise the vibrations of the Collective Consciousness to prepare for Ascension. And as such, money was often a secondary concern (i.e. money was never the primary objective for doing things/taking actions).

Many of you are natural-born healers, and you heal the people/world around you just with your presence alone (no words required).

Everywhere you go, you exude the vibrations of love, light, peace and grace - so naturally.

And people are often drawn to your healing energy; your nurturing aura.

The ways that you moved about life; the ways you made decisions; the gentle & wise ways you spoke; the ways you nourished your bodies/looked after yourself; the ways you chose to trust your instincts --> you had often been following Divine Cosmic Laws, and your True North (your extremely powerful guidance system; your inner calling), wherever you were.

You, loved ones, have now become role models of a higher dimensional human being.

Many of you here are Old Souls.

Many of you had come to a remembrance of what life on Earth is supposed to be like; what life is really like, in the higher dimensional societies that you had 'come from' (and still reside in).

You had come from the stars; from galactic civilizations with strong unity consciousness, to live your lives on Earth where the Collective Consciousness is (energetically) the complete polar opposite of what you were used to.

To say that your spiritual awakening had been a big shock to your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual body system - one that required you to be immersed in a lengthy awakening, adaptation and transformative period - is an understatement.

After having gone through such a powerful awakening, it had been very difficult for some of you here to believe in, grasp, or accept:

- the concept of 'survival of the fittest'.

- the concept of limitation, or competition (i.e. how you must always win/be the best, or #1 in everything).

- the concept of time in a 3D world (e.g. accepting the 3D programming that time is money).

- the concept of 'having to work to earn a living'.

- the concept of the 'rat race'.

- the concept of 'everyone is only out for themselves'.

All of the above 3D concepts are foreign & incompatible to your innate nature; to the True Self/God Self that you have become.

These 3D concepts are a complete nonsense to you now.

In other words, your entire lower bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) can no longer function in, nor accept, the third dimensional ways of: thinking, talking, believing, acting or behaving anymore.

Even your cells; your DNA had irrevocably changed - you can even check this yourself by using a powerful microscope (if you happen to have access to one).

If you happen to find a piece/strand of hair at home, that came from your past-self (5-10 years ago), you might find it enlightening, to do a cellular comparison of the 'before & after' your powerful inner transformation.

This fun exercise can give you a clearer picture that highlights the differences between your Old Self & your New Self.

It is time for your New Self, to come out and play.

It is time for you to try new things/play new roles; make new connections; pick up new habits; establish new daily routines; learn new skills, etc.

You may be totally surprised at how easily you'd pick up these ''new'' skills; how much you'd enjoy doing the things that, previously, you couldn't even imagine yourself doing.

Your New-higher dimensional version-of-Self is here, loved ones.

She/He is waiting for you to get to know them better; to let them ''take charge'' and transform your life in positive ways.

It is time for you to simply allow this New Self, to show you how easy it is to remain higher dimensional - no matter what.

Let him/her show you how to radiate peace & love (even when there is chaos around you); how to feel free & set yourself free; how to be/remain strong, courageous and fearless; how to set healthier boundaries; how to keep your lower bodies healthy; how to be your powerful, unlimited & unconstrained self (even when you continue to be surrounded by the many rules or restrictions that exist on a lower dimensional planet)

--> without you/your life going out of balance; without harming/sacrificing yourself in the process.

Let your New Self show you how easy it is to create and manifest ANYTHING you want, when the Sacred Heart (and not the human mind) is the one at the helm, LEADING the way moving forward.

We have explained the innate characteristics, or the higher dimensional nature of Our lightworkers.

We have also explained the energetic incompatibility that exists between: the higher-vibrational beliefs that Our lightworkers have, and, the lower- vibrational 3D beliefs about money/wealth/abundance that are rampant within the Human Collective.

And so, how can one integrate and merge these two, polar opposite levels of Money/Abundance Consciousness within oneself?

The answer is so obvious that a lot of people would overlook it.

Don't even bother trying to do it.

It simply cannot be done.

Do not put your focus on merging/integrating the two very different levels of consciousness.

Concentrate your focus instead on becoming the full embodiment of your Divine I AM Presence, in every moment of every day.

Have you ever tried mixing water and oil together?

Oil is less dense than water. It actually weighs less than an equal volume of water.

And when you mix the two together, the oil will float on the water.

The longer that you kept trying to mix oil and water together, the more frustrated you'd feel.

And the same principle also applies, for many lightworkers reading this message.

The New Self that you have now become, is a lot higher in vibrational frequency, than the person that you used to be.

Your body's energy field/overall aura will feel a lot lighter, and this can be easily picked up by anyone who is sensitive to Source Energy.

The New You; the higher vibrational Self that you have now become, simply cannot go back to the lower dimensional, habitual ways that you used to do things; the old ways that you'd used in the past, to create and manifest the things/connections/experiences that you had desired.

Simply put, the New You, can no longer create using the same methods that the Old You used to do.


Let us now give you the following fictitious scenario as an example.

Mr. A had been feeling unwell for the past 5 days. He had gone to consult a doctor, however the mysterious symptoms persist, and his doctor could not do much to help - for she had no clue what the problem was, without further testing.

Prior to his spiritual transformation, the older version of Mr. A would have felt quite anxious because of the symptoms that he'd been experiencing. He would have asked his doctor to refer him for as many medical tests as necessary, to get to the bottom of this unexplained illness.

And now, the new, higher dimensional version of Mr. A received strong inner knowing that came from his Divine Presence, that said medical testing was not necessary.

There was nothing terribly wrong with Mr. A's physical body.

The symptoms he had been experiencing were simply the body's reactions to adapt to, or integrate with, the strong influx of Ascension or Cosmic energies that had been occurring lately.

The new version of Mr. A went straight to the Master Healer; the all-knowing, omniscient God Self within, that has the answers or solutions to everything.

There is no dilemma/problem/challenge that is too big/complex to solve by the I AM That I AM.

With full trust and faith, Mr. A simply followed the directions/prescriptions that his I AM Presence had advised him to do - to feel better; to alleviate his painful/uncomfortable symptoms; to heal himself fully.

In other words, Mr. A successfully manifested the experience of his return to perfect health (in the least amount of time possible) because he had chosen to deeply trust in the advice given by the Presence within.

If Mr. A had chosen to do all the ''normal'' things that 3D individuals usually do, when dealing with sudden health challenges, many undesirable things could have happened instead (e.g. a longer recovery period, or expensive medical testing bills that he'd have to pay, or his doctor having no clue as to exactly what was wrong with him even after getting the test results, etc.).

And of course, in this scenario, if his Divine I AM had specifically instructed Mr. A to go see a doctor and get the medical tests (as they were deemed to be necessary), then following his inner guidance by taking this course of action is crucial. It would all be part of Mr. A's journey to full recovery/perfect health.


And in much the same way, one of the main reasons why many of Our higher dimensional lightworkers had had a difficult time manifesting the wealth, prosperity and true financial freedom that they wanted, was because they had been using the same old, 3D methods - used by their past versions of self.

For example, when faced with a sudden financial difficulty (such as the rising mortgage rates), they often tried to deal with the issue by immediately going for the more 'traditional' routes, such as:

They would perhaps look for & apply for new jobs that can give them a much higher pay.

  • They would decide to relocate to a new city/suburb with cheaper housing options.

  • They might ask their employers whether there were extra shifts they could pick up, to get a higher amount of pay. Sacrificing valuable times that were usually spent with their loved ones.

  • They would go to the bank to apply for a new home loan that had lower interest rate & fees.

  • They would sell their asset(s) or consolidate their debts.

Not that there is anything ''wrong'' with any of the above courses of action - determining the right/wrong is not the point that We are trying to make here.

A lightworker who has successfully attained a level of complete trust and faith in the Higher Self within, will become a powerful, unstoppable, and limitless Creator.

Such a person would create, by first doing the energetic work that was required.

He would be following the Divine Rule of Creation: 'As within, so without. As above, so below.'

by first aligning his vibrations/consciousness with what he wanted to experience/receive.

He would commune with his Higher Self, to get the guidance/clarity that he needed, to accelerate the physical manifestation of what he desired to have/experience (e.g. how to earn/receive more money to pay off his mortgage in the least amount of time possible).


Another thing that We wish to bring into your conscious awareness, is the fact that deep within the lightworker's psyche, there is a part of you that is so very used to having everything manifested instantly.

In the higher dimensions/realms where you have originated from, there is no time lag between your moment-of creation, and, your moment-of-manifestation.

Over there, you can become, experience, and enjoy everything, pretty much in 'the blink of an eye'.

However, on a lower dimensional planet such as Earth, such experiences can only be enjoyed by an Ascended Master --> which can be any human being who has been elevated in 'status' based on the attained high vibrational level of his/her consciousness.

A lot of lightworkers here also have a very strong inner knowing/remembrance of their true identity as an Ascended Master (in many of their incarnations as an Eternal Being), and/or as a powerful Cosmic Being

--> one who had gone incognito for the current life journey on Earth.

And as such, there is a part of you that keeps expecting for your manifestations to materialise immediately, or not long after your moment of focus/creation.

You have truly become a living & breathing 'Divine Dichotomy' in the human body.

(''Divine Dichotomy holds that it is possible for two apparently contradictory truths to exist simultaneously in the same space'' - Neale Donald Walsch)

By now, a lot of people here have come to know & believe without a doubt that they are very powerful beyond measure. And yet, their physical reality sometimes seemed to make a mockery of that strong belief/inner knowing.

Whenever your manifestations failed to materialise immediately, you could easily become bitterly disappointed.

Disappointment is the gap that exists between your expectations and your reality.

And if/when this kept happening, over and over again, one might become so frustrated and begin to doubt their Power of Creation; to doubt their Divine identity as the God Self within.

These doubts or frustrations would no doubt slow down your manifestations even more.

Furthermore, to make things ''worse'' (if viewed from one's lower perspective) oftentimes people here had had a strong feeling/inner knowing that stated:

ALL are in a state of Divine Perfection - always.

And as such, there was nothing that one was 'supposed' to do.

There was nothing that one 'needed' to: have, become, search, experience in life.

There was nothing that one must change or improve.

Everything is perfection - playing itself out on planet Earth.

You (and the people around you) are Divinely Perfect just as you/they are - right here, right now.

With such strong feelings of wholeness & inner peace within, how in the world can a lightworker create or manifest anything that they want?

This would be equivalent to: telling an immensely wealthy man to go out there and work hard for a living - when right now he already had everything that he wanted/needed to live a happy life.

Later on, We would give you the tips, guidance, advice and the clarity that you need (in Part 3), on how to speed up your manifestations - especially pertaining to money/financial freedom.


Let us now move on to your last set of questions Adele:

In this transitional time period where the world is changing from the old (3D) money system to the New Earth's (5D) no money-system, what vibrational set-point should all lightworkers have, in order for us to experience Financial Freedom right now, whilst at the same time, manifest a New World where one day, money is no longer needed and becomes obsolete?

How can we (as a society) move forward and evolve from where we are today (one with strong attachments to money) to become a society where money is no longer needed?

The answers to these questions are quite simple:

- Believe that you are deserving and capable of creating True & Complete Financial Freedom, right here right now.

- Believe that creating/manifesting financial freedom is a piece of cake, for you/for the God Self.

- Believe that financial freedom is your God-given right, that no one can withhold from you.

- Believe and know without a doubt, that as you become wealthier and more abundant, the people and world around you will surely benefit.

And to get started on your Financial Freedom momentum, I highly recommend that you repeat (with the feeling of accomplishment/victory) the above four statements (or other similar affirmations) in your mind, or out loud, as often as you can throughout the day, every single day.

Think of this daily commitment as the time/energetic investment that you need to make, to help you permanently attain a higher vibrational Money Consciousness.

Once you have experienced true financial freedom, you can use your wealth to support more people; to support more worthy causes that will make an amazing difference in the world - thus accelerating the creation & manifestation process of New Earth.

You can also share your knowledge & life experiences (gained from your journey to Financial Freedom) with the people/world around you, so that they too, can create their own experiences of freedom.

By that time, you will be feeling quite free to use your time for daily activities that are interesting & fulfilling; activities that will make you feel so happy to be alive; activities that you are passionate about - ones that will bring you great: love, joy, meaning and purpose.

After all, this is how ALL higher dimensional beings operate, in the higher realms.

Follow your inner guidance at all times, by taking inspired actions, whenever doors of opportunity happen to open up for you. One or more of those doors will no doubt lead you to the right path - the path that will pave your way to the experience of True Freedom that you have been seeking for.

And if/when you happen to encounter failures, in your journey to financial freedom, it is important for you to heed the lessons that came with it.

Think of failure simply as a tool, that gives you the guidance that you need, so that you would know what to do/what not to do, the next time when you try again.

Remember to always set your vibrations on the ''receiving-right now-mode'', and not on the ''seeking mode''.

Believe that with each passing year, you and the entire Human Collective, are getting closer and closer to the desired future that you have envisioned.

A future where money is no longer needed to obtain all goods and services.

A future where everything is shared equally with everyone, where everything is FREE.

A future where freedom, equality, and peace are experienced by ALL.

A future where every human being, every animal & plant and the planet Earth, are treated with the love, kindness, compassion, respect, and consideration that they truly deserve.

Your journey, and the Human Collective's journey to this wonderful future (where money doesn't exist), will have to unfold slowly but surely - step by step.

It is not advisable for you to skip ahead, by bypassing certain steppingstones, or by jumping ahead to do something that people/the world are not yet ready to accept/do.

Let's use your experience with the ''Fair Energy Exchange'' system as an example here, Adele.

Did you really think that the people/world around you were ready for such a system, when you first implemented it?


Well, they might not be ready, but I sure was!

I wanted to experiment that system, to see whether it would actually work.

St. Germain:

At the time Adele, you needed to learn to love and value yourself more.

What you had written (at the beginning of this message) about self-worth is certainly correct.

Remember loved ones, that you are the only ones who can determine your worth.

The system that you'd previously implemented Adele came from pure, heart-based motives - you only wanted to help the people who were interested in engaging your services.

Those who had plenty of money would usually offer you a decent price for your services.

And those who didn't have much money, could still offer you whatever amount that they could afford in that moment - and you would still consider/accept it.

However, there was one thing that you had forgotten back then.

The value of an object, or a service, is in the eye of the beholder.

Different people often have very different ideas on what is valuable, and what is not valuable.

A piece of antique furniture might mean nothing much to its owner who was selling it at a local auction house. However, for the people attending the auction (people who knew and understood the real value of this antique furniture) that item might be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Furthermore, there are people out there, who would have no compunction about exploiting the people around them.

These individuals were/are not interested in fairness nor equality.

Oftentimes, their primary goal was to maximise profits for themselves, and minimise all costs.

They wanted to pay as little as possible, whilst getting the most from the sellers/service providers (e.g. labour exploitation of workers in third world countries).

This is a 3D practice that is constantly happening right now, in many places around the world.

Faced with clients, customers, or suppliers that possessed such a lower vibrational money consciousness, people who had been operating a business system that is based on a higher vibrational money consciousness (such as yourself Adele), would sooner or later realize that they had been treated unfairly.

Sooner or later, service providers would find themselves often feeling exhausted, drained or burnt out.

Whilst sellers of products/goods would soon run out of resources necessary to run a profitable business.

Back then, a lot of people did not really understand what you were trying to do, Adele.

They were, and still are, quite used to paying whatever asking price that sellers/service providers had stated, for all goods and services.

There was rarely any need for buyers/clients to offer up a price, or to bargain/haggle, for the price of goods and services (unless if you were in places/locations where this was common practice).

And so, in other words Adele, you were too far ahead of your time.

In a world where you have to pay for everything; a world where the majority of goods/services are not free, you have to also adapt to this system and play along - in order to thrive & experience financial freedom for yourself.

Balance must exist.

Balance must be maintained - with the flow of energy staying/remaining constant (naturally flowing in and flowing out) - to prevent stagnant energies from happening, and, to prevent you from feeling stuck, drained or burned out.

The major, life-changing move from the current 3D money system, to the future 5D, no-money system, cannot happen overnight.

Step by step, many dominoes would have to fall first, before this new system can be introduced and then implemented.

We cannot act rashly; we cannot skip any steps.

We cannot offer humanity anything that (collectively & individually) you are not yet ready to receive.

Ascension is not a sprint, loved ones. It is a marathon.

And We, your higher dimensional friends, are the organizers of this 'marathon'.

We must make sure that every marathon participant feels safe, empowered, and supported, throughout their Ascension journey.

We cannot give each marathon participant, anything that they were not ready for - that would eventually hinder their evolutionary progress, as an embodied Soul on Earth.

We cannot give you (individually & collectively) anything that you believed:

you did not deserve to have, or, to be impossible to have or experience.

That's why at the moment, Our focus remains on raising the vibrations of your individual & collective consciousness, to much higher levels.

One day, your Individual & Collective vibrations will be so high - so much so that the need for money will naturally fade away.

By that time, the vast majority of people will likely be feeling so safe, abundant, supported and secure; so loved, happy and at peace; living as ONE with All That Is.

Keep envisioning that kind of future on New Earth, loved ones.

Your dreams; your visions will one day become a reality - as long as you keep the faith.

''All things are possible for one who believes" - Yeshua ben Yosef.

With all my love,

St. Germain

Chohan of the Violet Ray of Freedom & Transmutation.

(St. Germain's message on money & financial freedom will be continued in Part 3)


All rights reserved - Adele Arini, Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.


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