What is the 'I Am Taking Charge' program?
This program is meant for people who are committed to changing their lives for the better, even if they don't yet know how. It will assist you by first removing any old, stuck energy down to the cellular level, that has so far been blocking you from reaching your Highest Potential or from making your dreams a reality.
Has the 'little' voice of intuition (that you've been hearing so much from lately) been telling you that there is something better out there for you, but you just don't know what it is? Or have you perhaps been standing at a cross-road for a while, unable to move forward, paralyzed for fear of making the wrong decision? Or maybe, have you been helplessly trapped in an endless cycle of addiction (to substances, alcohol, or any negative behaviours) and been unable to break it?
If you are ready to change, for your life to change, then this program will get you there by breaking down all your limiting belief systems and replacing them with your Highest Truths. Truths about who you truly are: a beloved child of God with limitless potential.

Making the commitment to change is one of the toughest things you can do in life. It can be downright scary. I myself have recently experienced one of those major fork in the road moments where I had two options: to keep doing things the way I'd been doing them because it was all I knew, it was safer. Or, to follow the intuition and guidance given to me, no matter how scary they seemed to be. In the end I chose the road less travelled by taking a leap of faith and believing that God will not lead me to a path fraught with danger. That was the best decision of my life as I am now happier than I could remember of being in my entire life!
By simply continuing to read the information on this page, you are actually demonstrating to the Universe that you are serious about changing your life. It is time to make these empowering statements: 'Enough is enough, I am taking back full control of my life!' and 'I deserve to be, do and have whatever I want because I am worth it!'.
When making these positive changes please do not ever think that you are alone and unsupported. Even if there is no one in your life right now who can stay supportive of the changes you wish to make, please rest assured that help is only a thought or a prayer away.
How does the program work?
The I am taking Charge program starts off with a 1-hr Angel Reading session. During this session, we will discuss in detail what you are hoping to achieve by enrolling in this healing program. Your guardian angels will then arrange the healing sessions in the specific order that you need to have, so that you can maximise their healing benefits.
Each energy healing modality works on different levels of your being and should only be given to you at the perfect divine timing when you are ready to receive it. (Please read up on each healing modality in the FAQ for more information).
You will be getting a total of 6 hrs worth of healing treatments; at a weekly interval of 1 hr per session.
People think that I'm strong for the struggles I've had, problems I've encountered and pains I've felt.
But they are wrong.
Because I have a weak heart.
But behind me is a strong and all-loving God who unfailingly supports me in all that I do.
So, thank you God. Love you God.