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Mastery of Divine Love ~ by the I AM Presence (4 December 2024).

"During the sacred moments whenever you walked the Earth as the I AM Presence, you fully recognized and embraced THE TRUTH of who you are in every sense.

You fearlessly embraced your limitless nature and refused to be bound by anything that did not align with higher wisdom of the Soul.

You knew your true worth and fully embraced your Soul power.

You gained a profound understanding of what it meant to be an eternal Light Being, temporarily dwelling within the human body.

You understood the importance of remaining neutral, having learned to lovingly embrace the duality that exists both within you & around you.

You refused to compromise your true Self for profit, conformity, popularity or any other reason.

Honesty, integrity and authenticity became your natural way of being.

You remained steadfast, refusing to settle for anything less than what you truly desire, anchored in unshakable self-trust and resting in the love that God/the Universe has for you.

You recognized that all life forms, frequencies, and levels of consciousness are infinite expressions of Divine Love.

Light and dark are merely two facets of the same whole, both representing the Divine.

You gained a deep understanding that your journey to God and full union with your Higher Self was uniquely yours, just as others had their own distinct paths.

And so, you ceased to judge.

You ceased insisting that there was only one path.

You ceased telling others that the path you were on was also the ''right'' path for them.

You flowed in the river of Divine Love - allowing ALL to be who they were, who they had chosen to be in that moment.

And every day, as you become more and more like your Higher Self, you move even closer to the full realization & complete embodiment of the following higher truths:

There is nothing you need, for you already have everything within.

There is no one that you need to be, other than your Self.

Simply be the LOVE that you have always been within and be it more fully.

It's time to realize that you never have to ''work hard'', to have/experience anything, or to be ‘’somebody’’.

When you are in full alignment with the Love that you are, and you're committed to always do what you love and to love what you do, work will feel like play - with time passing so quickly.

Once you have embodied those higher truths, you’ll find that you can easily release any worry, fear, anxiety, control, desperation or attachment to a specific way or timing, or, for a specific outcome or result.  

Why would you worry, when you know (beyond the shadow of doubt) that what you want is already yours?

Why would you feel desperate, when what you want is already within you, right here, right now?

With the absence of fear, worry, anxiety or desperation, you peacefully rest in absolute certainty and knowing that your I AM Presence (in collaboration with All-That-Is) is now bringing about the physical manifestation of anything that you wish to create or experience into your life - as long as it's already become part of your vibrations or consciousness.

And when you radiate boundless love in every direction wherever you are (holding nothing back), everything you love will naturally flow back to you with ease - seemingly without much effort.

This, dear ones, is the higher dimensional version of the Law of Attraction.

Remember, there are no shortcuts here.

You cannot fake your energetic frequencies, or the vibrations of your consciousness.

Your energy is your currency, consistently drawing to you only what already exists within you. 

The process of creation & manifestation is truly that simple.

The time has come for you to burn in the Fire of Love and reveal the splendor of the God Self within.

By shining unapologetically with the brilliance of your Divine Presence, you inspire and invite others to do the same.

And this is how fifth dimensional Earth will be created, dear ones.

It starts within, and it starts with you.”

Channeled by Adele Arini.

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